
September 2006 Issue No 24
Community Self -Reliance and Flood Risk Reduction,
Cambodia (21-31 Aug)
this ADB funded Technical Assistance on
Community Self Reliance and Flood Risk
Reduction, ADPC, through its Disaster Management
System (DMS) team, have conducted the following
Consultative Workshop for discussing the
Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR)
Strategy and its various components (21
August)-A consultative Workshop was organized to
receive feedback from various agencies working
on disaster risk reduction at the community
level on the Community Based Disaster Risk
Reduction Strategy developed under the ADB TA on
Community Self Reliance and Flood Risk
Reduction. The workshop was attended by various
stakeholders, including representatives from
Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology,
National Committee for Disaster Management, and
various NGOs. The components of the strategy
document were presented separately, with working
group sessions for receiving feedback. The CBDRR
Strategy in English language was distributed,
along with key sections translated into Khmer
language. The CBDRR Strategy comprises the
- Community Hazard Vulnerability and needs in
the context of disasters
- Proposed shared approach for ensuring
community participation in Disaster Risk
Reduction (including ensuring full engagement
with and participation of women)
- Menu of Options for community based disaster
risk reduction (including activities addressing
women’s needs in disasters)
- Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into
Commune Development Planning processes
CBDRR Training Program (29-31 Aug) – A three day
training program was conducted for the staff of
the Church World Service (CWS) and Chamroen
Chiet Khmer (CCK). These two NGOs have been
identified to carry out the implementation of
the TA pilot project. The training also included
participants from Provincial Department of Water
Resources of four provinces, as well as
participants from the Provincial and District
Disaster Management committees from the places
where the CWS and CCK would be implementing the
pilot projects. Following the training received
from ADPC on the CBDRR, the two NGOs, CWS and
CCK would be starting their implementation of
the pilot project.
Workshop on Disaster Risk Management and GIS, Pakistan
(4-8 Sep)
Under the Program for Hydro-Meteorological
Disaster Mitigation in Secondary Cities in Asia
(PROMISE), ADPC in collaboration with the Aga
Khan Planning and Business Services, Pakistan (AKPBSP)
organized a 5-day workshop on disaster
management using geographic information systems
(GIS) for mapping vulnerability and hazard
assessment. The workshop participants were staff
members of AKPBSP. This is part of the
capability building activity for PROMISE project
Needs Assessment workshop, Bangladesh (5-8 Sep)
ADPC through its Urban Disaster Risk Management
(UDRM) team coordinated a needs assessment
workshop for relevant stakeholders of the
Program for Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE)
Bangladesh project. An ADPC senior technical
expert also held consultative meeting between
the Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Center (BDPC)
and CARE Bangladesh on collaborative activities
in Chittagong, the PROMISE demonstration city.
Use of
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Management,
Pakistan (5-9 Sep)
ADPC through its Training Resources Group (TRG),
conducted a one week training course on the “Use
of GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster
Management” in Karachi. The course was conducted
for the Aga Khan Public Building Services
Program (AKPBSP), a recent UN HABITAT award
recipient, under the ADPC Urban Disaster Risk
Management (UDRM) Program for
Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE) project.
Climate Risk Management: Stakeholder training workshop in
Quang Tri province, Vietnam (11-22 Sep)
A senior technical expert from ADPC working in
the Climate Risk Management (CRM) team and a
consultant will be on mission to Hanoi and Quang
Tri province to carry out activities under the
Climate Forecast Applications for Disaster
Mitigation in Vietnam (CFA) project. They will
conduct assessment of local institutional
structures, climate vulnerability, decision
cycles, and training needs assessment for
climate forecast applications in Quang Tri.
A two day- stakeholder training workshop on “Climate Forecast
Applications for Disaster Preparedness” will
also be organized in Quang Tri on 18-19
September. The workshop will be attended by
representatives from various technical
departments at Quang Tri including scientific
management, science and technology, agriculture,
hydro-meteorology, storm mitigation and dike
management, marine affairs, and environment. The
CFA project in Vietnam aims at strengthening the
national and local level disaster management
committees. The project is being undertaken in
collaboration with Vietnam’s National
Hydro-meteorological Services, Science and
Technology Department, and relevant District
Storm and Flood Control Committees.
