Dear Readers,
Greetings from Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center
The beginning
of 2008 has not been shy
amidst severe snow storms in
China and Central Asia,
landslides in Indonesia,
tropical cyclone in the Fiji
islands and the continued
Avian Influenza spread in
South Asia.
During the decade of
1996-2006, Asia accounted
for 41 per cent of all
reported disasters, 72 per
cent of industrial
accidents, 61 per cent of
landslides/avalanches, 59
per cent of
earthquakes/tsunamis and 47
per cent of miscellaneous
accidents. Asia accounts
for a disproportionate
number killed through these
disasters, totaling a
recorded 916,856.
Clearly the region requires
continued attention and
focus on
DRR interventions to reduce
impacts and vulnerabilities
it remains a growing
challenge to integrate
disaster risk
reduction into development
planning. ADPC will
continue to face challenges
in pursuit of preparedness,
early warning, education &
awareness, innovative risk
reduction applications and
involvement of the concerned
On that
note, I now
you about our
activities for the month of
January 2008 and I am
pleased to invite you to
browse through our website
for more ADPC news updates,
publications, events and
training calendar for 2008.
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul
Executive Director a.i.
Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center |
Source: EM-DAT, CRED,
University of Louvain, Belgium
Building Partnerships
ADPC visits new ESCAP chief, 10 Jan,
Bhichit Rattakul, Executive
Director, a.i. accompanied by a high
level delegation called upon the new
Executive Secretary of UNESCAP, Ms.
Noleen Heyzer.
ADPC hosts senior Indian Army
delegation, 11 Jan, Bangkok
ADPC hosted a
delegation of Senior Indian Army
Officers led by Colonel Raj Shukla,
Director Military Operations, Army
Headquarters, New Delhi to discuss
the Indian Army’s response to its
expanding role in disaster relief
operations. Forecast and warning
methodologies, relief and rescue
trends, linkages/experiences between
conflict situations and humanitarian
Disasters were discussed with ADPC
and subsequently with meetings
hosted by UN-OCHA.
ADPC collaborates with Habitat for
Humanity International, 15 Jan,
ADPC is collaborating with Habitat
for Humanity International (HFHI),
represented by Mr. Charlie Ayco, Mr.
Scott Peterson, and Ms. Chloe Pearse
on a joint networking event for the
2008 World Urban Forum in China.
ADPC in action
Asian Program for
Regional Capacity Enhancement for
Landslide Impact Mitigation
(RECLAIM), 3-18 Jan, India
A joint training
course cum expert workshop on
landslide inventory and hazard and
risk mapping took place in Dehradun,
India. Norwegian Geo-technical
Institute (NGI), Geological Survey
of Canada (CGS), Central Road
Research Institute (CRRI), Central
Building & Research Institute (CBRI),
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS)
and Road Development Authority
Lanka made presentations under the
RECLAIM Phase II project. The course
was jointly organized by the
Geological Survey of India (GSI),
the National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA),
IIRS and ITC-The Netherlands, NGI
and ADPC. This workshop is under
the Asian Program for Regional
Capacity Enhancement for Landslide
Impact Mitigation (RECLAIM), funded
by the Royal Norwegian Embassy.
community-based approaches to the
management of Avian and Human
Influenza (AHI), 22-23 Jan, Vietnam
ADPC will be on
mission to Hanoi, Vietnam to raise
awareness of the AHI project among
stakeholders in Vietnam and to seek
input to the development of the
project from various key
stakeholders. Key people and
organizations to meet will be the
officials from Academy for
Educational Development (AED),
Agronomes & Vétérinares sans
Frontiéres (AVSF), Catholic Relief
Services (CRS), CARE International
in Vietnam, International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies (IFRC/RCS), World Health
Organization and Asian Development
Bank who provided valuable
information on community-level AHI
activities in the country.
Collaborating Partners are Asian
Development Bank, CARE,
International Federation of the Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies,
International Rescue Committee, many
other stakeholders, and ADPC.
Meeting of the
Regional Steering Committee of the
Multi-hazard Early Warning System
for Tsunami and Hydro-meteorological
Hazards in Indian Ocean and
Southeast Asia, 24-25 Jan, Thailand
The members of the
Regional Steering Committee of the
Multi-Hazard Early Warning System
for Tsunami and Hydro-meteorological
Hazards in the Indian Ocean and
Southeast Asia facilitated by ADPC
will meet with the following agenda:
Review progress of the Regional
Program Implementation Plan
Present status of national early
warning systems of participating
Update the implementation plan
for the next 6 months
Develop a strategic plan to
sustain Regional EWS operations
The Regional Steering
Committee consists of national early
warning focal points for both
geological and hydro-meteorological
hazards from 14 countries. It was
constituted in July 2006 to provide
policy guidance, monitor, and
evaluate the implementation of the
ADPC-facilitated regional program on
establishing end-to-end early
warning for tsunamis and
hydro-meteorological hazards for
disaster preparedness and mitigation
in the two regions. UN agencies,
namely the Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission, World
Meteorological Organization, and the
UN Economic and Social Commission
for Asia and the Pacific will also
participate in the meeting.
