
October 2006 Issue No 25
MoU signed for Public Health in Complex
Emergencies Partnership, September
The Public Health and Complex Emergencies (PHCE)
Partnership has been formalized by the signing
of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the
five partner organizations which are committed
to building the capacity of the humanitarian
community to respond more effectively to the
health needs of refugees and internally
displaced persons around the world. The PHCE
Partners are Makerere University Institute of
Public Health, Uganda; Faculty of Health
Sciences, American University of Beirut,
Lebanon; Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
(ADPC), Thailand; World Education , Inc. (WEI)
based in USA; and the International Rescue
Committee (IRC) also based in USA.. The members
of the PHCE Partnership work together to develop
and deliver high quality training programs for
humanitarian workers worldwide, especially in
Africa, Middle East and Asia. The MoU outlines
the terms of cooperation for the PHCE
Partnership, such as PHCE course administration
& implementation, joint development of funding
proposals, curriculum review, regional and
global promotion of PHCE courses, and
PROMISE country coordinator’s meeting, 1
October, Manila
ADPC’s Program for Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE)
held a PROMISE country coordinator's meeting for
discussion on programmatic reporting (project
finance, reporting, project management and
administrative procedures) and Monitoring &
Evaluation in Manila. Representatives of all
program partners from five program countries
(Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri
Lanka and Vietnam) attended the meeting.
PROMISE, funded by the office of Foreign
Disaster Assistance (OFDA), USAID, is being
implemented by ADPC’s Urban Disaster Risk
Management (UDRM) team.
First PROMISE annual working group meeting, 2-4
October, Manila
ADPC’s Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Mitigation
in Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE) program
had its annual Working Group Meeting (WGM) in
Manila. The meeting covered the status,
implementation, and monitoring of PROMISE, and
had planning workshops for the second year of
the program. Representatives from the five
country partners and from the five demonstration
cities presented status reports on hazard and
(participatory) vulnerability assessments
conducted so far. Other invited guests provided
technical support to country partners. The US
Agency for International Development (USAID),
country representatives from the five
demonstration sites also attended the WGM.
PROMISE, supported by the office of Foreign
Disaster Assistance (OFDA), USAID, is being
implemented by ADPC’s Urban Disaster Risk
Management (UDRM) team, which organized the WGM
in the Philippines, one of the five program
countries (Bangladesh, Pakistan, the
Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam).
Regional Early Warning System Program: ADPC
assess disaster risk management policy and
institutional framework, 2-13 October, Indonesia
ADPC is on mission to Indonesia to conduct an
assessment of Indonesia’s disaster risk
management policy and institutional framework.
The assessment will identify gaps and possible
interventions through the US Indian Ocean
Tsunami Warning System program (US IOTWS)
program. This activity follows the secondary
review of existing resources on policies and
institutional arrangements in Indonesia, Sri
Lanka, and Thailand and is based on a framework
developed by ADPC in collaboration with USAID.
The results of the study will be shared with
relevant national authorities.
CCOP-ADPC-NGI planning meeting for preparation
of proposal on tsunami risk assessment and
4-5 October, Bangkok
ADPC, the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience
Programs in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP), and
the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)
convened a meeting to detail the proposal on
Tsunami Risk Assessment and Mitigation-Phase 2,
for submission to the Royal Norwegian Embassy.
The meeting was attended by delegates from
Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.
The project proposal is a follow-on to the
project, implemented by CCOP, NGI, and
Thailand's Department of Mineral Resources in
2005 on tsunami risk reduction measures with
focus on land use and rehabilitation.
ADPC signed MOU on Comprehensive Disaster
Management Plan (CDMP), 6 October, Bangkok
ADPC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
with the Bangladesh delegation including
representatives of the Ministry of Food and
Disaster Management under the Comprehensive
Disaster Management Plan (CDMP) in the presence
of H.E Mr. Shahed Akhtar, Ambassador of
Bangladesh to Thailand.
The RECLAIM agreement, 6 October, Bangkok
The signing of the agreement for implementation
of the Regional Capacity Enhancement for
Landslide Impact Mitigation (RECLAIM) phase II
between the Government of Norway, represented by
H.E. Mrs. Merete Fjeld Brattested, Ambassador
Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary, The Royal
Norwegian Embassy and Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center represented by Dr. Suvit
Yodmani, Executive Director took place at The
Royal Norwegian Embassy, Bangkok.
