
September 2006 Issue No 24
ADPC participates at the ASEAN Committee on
Disaster Management (ACDM), Yogyakarta,
Indonesia (31 Aug-1 Sep)
ADPC, represented by the Director of the
Disaster Management Systems (DMS) team, Mr. Loy
Rego participated at the 7th meeting of the
ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM).
The ACDM focal points and country delegations,
partners of ACDM and members of the ASEAN
secretariat participated in the two-day meeting
on lessons learned from the Emergency Response
of ACDM members to the Jogjakarta earthquake,
followed by a field visit to the earthquake
affected areas of Yogjakarta. The meeting saw
discussions on implementation of the ASEAN
Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency
Response (AADMER), planning for the ASEAN
Regional Disaster Emergency Response Simulation
Exercise, updates on ACDM Collaborations etc.
ADPC reported on its ongoing support and future
proposal for collaboration in implementation of
a priority sub project of the ASEAN Regional
Program of Disaster Management.
MOU signed between ADPC the Government of Sri
Lanka, Bangkok (4 Sep)
The Government of Sri Lanka and the Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) signed a
Memorandum of Understanding on Regional
Cooperation on Multi-Hazard Early Warning
Arrangements, Preparedness and Mitigation of
Natural Hazards, including Tsunamis for South
East Asia and the Indian Ocean at a ceremony in
Bangkok, Thailand. The MOU was signed by Mr. P.D
Amarasinghe, Secretary of the Ministry of
Disaster Management and Human Rights, Government
of Sri Lanka and Dr. Suvit Yodmani, Executive
Director of ADPC.
The ceremony, organised in collaboration with
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Thai
Government, as host country to a regional early
warning node for Tsunami and other hazards, was
marked by the presence of Hon. Mahinda
Samarasinghe, Minister for Disaster Management
and Human Rights, Sri Lanka, Ambassador Sihasak
Phuangketkeow, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Thai
Government, H.E. Mr. J.D.A. Wijewardena,
Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Thailand, Mr. P.D
Amarasinghe, Secretary of the Ministry of
Disaster Management and Human Rights, Government
of Sri Lanka, Mr. GHP Dharmaratne, Director
General of Department of Meteorology, Government
of Sri Lanka, Dr. Suvit Yodmani, Executive
Director, ADPC and Mr. A.R. Subbiah, Director of
ADPC's Climate Risk Management (CRM) team.
Climate Risk Management: Flood Forecast
Technology for Disaster Preparedness, Bangladesh
(1-10 Sep)
ADPC sent a senior technical expert from the
Climate Risk Management (CRM) team on a mission
to Dhaka, Bangladesh to carry out activities
under the Flood Forecast Technology for Disaster
Preparedness in Bangladesh, also known as
Climate Forecast Applications in Bangladesh.
Activities during the first mission included
site profiling, signing of memorandum of
agreement with the Bangladesh Water Development
Board (BWDB) and Department of Agricultural
Extension (DAE), and finalization of the
Livelihood Adaptation for Climate Change report.
A follow-up mission will be carried out from
23-30 September in order to conduct research for
a technical report on forecast product
development and evaluation that ADPC will put
together with national partners.
Conference on Geoinformation Technology,
Pakistan (2-4 Sep)
ADPC represented by a manager of the Training
Resources Group participated at the “Use of
Geoinformation Technology in Disaster
Management” conference in Islamabad. The event
was organized by the National University of
Science and Technology, Islamabad.
Regional Early Warning Program: ADPC to conduct
Disaster Management Policy and Institutional
Analysis, Thailand (4-8 Sep)
ADPC sent a technical expert from the Climate
Risk Management team to conduct the second round
of interviews with key agencies involved in
disaster management in Thailand, including the
Department of Mineral Resources, Thai Red Cross,
Department of Public Works and Town and Country
Planning. This activity was part of the
three-country institutional and policy
assessment that is aimed at informing disaster
management policies and supporting the
operations of national disaster management
organizations. The results of the study will be
presented at a regional disaster management
workshop, to be organized in the near future.
Regional Early Warning Program: ADPC to assist
Indonesia to assess Disaster Risk Management
Policy and Institutional Framework, Indonesia
(11-15 Sep)
ADPC through technical experts of the Climate
Risk Management team and a consultant are
conducting an assessment of Indonesia’s disaster
risk management policy and institutional
framework. The assessment is expected to
identify gaps and possible interventions through
the US Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS)
program. This activity follows the secondary
review of existing resources on Indonesian
policies and institutional arrangements, which
was conducted between 3-31 July, and will be
based on a design framework developed by ADPC in
collaboration with a consultant for the US IOTWS
program. The US IOTWS program is funded by USAID
and is contracted to Tetra Tech Co. and the
International Research Group, with assistance
and collaboration from ADPC.
