
August 2006 Issue No 23
Skills for effective Trainers (3-7 July), Mae
Hon Song, Bangkok
ADPC provided a series of training to
Community-Based Organizations (CBO), that are
assisting internationally displaced persons in
northern Thailand. The training was to enhance
the CBO’s institutional capacities by
strengthening their organizational, operational
and financial knowledge and skills. ADPC’s
Public Health in Emergencies and the Office of
the Executice Director's teams facilitated the
training sessions in partnership with the
International Rescue Committee (IRC), Bangkok.
Flood Emergency Management Strengthening (FEMS),
Cambodia & Vietnam (4-27 July)
Under the FEMS, activities include training in
Damage and Needs Assessment (DANA) and the
Community Based Flood Management (CBFM) in
partnership with National Committee on Disaster
Management (NCDM)-Cambodia. DANA trainings are
to strengthen the capacity of disaster
management authorities at commune, district and
provincial level in collecting and managing
flood loss and damage data and information in an
accurate and reliable manner, to improve the
capacity in making rapid analysis/assessment
information for emergency response/relief
operation during flood and for recovery and
rehabilitation after floods and to raise
awareness of the importance of preparedness
activity for loss and damage assessment,
particularly during a pre-flood period. Expected
outcomes are capable in accurately and reliably
collecting, analyzing and assessing loss and
damage data for emergency response/relief
operation during flood and for recovery and
rehabilitation after floods.
The CBFM trainings aims to strengthen the
preparedness planning capacity of disaster
management authorities at district and commune
level in coping with floods through training on
CBFM with an expected outcome to enhance
knowledge on flood management is improved and
their capacity in flood preparedness. The
training is in partnership with National
Committee on Disaster Management (NCDM)-Cambodia,
Provincial Red Cross Chapters and Department of
Hydrology and River Works.
The training schedules in Cambodia are as
4-5 July: DANA, Lovea Em district, Kandal
6-7 July: DANA, Peam Chor district, Prey Veng
12-14 July: CBFM, Sithor Kandal district, Prey
Veng Province
18-20 July: CBFM, Leuk Dek district, Kandal
24-25 July: DANA, Sithor Kandal district, Prey
Veng Province
27-28 July: DANA, Leuk Dek district, Kandal
The training schedules in Vietnam are as
10-12 July: Emergency Kindergarten Management
Training in Tan Hong district of Dong Thap
12-14 July: Search & Rescue Training in Chau
Thanh district of An Giang province
24-27 July: Search & Rescue Training in Thanh
Binh district of Dong Thap province
Distance Education Course (10-14 July)
Under the Capacity building in Asia using
Information Technology Application (CASITA II)
project, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS)-India
is conducting the distance education course on
Awareness on Geoinformatics for Disaster
Management at country level with support from
National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM),
ADPC and ITC-The Netherlands. A video conference
with ADPC faculty is scheduled on 14 July.
The CASITA II project in collaboration with
International Institute for Geo-Information
Science and Earth Observation-ITC, The
Netherlands and Bonn University, Germany,
promotes research and develop a postgraduate
program in the field of GIS/RS applications in
natural hazard and risk assessment in several
universities in Asia. The project will also
develop a distance education course at ADPC to
help practitioners aspiring to advance the
knowledge and skills in application of modern
disaster mitigation tools and also advocate
increased collaboration between European and
Asian academic institutions for joint academic
programs, courses and distance education using
modern IT&C techniques.
Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction for Cities (EVRC),
Pakistan (10-12 July)
ADPC’s Training Resources Group and the Urban
Disaster Risk Management team are facilitating
the EVRC course with funding support from
Citizen Foundation, Pakistan.
Financial Management Planning course
ADPC’s Training Resources Group is organizing
the Financial Management Planning course for
Myanmar Migrant Workers with funding support
from International Rescue Committee (IRC) on the
following dates & locations:
? 12-14 July in Mae Sai
? 19-21 July in Mae Hong Son
Mason Training course (13-15 July)
ADPC’s Training Resources Group and the Urban
Disaster Risk Management team are facilitating
the Mason Training course in Muzaffarabad,
Pakistan in partnership with the Citizen
Foundation, Karachi.
