
July 2006
Issue No 22
Memorandum of Understanding between ADPC and WHO
Regional Offices of WPRO & SEARO, Bangkok,
Thailand (23 June)
An MOU was signed between ADPC and WHO through
its WHO Regional Office for Southeast Asia (WHO
SEARO) and WHO Regional Office for Western
Pacific (WHO WPRO) on the Public Health and
Emergency Management in Asia and the Pacific (PHEMAP)
programme to strengthen national capacities for
managing health risks of emergencies in the WHO
Southeast and Western Pacific regions.
The MOU aims to:
enhance the knowledge, skills and
attitudes of health human resources at national,
sub-national and community level by offering a
range of training course and capacity building
promote and facilitate regional
collaboration and national coordination in
health emergency management through the
development and implementation of formal and
informal networks and other activities;
contribute to capacity building in other
regions and countries by offering PHEMAP
Regional Consultation on Emergency Preparedness
and Response:
From Lessons to Action, Bali, Indonesia (27-29
Mr. Jonathan Abrahams, Team Leader of ADPC’s
Public Health in Emergencies (PHE) team attended
the regional consultation meeting to review the
current activities in tsunami-affected and
non-tsunami-affected countries. Specifically,
the consultation meeting focused on multi-sectoral/agency
coordination, community empowerment and capacity
building. Discussions led to the evaluations
conducted on tsunami response and recovery
activities, preparedness and response for other
emergencies, further steps to take lessons to
action for rehabilitation efforts and capacity
building-a view of stakeholders and finally,
strategy for intensified capacity building for
emergency preparedness and response based on
benchmarks. The regional consultation was in
partnership with WHO Regional Office for
Southeast Asia.
Business Contingency Plan for Pandemic Avian
Bangkok, Thailand (29 June)
ADPC’s Public Health in Emergencies (PHE) team
attended the one-day meeting on Business Plan
for Pandemic Avian Influenza in Bangkok. The
objective of the meeting was to stimulate Thai
business sector to prepare contingency plan to
deal with crisis, especially pandemic avian
influenza. The meeting discussed minimizing
possible expected social and economy damages and
suggestions for business sector to continue
operation even in severe pandemic situations.
The organizers of the meeting were Thailand
Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS),
APEC Business Advisory Council, Ministry of
Public Health and WHO.
Coastal Risk Analysis of Tsunami and
Environmental Remediation
Bangkok (30 June)
ADPC was invited to be a member of the working
group of the Department of Disaster Prevention
and Mitigation’s (DDPM) new project, “Tsunami
Evaluation System and Tsunami Warning System in
Thailand”. The scope of the DDPM project is very
similar to ADPC’s Disaster Management Systems (DMS)
team’s Coastal Risk Analysis of Tsunamis and
Environmental Remediation (CRATER) project,
therefore, the DMS team was invited to present
the outcomes of the CRATER.
Adapting to Climate Variability and Climate
Change: Flood forecast
products now available through CFAB 2 project,
Bangladesh (2-11 July)
With the availability of flood forecast products
for Bangladesh through the Flood Forecast
Technology for Disaster Preparedness in
Bangladesh (also known as CFAB II), a senior
technical expert from ADPC's Climate Risk
Management team was on a mission to Dhaka and
other flood-prone districts to ensure that these
products are available to various institutions.
The CFAB discharge forecasts for two locations (Hardinge
Bridge and Bahadurabad) will be incorporated
into a flood forecast model currently used by
the Flood Forecasting and Warning Center of
Bangladesh, Water Development Board. The flood
forecasts for key locations within Bangladesh
will be made available to the stakeholders from
3 July 2006. CFAB II is implemented with funding
support from the USAID mission in Bangladesh and
During the visit, pilot locations for the
project were also selected, site profiling
activities was conducted, and finalization of
memorandum of understanding with Bangladeshi
institutions, who expressed interest in
collaborating with ADPC in implementing this
project was also undertaken. The technical
expert will also present the activities under
CFAB II in the Disaster and Emergency Response (DER)
group meeting on 5 July at the UN Common
Conference Room, IDB Bhaban, Dhaka. The meeting
will be attended by representatives from
government agencies and several international
and nongovernmental organizations.
