
October 2006 Issue No 25
ASEAN Regional Disaster Emergency Response
Simulation Exercise (ARDEX), Tak Mau City,
Kandal Province, 27-28 September, Cambodia
ADPC’S Disaster
Management Systems (DMS) team participated in
the ASEAN regional disaster emergency simulation
exercise (ARDEX) in Tak Mau City, Kandal
Province, Cambodia. The exercise was organized
by the ASEAN Disaster Management Committee (ACDM),
in collaboration with the National Committee on
Disaster Management (NCDM). In addition, ADPC is
also sponsoring five officials from Vietnam–one
from DDMFSC, Vietnam and two each from the An
Giang and Dong Thap Provinces to participate in
this exercise under the Flood Emergency Flood
Strengthening (FEMS) project. The objective of
this exercise was to provide guidance to the
ASEAN and its partners to operationalize policy
framework on disaster management and emergency
Regional Early Warning System Program: ADPC to
facilitate Sri Lanka national workshop on
coastal community resilience, 9-10 October,
ADPC was on mission to Colombo to facilitate a
Coastal Community Resilience (CCR) workshop. The
workshop made participants aware of the CCR
initiative under the US Indian Ocean Tsunami
Early Warning System (IOTWS) program, establish
a network for future CCR outreach activities,
and get a feedback on the CCR guidebook which is
being developed by USAID, ADPC (Program
Integrator), and others. Over 40 government and
non-government agencies working in the field of
disaster management and coastal management
participated in the workshop, including the
Ministry of Disaster Management and Human
Rights, Disaster Management Center, Coast
Conservation Department, IUCN, International
Federation of the Red Cross, UNDP, various USAID
projects, and others.
Community Based Emergency Response Course, 13-20
October, Phuket
Two batches of Community Based Emergency
Response Course (C-BERC) will be delivered in
Phuket. The course in collaboration with
Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
(DDPM), Bangkok and ADPC will train search and
rescue community committee members in Phuket,
Phang Nga and Krabi. As part of disaster risk
management, this activity is going to be the
next step of the UNDP-EWSP Project to develop
and improve basic skills in saving life.
Regional Early Warning System Program: ADPC to
facilitate planning meeting for third Tsunami
Alert Rapid Notification System (TARNS)
workshop, 23-25 October, Bangkok
ADPC will facilitate the planning meeting for
the third Tsunami Alert Rapid Notification
System (TARNS) workshop at the National Disaster
Warning Center in Thailand. The objective of the
meeting is to prepare simulation scenarios for
the actual workshop in January 2007. The meeting
will be attended by several agencies including
the US Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, and National Oceanic Atmospheric
Administration, Thailand Department of Disaster
Prevention and Mitigation.
Regional Course on Earthquake & Tsunami
Vulnerability Reduction, 24 Oct- 6 Nov 2006,
A regional course on Earthquake & Tsunami
Vulnerability Reduction focusing on the use of
Spatial Geodata (EVRC-6) will be held in Bangkok
in partnership with ITC, Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT), ADPC, UNDP and United Nations
University (UNU). 40 participants (20 ITC
alumni, 6 with UNDP scholarships, 6 with UNU
Scholarships, 8 Thai-paying) are expected to
attend the workshop.
CASITA workshop, 4-5 November, Bangkok
Final workshop of the Capacity Building in Asia
using Information Technology Applications in
Disaster Management (CASITA) Phase 2 Project
will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. The final
workshop is being jointly organized by the
International Institute for Geo-Information
Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Enschede,
The Netherlands and the Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center, Thailand. The activity is
being implemented under the project CASITA Phase
2 with funding support from the European Union (EU)
and the Government of The Netherlands.
During the workshop, the outputs of CASITA 2
project will be shared with the wider CASITA
network universities and institutions
established in the first phase of the project.
The core project team and selected universities
will review the outcome of the project. The
participating universities will review the
progress made during CASITA 2.
In addition to the presentation of the project
outputs (course materials and outcome of
research studies), the following will be
presented and discussed during the final
• Lessons learned from the activity
• Effectiveness of distance education program
• Strategies for sustainability
Regional Early Warning System Program: ADPC and
US agencies to conduct series of training on
applying Incident Command System (ICS) in
disaster response (October-November)
ADPC in partnership with the US Department of
Agriculture and US Forecast Service will conduct
a series of trainings for Sri Lankan officials
on applying the Incident Command System (ICS) in
disaster response. The trainings are targeted to
units of the bureaucracy whose operations will
benefit from ICS application. The schedule of
the training are as follows:
ICS Planning Section Units Leader Course
16-20 October 2006
Heritance Ahungalle, Hikkaduwa
ICS Planning Section Chief
25-27 October 2006
Taj Samudra, Colombo
ICS Finance/ Administrative Section Chief Course
7-8 November 2006
Hilton Hotel, Colombo
ICS Logistics Section Chief Course
7-8 November 2006
Hilton Hotel, Colombo
Flood Emergency Management Strengthening (FEMS)
Project (19-24 October)
Under the Flood Emergency Management
Strengthening project implemented by Disaster
Management Systems (DMS) team of ADPC in
collaboration with Mekong River Commission and
GTZ, the following activities are planned for
this period:
National Experience Sharing Workshop in Phnom
Penh on 19 October, and in Hanoi on 24 October.
The objectives of the workshops are as follows:
• To update the national line agencies and other
partners on the overall achievements of
implementation since the start of the project
• To discuss and share with the national line
agencies the experiences gained from the project
implementation, particularly in the flood
preparedness program development and its ground
implementation through priority sub-project
during the flood season 2006
• To seek guidance and suggestions on future
activities in the remaining period of FEMS
The participants of the workshop are:
• The National Mekong Committees
• Representatives from Flood Management &
Mitigation Program (FMMP) of MRCS
• Cambodia and Vietnam National Disaster
Management offices
• Provincial Disaster Management committees of
target provinces and districts
• Line agencies who have been involved in the
FEMS project implementation (e.g., Education,
Health, Water Resources Management, Military
• National Red Cross Societies in Cambodia and
Vietnam and IFRC
• International organisations and Civil Society
Organisations (UNDP , WFP , WHO , UNICEF ,
Oxfam-GB , Care , Save the Children , and GTZ
Country Office)
ADPC Executive Director, Dr.
Suvit Yodmani is appointed the Minister of
Tourism and Sports, in the Royal Thai Government
Dr. Suvit Yodmani, the
Executive Director of the Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center has stepped aside from his
current position, after being honored with an
invitation by the Royal Thai Government to join
the new interim administration’s cabinet as the
Minister of Tourism and Sports. Dr. Suvit will
assume the position of Senior Advisor during his
time with the Royal Thai Government. ADPC
welcomes Dr. Bhichit Rattakul as Acting
Executive Director for the coming year, after
which Dr. Suvit will return to ADPC as the
Executive Director in 2007.
Bhichit Rattakul has over 20 years of experience
in policy and management directing posts and is
a former Governor of Bangkok. For the past year
he has been the Senior Advisor to ADPC and has
been coordinating the UNDP and World Bank
supported disaster preparedness programmes in
Thailand. Dr. Bhichit completed his
undergraduate studies at Chulalongkorn
University and his Master’s and Doctorate at
Brigham Young University, Utah, USA.


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