the Integrated Pest Management
School as a model, the Climate Field
School (CFS) was piloted in
Indramayu, Indonesia in 2003. With
the end goal of reducing the damages
caused by droughts and floods
through the use of seasonal
forecasts, the CFS consists of a
three-step process: 1) training of
agricultural extension specialists
at the district level to understand
and translate climate information
into potential impacts and prepare
response options; train trainers at
the sub-district level; and assist
in refining CFS modules; 2) training
of agriculture extension workers at
the sub-district level to
communicate climate information in
the farmers' language, disseminate
adaptive farming practices, conduct
dialogue with farmers, facilitate
farmers' application of seasonal
climate forecast in farming
decisions, and assist in refining
CFS modules; and 3) dialogue with
farmers over two planting seasons.
Click here to read more about the
pilot implementation of CFS in