ADPC developed the Asian Program for RECLAIM in
collaboration with the Norwegian Geo-technical
Institute (NGI) to promote dialogue between
decision makers and professionals on the
theoretical and practical aspects and to promote
practices of landslide hazard mitigation in
target countries. It is expected that the
“at-risk” communities living in landslide hazard
prone areas will certainly benefit from these
program activities, which are designed to be
implemented over three-years involving national
partners from Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Nepal,
Philippines, Thailand and Sri Lanka.
Regional Early Warning System Program:
Ambassadors meeting on the establishment of the
End-to-End Multi-Hazard Early Warning System in
the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, 9 October,
ADPC convened a meeting of Ambassadors of
Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Maldives,
Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and
Vietnam as a follow-on to the meeting of early
warning national focal points of these countries
on regional cooperation on multi-hazard early
warning, held in July 2006 in Bangkok. The
meeting sought guidance for the implementation
of the regional program approved by national
focal points in the July 2006 meeting; sought
policy support for the recommendations of the
July meeting, especially to obtain funding
support from the UN Regional Tsunami Trust Fund
for phase 1 program implementation; and request
Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to
provide periodic program status reports to
UNESCO/IOC and the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO).
Climate Risk Management: ADPC to conduct
exploratory mission to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for
new initiatives on climate risk management,
10-15 October, Mongolia
ADPC is on mission to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia to
explore the possibility of undertaking a climate
risk management initiative. ADPC experts will
participate in a series of presentations and
meetings with International Relations and
Cooperation Division and National Emergency
Management Agency in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. A
background document and a project proposal will
be developed based on the mission findings and
feedback from the partners. This is a mission to
expand ADPC’s activities to disaster-prone
countries of Asia. ADPC is currently
implementing climate forecast application
project in Bangladesh, the Philippines,
Indonesia, and Vietnam.
Regional Early Warning System Program: ADPC
convenes local working group, 10-17 October,
ADPC will be on mission to Phnom Penh and
Sihanoukville, Cambodia to convene the local
working group on the project titled “Enhancing
Community Resilience to Natural Disasters.” The
terms of reference of the working group and the
project work plan will be discussed and
finalized with stakeholders at the meeting. ADPC
will also conduct site visits to do a profiling
of Sihanoukville, the pilot province for this
project. During the mission, a pilot site at the
commune level will also be selected.
Climate Risk Management: ADPC conducts workshop
under the Flood Forecast Technology for Disaster
Preparedness project, 15-25 October, Bangladesh
Under the Flood Forecast Technology for Disaster
Preparedness in Bangladesh (also known as
Climate Forecast Applications in Bangladesh II),
ADPC will conduct a mission in Dhaka, Bangladesh
in order to verify the flood forecasts issued
through the project and to finalize arrangements
for the forthcoming project workshop on 5-7
November 2006. A follow up visit will be made on
4-10 November 2006 to organize the project
workshop and to visit the project pilot sites.
The Department of Agriculture Extension,
Bangladesh Water Development Board, Disaster
Management Bureau, Institute of Water Modeling,
Center for Environmental and Geographic
Information Services and CARE Bangladesh are the
partners in this project. During the first
mission, demonstration sites for the joint ADPC-FAO
project entitled “Livelihood Adaptation to
Climate Change” will also be visited to evaluate
the impacts of adaptation practices.
CBDRM course for Tajikistan, 16 - 22 October
ADPC’s Training Resource Group (TRG) will
facilitate the Community-based Disaster Risk
Management course in Garno, Tajikistan. The
course is being organized in partnership with
Focus Humanitarian Assistance, Tajikistan.
Regional Early Warning System Program: ADPC to
conduct assessment and documentation activities
related to coastal community resilience, 19-24
October, Tamil Nadu
ADPC will be on mission to Tamil Nadu, India to
conduct assessment and documentation activities
related to coastal community resilience. The
expected outcomes of this mission include 1) a
review and documentation of institutional
arrangements, current status, gaps, and
challenges in implementing coastal zone
regulations; 2) documentation of the extent of
integration of disaster preparedness and
mitigation in ongoing developmental programs;
and 3) identification of key areas which should
be considered in designing the Coastal Community
Resilience (CCR) project under the US Indian
Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System (IOTWS)
program. During the mission, institutional
arrangements for implementing the CCR project
will also be established at state and district
levels. The Revenue Administration, Disaster
Management and Mitigation Department of the
Government of Tamil Nadu are the primary
partners in this project.