Adapting to Climate Variability and Climate
Change: Enhancing Community Resilience to
Natural Disasters in Southeast Asia, Vietnam
(6-11 July)
A delegation from ADPC, led by A.R. Subbiah,
Director of ADPC's Climate Risk Management (CRM)
team was on a mission to Hanoi and Quang Tri,
Vietnam to initiate start-up activities under
the DANIDA-funded “Enhancing Community
Resilience to Natural Disasters in Southeast
Asia” project. Activities during the mission
included 1) discussion of project implementation
plan for 2006-2007 and the corresponding work
plan; 2) constitution of working groups for the
project at the national and local levels; and 3)
preparation of local level implementation plan
for Quang Tri-the project pilot site-with
provincial, district, and commune authorities.
Delegation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Royal Thai Government visit ADPC (6 July)
A high-level delegation from the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Royal Thai Government
visited the ADPC office. ADPC warmly welcomed
Mr. Sihasak Phuangketkeow, Deputy Permanent
Secretary, Dr. Krit Kraichitti,
Director-General, Dr. Kriangsak Kittichaisaree,
Director-General, Mr. Peerasak Chantavarin,
Deputy Director-General, Miss Angsana Sihapitak,
Director, Mr Sethapan Krajangwongs, Counsellor
and Miss Mattanee Kaewpanya. They were given an
overview on “Establishing End-to-End Tsunami
Early Warning System within a Multi-Hazard
Framework in Indian Ocean and South East Asia”.
They were also briefed on over-all ADPC
programs, projects and activities.
Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning system:
Developing Coastal Community Resilience
Guidebook, USA (11-17 July)
Working as Program Integrator for the US Indian
Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS) program, a
senior representative from ADPC's Climate Risk
Management team will represent ADPC in the
Coastal Community Resilience (CCR) meeting on
CCR Guidebook Development in Hawaii, USA. With
the broad goal of agreeing on the elements of
coastal resilience and ways of implementing CCR
initiatives in the near future, the meeting is
expected to result in the development of content
materials and toolbox for the first draft of the
CCR Guidebook. In addition, the meeting agenda
includes planning for future national-level
activities for getting feedback on the draft CCR
Guidebook. The preliminary CCR guidebook will be
shared with the regional and national level
experts and partners for comments in late August
this year.
Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System: 10
countries to participate in ADPC-facilitated
regional early warning meeting, Bangkok (12-14
ADPC, in partnership with the Royal Thai
Government, and with support from the Danish
International Development Agency, US Agency for
International Development, and the UN
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction,
will convene a meeting on “Regional Cooperation
on Early Warning for Preparedness and Mitigation
of Natural Hazards.” The meeting will bring
together the 10 countries that committed to
participate in the ADPC-facilitated regional
multi-hazard early warning arrangement namely
Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Maldives,
Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and
Environmental Recovery Program (12-13 July)
ADPC conducted a session on Mainstreaming
Disaster Risk Reduction into Environmental
Management under UNEP’s “Environmental Recovery
Program to support Environmental Information for
Early Warning” in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and
Jakarta, Indonesia.
Adapting to Climate Variability and Climate
Change: Projects to demonstrate livelihood
adaptation to climate change, Bangladesh (15 -19
A senior technical expert from ADPC's Climate
Risk Management team will be in Dhaka and
Rajshahi, Bangladesh to visit the demonstration
sites under the Livelihood Adaptation to Climate
Change project and to identify additional
adaptation options for field demonstrations
during the next season. The field demonstration
activities are being implemented by CRM in
partnership with the UN Food and Agriculture
Organization and Bangladesh’s Department of
Agricultural Extension.
Adapting to Climate Variability and Climate
Change: Documentation of community-based flood
forecasting system, Philippines (17-21 July)
A senior technical expert from ADPC's Climate
Risk Management team and Anthony Lucero, a
meteorologist from PAGASA-the Philippine
national meteorological agency will be on
mission to Dumangas, Iloilo, Philippines to
document the processes and mechanisms involved
in setting up the community-based flood
forecasting system in the municipality. Dumangas
has been an important ADPC partner since 1998
and is one of the pilot demonstration sites for
the ongoing USAID-Office of Foreign Disaster
Assistance-funded “Climate Forecast Applications
for Disaster Mitigation” program. The team will
also meet Iloilo’s Provincial Agricultural
Officer to give him a briefing of the Climate
Field School program that has been pilot tested
in three sub-districts in Indramayu District,
West Java, Indonesia in 2003 and replicated in
other sites. Their mission will wrap up by
visiting the neighboring province of Antique to
collect rainfall data, which will be used for
PAGASA’s tool development activities under the
CFA program.
Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System:
Exchange students
from USA visit ADPC (17-18 July)
A senior representative from ADPC's Climate Risk
Management team will give a presentation about
the US IOTWS program to 25 students from the
United States who will be visiting Thailand
under the Partnership for Youth (P4Y) in
Building Disaster Resilient Communities-an
international exchange program for US and Thai
students. The Partnership for Youth Program will
bring U.S. and Thai high school students
together to form a Blue Ribbon Panel that will
study the role of youth in building
disaster-resilient communities. The students
will meet with US and Thai experts in disaster
preparedness and relief as well as government
officials and civic leaders responsible for
disaster management to examine best practices
and to explore comparative governance, civic
participation, and accountability in disaster
response and management. P4Y is a collaborative
undertaking of the East West Center, Hawaii, PDC,
and Civic Mosaic program. It is being supported
by the U.S. State Department as part of its
Linking Individuals, Knowledge, and Culture
ADPC signs MoU with NECTEC, Bangkok (21 July)
ADPC will sign an MoU with the National
Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC),
Thailand Science Park that will be followed by a
press conference. Among other activities, the
Emergency and Education Communication Vehicle
Project (E2CV) will be highlighted.
Landslide/Flashflood Study, Thailand (20-23
Mr. NMSI Arambepola, Director of ADPC’s Urban
Disaster Risk Management will lead a team from
UDRM to Mae Hong Son province to study the
impacts of the landslide and flash floods.
Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System:
ADPC to participate in the development of
Tsunami Institute (25 July)
As Program Integrator for the US IOTWS program,
Mr. A.R. Subbiah, Director with a senior
technical expert of ADPC's Climate Risk
Management (CRM) will represent ADPC for the
development of the Tsunami Institute meeting.
The meeting will discuss the curriculum for
training professionals who will be involved in
running a tsunami early warning system.
Preliminary course works cover an array of
topics including tide gauge management, tsunami,
DART platform management, and inundation
modeling. US National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) and the Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT) will participate in the
Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System: ADPC
to coordinate national-level Coastal Community
Resilience activities in India and Sri Lanka
A senior technical expert of ADPC's Climate Risk
Management (CRM) team will be on mission to
Tamil Nadu, India and Colombo and Southern Sri
Lanka in late July and mid-August, respectively
to coordinate national level activities in
connection with the Coastal Community Resilience
(CCR) project under the US Indian Ocean Tsunami
Warning System program (IOTWS). During the
mission, he will develop dialogue with local
stakeholders and conduct planning of country
activities under the CCR project. Preparatory
activities for upcoming national workshops and
collaborations with local stakeholders will also
be carried out. In India, the CCR program is
being undertaken in coordination with the United
Nations Development Programme, the Government of
Tamil Nadu and the US Agency for International
Development mission in Chennai. Mr. A.R. Subbiah
is expected to participate in the mission to
India. In Sri Lanka, Indra Ranasinghe, the US
IOTWS national coordinator for Sri Lanka, will
assist in this mission. Significant
collaboration for CCR activities will be made
with the UNDP Sri Lanka, Disaster Management
Center, and other partners.
Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System: ADPC
to assess disaster risk management policy and
institutional framework, Sri Lanka (6-12 August)
A senior technical expert of ADPC's Climate Risk
Management (CRM) team will be on mission to Sri
Lanka in order to conduct an assessment of Sri
Lanka’s disaster risk management policy and
institutional framework. The assessment is
expected to identify gaps and possible
interventions through the US Indian Ocean
Tsunami Warning System program (IOTWS) program.
This activity follows the secondary review of
existing resources on Sri Lankan policies and
institutional arrangements, which is being
conducted between 3-31 July, and will be based

Forthcoming Activities
Workshop on Damage and Loss
Estimation for Recovery Planning (9-11 August)
Under the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV)-The
SNV project, a workshop on Damage and Loss
Estimation for Recovery Planning is planned in
collaboration with the State Government of Tamil
Nadu, India.
Community workshop Philippines
(9-13 August)
Mr. NMSI Arambepola, Director of ADPC’s Urban
Disaster Risk Management team is scheduled to
participate in the community workshop in Dagupan
city, Philippines. Discussion on course
development and Training on Governance and DRM
is also planned.
Meeting with partners Dr.
Gonzales University of Philippines, National
Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS) and
National Disaster Coordinating Council, Office
of Civil Defence (NDCC/OCD)
under the Asian Program for Regional Capacity
Enhancement for Landslide Impact Mitigation
(RECLAIM) project is also planned.