CBDRM curriculum adaptation workshop, Vietnam
(16-17 July)
Canadian Center for International Studies &
Cooperation (CECI), Vietnam is organizing a
CBDRM curriculum adaptation workshop. The
workshop is an activity under the Urban Disaster
Risk Management project, “Program for
Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE)”.
Course on Community Based Disaster Risk
Management, Bangkok (17-28 July)
ADPC’s Training Resources Group is conducting
the 14th Regional Course on Community Based
Disaster Risk Management.
Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System:
Workshop on improving community response to
warning, Yangon (17-18 July)
Mr. A.R. Subbiah, Director, Climate Risk
Management (CRM) team with senior technical
experts from ADPC’s CRM, Disaster Management
Systems (DMS) team and Community-based Disaster
Risk Management (CBDRM) team will be in Yangon,
Myanmar to facilitate a national workshop on
risk communication. With the broad goal of
improving community response to warning, this
workshop is being organized by the Department of
Meteorology and Hydrology in collaboration with
ADPC and with funding support from the UN
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).
It will bring together stakeholders involved in
communicating disaster risks. The workshop will
work towards 1) describing the status of
communicating risks for enhancing disaster
prevention, mitigation, and preparedness and 2)
identifying constraints and needs of
institutions involved in communicating risks and
recommend a set of actions, including a risk
communication strategy.
Mine Risk Education, Mae Hong Son, Thailand
(19-21 July)
ADPC is organizing a training programme to
disseminate the warning information related to
dangers of land mines located near the
Thailand-Burma border in Mae Hong Sin for
students living in risk areas. The programme in
partnership with UNICEF is planned for
approximately 130 participants from 11 schools
at Namtok Mae Surin National Park, Mae Hong Son,
north of Thailand.
Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System: ADPC
facilitate Second Tsunami Alert Rapid
Notification System (TARNS) workshop, Hua Hin,
Thailand (25-27 July)
Senior technical expert from ADPC’s Climate Risk
Management (CRM) team will represent ADPC in
facilitating the Second Tsunami Alert Rapid
Notification (TARNS) workshop in Hua Hin,
Thailand under the US Indian Ocean Tsunami
Warning System (IOTWS) program. While the first
TARNS workshop in May 2006 focused on system
design, the upcoming workshop will focus on
communications technology and methodology. The
upcoming workshop is designed to be a venue for
the US and Thailand to share experiences and
lessons learned in setting up and making
communications systems operational for warning
dissemination and in collaborating with the
media for effective warning dissemination. A
collaborative undertaking amongst the US Forest
Service (USFS), US National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and Thailand
National Disaster Warning Center (NDWC), the
workshop expects to produce preliminary action
plan for TARNS enhancement in Thailand and a
media toolkit for disaster management.
Report Writing Course (27-28 July)
ADPC’s Training Resources Group is organizing
and facilitating the Report Writing course for
Myanmar Migrant Workers that was funded by
International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Mae Sot.

Forthcoming Activities
Workshop on Damage and Loss
Estimation for Recovery Planning (9-11 August)
Under the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV)-The
SNV project, a workshop on Damage and Loss
Estimation for Recovery Planning is planned in
collaboration with the State Government of Tamil
Nadu, India.
Community workshop Philippines
(9-13 August)
Mr. NMSI Arambepola, Director of ADPC’s Urban
Disaster Risk Management team is scheduled to
participate in the community workshop in Dagupan
city, Philippines. Discussion on course
development and Training on Governance and DRM
is also planned.
Meeting with partners Dr.
Gonzales University of Philippines, National
Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS) and
National Disaster Coordinating Council, Office
of Civil Defence (NDCC/OCD)
under the Asian Program for Regional Capacity
Enhancement for Landslide Impact Mitigation
(RECLAIM) project is also planned. |