Regional Early Warning Program: ADPC to assess
status of observational network and numerical
weather prediction, Vietnam (17-23 Sep)
Under the Enhancing Community Resilience to
Natural Disasters in Southeast Asia” project,
supported directly by the Danish Government,
ADPC will assess the national and
provincial-level meteorological observational
network and the status of numerical weather
prediction system in Vietnam. Technical experts
from the Climate Risk Management (CRM) team will
also conduct assessments to determine ADPC’s
role in improving the capacity of Vietnam to do
severe weather forecasting.
PROMISE Annual Working Group Meeting, Manila,
Philippines (2-4 Oct)
ADPC’s Program for Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE)
will have its annual Working Group Meeting (WGM)
in Manila. The meeting will cover the status,
implementation, and monitoring of PROMISE, and
will have planning workshops for the second year
of the program. Representatives from the five
country partners and from the five demonstration
cities will present status reports on hazard and
(participatory) vulnerability assessments
conducted so far. Other invited guests will
provide technical support to country partners.
The US Agency for International Development (USAID)
country representatives for the five
demonstration sites will also attend the WGM.
PROMISE, supported by the office of Foreign
Disaster Assistance (OFDA), USAID, is being
implemented by ADPC’s Urban Disaster Risk
Management (UDRM) team, which is organizing the
WGM in the Philippines, one of the five program
countries (Bangladesh, Pakistan, the
Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam).
Regional Early Warning Program: ADPC to lead
Coastal Community Resilience Pilot Assessment in
Tamil Nadu, India, (Oct)
ADPC through its Climate Risk Management (CRM)
team will design and coordinate community-level
Coastal Community Resilience (CCR) pilot
assessment in selected pilot sites in India, one
of the five participating countries. The field
assessment plan has been coordinated with the
Government of Tamil Nadu and discussed with
various agencies working in the state. This
initiative aims to provide a deeper
understanding of the overall baseline condition,
the status of community resilience, the last
mile communication gaps at the community level,
and other elements of community resilience. The
CCR generic framework and assessment tool that
has been developed under the US Indian Ocean
Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS) program,
supported by USAID will be incorporated in this
exercise. Results are expected to contribute to
the overall adoption and planning initiative of
the Government of Tamil Nadu that intends to
build sustainable community resilience against
major coastal hazards, including tsunami.
Dear Readers,
On 28 August 2006 ADPC received the
first installment of US$ 48,588 from a
total amount of US$ 323,902 from the UN-ESCAP
administered Tsunami Regional Trust
Fund, established by the Royal Thai
Government with US$10 million seed money
in September 2005. These funds, the
first to be awarded, will be used to
install critical components of the
ADPC-facilitated ‘Tsunami and
Multi-Hazard Early Warning System in
Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean’ in
Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam.
Four Sea-level Stations, employed to
detect and measure anomalous tidal
movements, such as those created by
tsunami waves, will be established in
these three countries by ADPC in
collaboration with the University of
Hawaii Sea Level Center and the
respective national agencies. The data
from these stations, transmitted in real
time via satellite uplinks through the
UNESCO/IOC Global Sea-Level Observation
System (GLOSS) framework, will greatly
enhance existing capacities for
assessing tsunami waves and
disseminating tsunami warnings across
the region from international and
national tsunami watch providers. Under
a UNDP-Thailand funded programme ADPC
has already established two Sea-Level
Stations in the southern coastal waters
of Thailand.
The ADPC-facilitated Early-Warning
System is in the first stage of
implementation across 10 countries
following the endorsement of Bangladesh,
Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, the Maldives,
Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka,
Thailand and Vietnam.
On that note, I invite you to peruse the
chronological list of ADPC news and
activities for the month of September.
Dr. Suvit Yodmani
Executive Director
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center |
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Ms. Gabrielle Iglesias from ADPC’s Urban
Disaster Risk Management (UDRM) team,
received a “Best Paper Presentation
Award” as the 2nd best paper in the
recently-held Map Asia 2006 Conference
at Bangkok. The title of the paper is
“GIS and E-Government Initiatives in
Four Philippine Cities”. The conference
is the 5th Annual International
Conference and Exhibition on Geographic
Information Technology and Applications,
organized by the magazine GIS
Development. For more information,
please visit
http://www.adpc.net |
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