Demonstration Projects component
aims to demonstrate how climate
forecasts may be utilized to change
or influence decisions in order to
mitigate climate risks in specific
locations. Activities under this
component include analyzing climate
variability and its impacts on
demonstration sites, identifying
decision cycles and practices in
climate- sensitive sectors to which
improved climate information may be
applied, and enabling institutions
to integrate climate information in
decision making.
Using participatory methods and
building on the results of the
documentation and analysis
undertaken under the ECE Program,
four locations were chosen as
demonstration sites. The two sites
in Indonesia represent different
agro-ecological zones – Nusa
Tenggara Timur is a dry land
agricultural system while Indramayu,
West Java is located at the tail-end
of the irrigation system. In the
Philippines, the two sites
demonstrate the application of
climate forecast in two different
sectors namely agricultural
management in Dumangas, Iloilo and
water resource management in Angat
Reservoir, Bulacan. National
capacities will be developed in
order to transfer the lessons
learned on managing climate
variability and extremes beyond to
other sites.