ADPC implements new
projects, Bangladesh
Seismic hazard and vulnerability
mapping of Dhaka, Chittagong and
Sylhet city corporation area
Contingency planning for
Earthquake hazard
Training, Advocacy and Awareness
raising with regard to
Earthquake andTsunami hazard
Inception report for
all the three projects were
submitted in January 08 and
Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
meeting was held on 14 January 08 in
Dhaka to review the reports
presented. TAG meeting was organized
by CDMP Bangladesh.
ADPC also organized a
partners meeting on 13 January 08 in
Dhaka, for all the partners involved
in these projects as international
and national
consultants/counterparts. Partners
presented were: AIT-Thailand, OYO
International Corporation-Japan,
NSET-Nepal, BDPC-Bangladesh, NIRAPAD-Bangladesh,
Dhaka University, Chittagong
University of Engineering Technology
and Sylhet University.
The projects are
funded under the Bangladesh
Comprehensive Disaster Management
Programme (CDMP).
Update on the Program
for Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities in
Asia (PROMISE), Pakistan
The Program for
Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities in
Asia (PROMISE) has demonstration
projects in Hyderabad (Pakistan) and
Kalutara (Sri Lanka), as well as
Chittagong (Bangladesh), Dagupan
(Philippines) and Da Nang (Viet
Nam). The program is funded and
supported by the US Agency for
International Development-Office of
US Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID-OFDA).
PROMISE-Bangladesh conducted a
school simulation on 22 January
08 to promote disaster
preparedness initiatives. The
script mainly focused on various
disaster risk management issues,
including pre-disaster
preparedness activities, actions
to be taken in emergency
situation, rescue and
evacuation, and shelter
PROMISE-Pakistan organized a
health and hygiene workshop in
Maheshwari Colony on 17 January
08, an advocacy and mobilization
seminar in collaboration with
SAFWCO in Hyderabad on 23
January 08, and an orientation
program for school children of
Government High School, GOR
Colony, Hyderabad.
PROMISE-Philippines organized a
Climate Change Orientation on 10
January 08, to make the city’s
mitigation and preparedness
plans more sustainable. The
Department of the Interior and
Local Government (DILG),
Government of the Philippines,
held a follow-up activity
validating the integration of
the DRM into the Comprehensive
Development Plan on 10 to 11
January 08; this is under the
PROMISE Mainstreaming DRR
project. Dagupan City, the city
demonstration site for
PROMISE-Philippines, hosted a
study tour by Oxfam from 17 to
18 January.
For other activities,
please refer to Disaster
Mitigation in Asia Issue 55
here to view
Training and Learning
Training course and
workshop on landslide inventory,
hazard and risk mapping and
mitigation, 10-11 Jan, India
ADPC conducted the
training under the national training
activities of the Asian Program for
Regional Capacity Enhancement
Landslide Impact Mitigation (RECLAIM
Phase II). The training
course and workshop is being
organized jointly by the Indian
Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS),
International Institute for
Geoinformation Science and Earth
Observation (ITC), The Netherlands,
Geological Survey of India (GSI),
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
(ADPC), Norwegian Geo-technical
Institute (NGI), Geological Survey
of Canada.
ADPC conducts
training on Disaster Risk
Communication (DRC), 21-24 Jan,
ADPC conducted
training at Medan, North Sumatra,
Indonesia for volunteers and staff
of Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) on
DRC. The training was funded and
supported by Canadian Red Cross (CRC),
Aceh. The training provided a
comprehensive, balanced approach
blending theory, concepts,
definitions, exercises, debates,
poster making, video, simulation and
presentations. The opening ceremony
was covered in the local news paper,
Sinar Indonesia.
It is intended that
10 participants are chosen to
further disseminate awareness and
thus, communicate disaster risks to
their respective communities. The
training materials were translated
into Bahasa and were provided in
soft & hard copy form. On the final
day of the training, the group
visited a village, amidst sugar cane
and rice fields, where the
communities are undertaking
mitigation measures for floods that
were initiated by ECHO and Danish
Red Cross. The village head man
briefed on how special task forces
are formed in the community during
an emergency. The village head man’s
office displayed risk maps with
under laying techniques. It also had
on display names, pictures of
community members responsible for
various activities in an emergency.