Regional Early Warning System Program: ADPC to
facilitate planning meeting for third Tsunami
Alert Rapid Notification System (TARNS)
workshop, 23-25 October, Thailand
ADPC will facilitate the planning meeting for
the third Tsunami Alert Rapid Notification
System (TARNS) workshop at the National Disaster
Warning Center in Thailand. The objective of the
meeting is to prepare simulation scenarios for
the actual workshop in January 2007. The meeting
will be attended by several agencies including
the US Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, and National Oceanic Atmospheric
Administration, Thailand Department of Disaster
Prevention and Mitigation.
Regional Early Warning System Program: Technical
experts meeting to detail the regional research
support to national meteorological and
hydrological services on severe weather
forecasting, 24-28 October, Bangkok
Technical experts from Indian Institute of
Technology - Delhi and ADPC will meet in Bangkok
to detail the work plan to establish the
regional research center in severe weather
forecasting at ADPC. This meeting is a follow-on
to the meeting of early warning national focal
points of Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Lao PDR,
Maldives, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, and Vietnam on regional cooperation on
multi-hazard early warning, held in July 2006 in
Bangkok. The regional research support in severe
weather forecasting, initially supported by
DANIDA, aims at increasing the confidence of
severe weather forecasts and enhancing lead
Climate Risk Management: ADPC to conduct Climate
Forecast Applications project,
25 October-3 November, Vietnam
Under the Climate Forecast Applications (CFA)
project, ADPC will visit Hanoi and Quang Tri
province in Vietnam to conduct the following
activities: 1) identify constraints and
opportunities in the generation of downscaled
climate information; 2) document existing
forecast products and on-going research in
targeted provinces, districts, and communes; 3)
understand the relevance of forecast information
for decision making; and 4) document decision
calendars. The primary partners in this project
are the National Hydromet Service, Quang Tri
Department of Science and Technology, and
District Storm and Flood Control Committee. The
CFA project in Vietnam is supported by the US
National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration.
Community Self -Reliance and Flood Risk
Reduction, Cambodia (ADB TA)
The ADB funded Technical Assistance on Community
Self Reliance and Flood Risk Reduction,
implemented by the Disaster Management System (DMS)
team of ADPC along with the Department of
Hydrology and River Work, Ministry of Water
Resources and Meteorology, Cambodia, is
currently in its second phase, where two
selected NGOs in Cambodia namely Church World
Service (CWS) and Chamroen Chiet Khmer (CCK) are
implementing a pilot project of 9 months
duration starting from July 2006.CWS is
implementing the pilot project in 9 villages in
2 districts of Svay Rieng Province and CCK is
implementing the project in 7 villages in 2
districts of Takeo Province. The NGOs will be
carrying out community-based flood preparedness
and mitigation works in selected villages using
the Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction
Strategy developed by ADPC in the first phase of
the project. Regular field visits would be
undertaken by the project team of ADPC to
monitor and evaluate the progress of pilot
projects. A tripartite meeting between Ministry
of Water Resources and Meteorology, Cambodia,
Asian Development Bank and ADPC is being
scheduled for mid of October to review the
progress of the project and decide on the future
strategies for the sustainability of the work
initiated under the TA.
6th General Assembly of the Asian Seismological
Commission and Symposium, 7-10 November, Bangkok
The sixth General Assembly of the Asian
Seismological Commission and Symposium on
Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Preparedness and
Mitigation in joint collaboration with Asian
Seismological Commission (ASC), Thai
Meteorological Department (TMD), National
Earthquake Committee of Thailand (NECT),
Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) and ADPC
will be held in Bangkok.
ADPC Executive Director, Dr.
Suvit Yodmani is appointed the Minister of
Tourism and Sports, in the Royal Thai Government
Dr. Suvit Yodmani, the
Executive Director of the Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center has stepped aside from his
current position, after being honored with an
invitation by the Royal Thai Government to join
the new interim administration’s cabinet as the
Minister of Tourism and Sports. Dr. Suvit will
assume the position of Senior Advisor during his
time with the Royal Thai Government. ADPC
welcomes Dr. Bhichit Rattakul as Acting
Executive Director for the coming year, after
which Dr. Suvit will return to ADPC as the
Executive Director in 2007.
Bhichit Rattakul has over 20 years of experience
in policy and management directing posts and is
a former Governor of Bangkok. For the past year
he has been the Senior Advisor to ADPC and has
been coordinating the UNDP and World Bank
supported disaster preparedness programmes in
Thailand. Dr. Bhichit completed his
undergraduate studies at Chulalongkorn
University and his Master’s and Doctorate at
Brigham Young University, Utah, USA.


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