Regional Early Warning Program: ADPC to lead national
workshops on Coastal Community Resilience,
Indonesia and Sri Lanka (Sep-Oct)
As the Program Integrator for the US Indian
Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS), ADPC,
through the Climate Risk Management (CRM) team
will lead national workshops on coastal
community resilience (CCR) in Jakarta, Indonesia
and Colombo, Sri Lanka on 12-13 September, and
in the second week of October, respectively. The
national workshops will be carried out to
develop CCR guidelines and to provide a platform
for constant consultation and dialogue amongst
national partners for building resilience to
coastal hazards, including tsunamis. During the
workshops, the draft CCR handbook will be shared
with national partners for feedback. A senior
social scientist from ADPC will facilitate the
national level CCR workshops in these countries.
The development of national platforms for CCR in
various parts of Indonesia and Sri Lanka is one
of the key objectives of the ongoing CCR
Flood Emergency Management Strengthening (FEMS) under the
MRC’s Flood Management and Mitigation Program,
Cambodia and Vietnam (Sep-Oct)
Under the Flood Emergency Management
Strengthening project implemented by Disaster
Management Systems (DMS) team of ADPC in
collaboration with Mekong River Commission and
GTZ, will assist in organizing the following
• District level workshops in Cambodia-Two
workshops titled "Orientation Workshop for
Teachers" (in the 3 week of September) targeting
at teachers and educators for dissemination of
information on flood risk reduction at the
community level would be conducted in Cambodia.
The workshops are to be organized in
collaboration with district Department of
Education and Department of Health as well as
provincial and district committees on disaster
• Provincial level workshops in Cambodia-Two
workshops titled "Development of district action
plan to meet the special needs of Women-headed
Households" (on 13 and 15 September) would be
conducted for the provincial and district
Department of Women's Affairs in four target
districts (Lovea Em, Leuk Dek districts of
Kandal province and SIthor Kandal and Peam Chor
districts of Prey Veng)
• Provincial workshops in Vietnam-Two workshops
on “Review of Flood Risk Reduction Activities in
FEMS” in An Giang and Dong Thap Provinces will
be conducted on 21 and 22 September respectively
to present the status and lessons learnt of the
FEMS priority activities in the country. The
workshop will also review and identify the
linkages between such priority activities and
the existing storm and flood control plans at
the provincial and district levels as well as
the future activities for the coming months,
which include trans-boundary province to
province flood emergency management and the
regional and national lessons learnt workshops
to be organized in the early 2007.
• National experience sharing workshops are
scheduled to be held in Cambodia and Vietnam in
mid October 2006.
Coastal Risk Analysis of Tsunamis and
Environmental Remediation (CRATER), Thailand
Under the Coastal Risk Analysis of Tsunamis and
Environmental Remediation project implemented by
the ADPC Disaster Management Systems (DMS) team
in collaboration with and supported by the
Italian Ministry for the Environment and
Territory are scheduled to organize two
workshops, in Bangkok and the southern province
of Phuket:
• CRATER Workshop in Bangkok-to present the
final outputs (numerical models, vulnerability
and risk, evacuation plan, guidelines for
reconstruction) of the project to officials from
the government, academic institutions and NGOs.
The workshop is scheduled for 18- 19 September.
• CRATER workshop in Phuket-to present outputs
of the project to local authorities and NGOs.
The workshop is scheduled for 21 September.
Regional Early Warning Program: National stakeholder
workshop on Communicating Disaster Risks,
Colombo (21-22 Sep)
A delegation from ADPC, led by A.R. Subbiah,
Director of ADPC's Climate Risk Management (CRM)
team will be in Colombo, Sri Lanka to facilitate
a national workshop on risk communication. With
the broad goal of improving community response
to warning, this workshop is being organized by
the Department of Meteorology in collaboration
with ADPC and with funding support from the UN
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).
It will bring together key stakeholders involved
in communicating disaster risks. The workshop
will work towards 1) describing the status of
communicating risks for enhancing disaster
prevention, mitigation, and preparedness, and 2)
identifying constraints and needs of
institutions involved in communicating risks and
recommend a set of actions, including a risk
communication strategy.