National Consultation
Workshop on Coastal Community
Resilience, 15 Feb, Myanmar
ADPC, in
collaboration with the Myanmar
Department of Meteorology and
Hydrology, will facilitate a
national consultation workshop on
coastal community resilience in Nay
Pyi Taw, Myanmar on 15 February
2008. The workshop will bring
together forty representatives from
government agencies and
non-governmental organizations. The
Coastal Community Resilience (CCR)
initiative promotes tsunami and
other hazard readiness through the
collaboration of national and local
emergency management agencies,
coastal managers, training
institutions, and local communities.
It is a part of a broader program on
establishing a multi-hazard early
warning system for tsunami and
hydro-meteorological hazards for
Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia,
which is being facilitated by ADPC
and funded by the Regional Tsunami
Trust Fund through UNESCAP.
Calendar of Events
ADPC conducts
Cross-Border Exercise Management
Workshop, 18-22 Feb, Thailand
The purpose of the
Cross-Border Exercise Management
workshop is to strengthen the
capacity of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos
and Vietnam to manage influenza
outbreaks in humans in international
border provinces by providing
exercise management training to a
group of approximately 35 people,
mostly health professionals, from
these countries.
Following are the
To build participants’ expertise
in exercise management
To provide participants with the
skills and knowledge to design,
conduct and evaluate discussion
and functional exercises
To practice these skills and
knowledge in the development and
conduct of exercises focusing on
outbreaks of influenza in humans
in international border
To adapt and refine the draft
exercise materials utilized in
the workshop for discussion
exercises to be held in 2008
To prepare a work plan for the
preparation of exercises in 2008
Climate Forecast
Applications for Disaster Mitigation
in Timor-Leste Stakeholder Meeting,
25 Feb, Timor-Leste
The Office of Foreign
Disaster Assistance (OFDA) of USAID
is providing support to expand the
Climate Forecast Applications for
Disaster Mitigation Program to
Timor-Leste. ADPC and the National
Meteorological and Geophysical
Agency of Timor-Leste will convene a
Climate Forecast Applications for
Disaster Mitigation in Timor-Leste
Stakeholder Meeting in Dili. The
meeting will bring together 20
participants from various government
agencies, international
organizations, and non-governmental
organizations in order to constitute
a national working group to guide
program implementation and discuss
program activities.
FAO expert meeting on
Climate Change and Disaster Risk
Management, 28-29 Feb, Italy
ADPC will attend the
expert meeting on Climate Change and
Disaster Risk Management in Rome,
Italy. The meeting will be hosted by
the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
It is one of a series of expert
meetings being organized to support
a high-level conference on World
Food Security and the Challenges of
Climate Change and Bio-energy to be
held in Rome in June 2008.
ADPC holds Regional
Consultative Committee for Disaster
Management (RCC), 8-10 May, Colombo,
Sri Lanka
The 7th
Meeting of the Regional Consultative
Committee for Disaster Management (RCC)
will be held from Thursday, 08 May
to Saturday, 10 May in Colombo, Sri
Lanka. The meeting is being
co-hosted by the Government of Sri
Lanka and ADPC with support from the
Government of Australia.
The special theme of
the 7th RCC Meeting will be on
rights based, Community led
disaster risk management.
The Meeting will also have sessions
on lessons learnt from recent
disasters, progress made on the
implementation of the RCC Program
on Mainstreaming disaster risk
reduction into development (RCC
MDRD), the ongoing global campaign
on Hospitals Safe from Disasters
and on progress on implementation of
the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA)
in Asia in light of the Delhi
Declaration on Disaster Risk
Reduction in Asia, adopted at the
Second Asian Ministerial Conference
on Disaster Risk Reduction, New
Delhi, October 2007.
Disaster Management Practitioners (DMP)
workshop for South East Asia, 2-4
April 2008
The workshop theme
focuses on Building on the
themes of previous DMP workshop, the
5th DMP workshop will focus on
“Sustaining Partnerships: Meeting
the Challenges of Scaling-Up CBDRM
The theme will
provide continuity to the earlier
DMP workshops held in 2006 and 2007:
Disaster Management
Workshop for SEA
Government Policy
Planning and
Program Activities:
Partnerships for
Risk Reduction
Disaster Management
Workshop for SEA
2007-Learning from
Practices: Strengthening
Policy and

ADPC Website Resources
ADPC Reading
Camalig, Albay adopts Disaster Risk
eNews: Disaster Mitigation in Asia
(Issue No. 55)
Echoes-Volume 4 No 4
Emergency Management Planning for
Schools under the School Based
Disaster Risk Management Project in
Sri Lanka
Systems Analyst, Early Warning
Deadline 15 Feb 2008
ADPC Regional
Training Schedule for 2008