ADPC announces the first International Training workshop
on Health Care Facility Emergency Preparedness
and Response to Epidemics (HCF-HEPREP-1),
Bangkok, Thailand (26–29 Sep)
ADPC in partnership with the World Health
Organization (WHO), who is also providing the
funding support, is organizing the first
International Training Course on Health Care
Facility Emergency Preparedness and Response to
Epidemics (HCF-HEPREP-1). The aim of the
training workshop being organized by ADPC’s
Public Health in Emergencies (PHE) team is to
enhance emergency preparedness planning capacity
of health care facilities to effectively prepare
and respond to communicable disease emergencies
using the model of pandemic influenza. The
participants in the workshop are senior level
medical doctors and managers of health care
facilities and public health managers from the
national Ministry of Public Health and
sub-national health authorities. Besides the
resource people from WHO and ADPC, more than 30
participants from Bhutan, Philippines, Thailand
and Vietnam will be involved in the workshop.
Through this workshop the participants will be able to use the
emergency planning process to develop
comprehensive HCF emergency plan; apply the
planning process and adopt plans for other
communicable diseases; and identify the concrete
next steps to be implemented in their HCF.
PROMISE Regional Course on Governance and Disaster Risk
Reduction, Manila, Philippines (25-30 Sep)
ADPC’s program for Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities in Asia
(PROMISE), being implemented by the Urban
Disaster Risk Management (UDRM) team, will hold
a regional course in Manila. This international
course is designed to develop local government
professionals sensitive to issues presented by
recurrent hydro-meteorological hazards. The
course will cover such topics as urban
governance and risk management, vulnerability
reduction, and mainstreaming risk reduction as a
component of governance. There are five country
partners and five demonstration cities and in
this program: Aga Khan Planning and Building
Services, Pakistan (AKPBS,P) with Hyderabad City
Government in Pakistan; Bangladesh Disaster
Preparedness Center (BDPC) with Chittagong City
Corporation in Bangladesh; Sarvodaya Shramadana
Movement (Sarvodaya) with the Kalutara Municipal
Council in Sri Lanka; Center for International
Studies and Cooperation (CECI) with Da Nang City
Government in Viet Nam; and Center for Disaster
Preparedness (CDP) with Dagupan City Government
in the Philippines. Other invited guests come
from organizations that are targeted to adopt
the courses developed in this regional course,
for integration into their existing training
programs on local governance. PROMISE is funded
and supported by the US Agency for International
Development - Office of US Foreign Disaster
Assistance (USAID-OFDA).
Training on Community-based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM),
(2- 8
ADPC, through its Training Resources Group (TRG)
will conduct a one week course on
Community-based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM)
in Tajikstan to respond to the country’s needs.
A senior technical expert from the TRG will be
responsible for running the CBDRM course. |
Dear Readers,
On 28 August 2006 ADPC received the
first installment of US$ 48,588 from a
total amount of US$ 323,902 from the UN-ESCAP
administered Tsunami Regional Trust
Fund, established by the Royal Thai
Government with US$10 million seed money
in September 2005. These funds, the
first to be awarded, will be used to
install critical components of the
ADPC-facilitated ‘Tsunami and
Multi-Hazard Early Warning System in
Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean’ in
Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam.
Four Sea-level Stations, employed to
detect and measure anomalous tidal
movements, such as those created by
tsunami waves, will be established in
these three countries by ADPC in
collaboration with the University of
Hawaii Sea Level Center and the
respective national agencies. The data
from these stations, transmitted in real
time via satellite uplinks through the
UNESCO/IOC Global Sea-Level Observation
System (GLOSS) framework, will greatly
enhance existing capacities for
assessing tsunami waves and
disseminating tsunami warnings across
the region from international and
national tsunami watch providers. Under
a UNDP-Thailand funded programme ADPC
has already established two Sea-Level
Stations in the southern coastal waters
of Thailand.
The ADPC-facilitated Early-Warning
System is in the first stage of
implementation across 10 countries
following the endorsement of Bangladesh,
Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, the Maldives,
Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka,
Thailand and Vietnam.
On that note, I invite you to peruse the
chronological list of ADPC news and
activities for the month of September.
Dr. Suvit Yodmani
Executive Director
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center |
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Ms. Gabrielle Iglesias from ADPC’s Urban
Disaster Risk Management (UDRM) team,
received a “Best Paper Presentation
Award” as the 2nd best paper in the
recently-held Map Asia 2006 Conference
at Bangkok. The title of the paper is
“GIS and E-Government Initiatives in
Four Philippine Cities”. The conference
is the 5th Annual International
Conference and Exhibition on Geographic
Information Technology and Applications,
organized by the magazine GIS
Development. For more information,
please visit
http://www.adpc.net |
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