Dear Readers,
ADPC launched its first
Regional Training Course on
End to End Multi-hazard
Early Warning Systems in
Bangkok, Thailand on the 15
Sep 2008. The two weeks
course is being attended by
23 participants from 16
countries in Asia, Africa,
and Central America. The
course builds on the
capacity of participants to
design, manage, evaluate and
undertake improvements in
people-centered end-to-end
early warning systems for
hydro-meteorological &
geological hazards and
extreme events. The training
program includes three
workshops, field visits to
key national agencies in
Thailand as part of an
institutional landscaping
exercise for early warning
systems, and a visit to
Uttaradit Province to study
landslide disaster
mitigation and preparedness
activities, including the
landslide early warning
systems, which is
spearheaded by the Thailand
Department of Mineral
ADPC is also undertaking the
implementation of several
new activities. ADPC will
develop the training
materials for disaster risk
reduction for coastal zone
managers. The UNEP funded
project will aim to build
capacities of Mangroves for
the Future (MFF) National
Coordinating Bodies,
technical institutions and
implementation partners in
the three EC AIDCO target
countries: India, Indonesia
and Sri Lanka. The immediate
goal is to bring basic
awareness of DRR to MFF
project designers and
implementers. The long term
goal is to strengthen the
role of existing technical
institutions to provide risk
reduction training and other
services to coastal zone and
disaster risk managers.
ADPC is undertaking the
preparation of a World Bank
(WB) funded background paper
for the assessment on the
economics of Disaster Risk
ADPC has deployed its staff
in three recent disaster
struck countries, Myanmar,
China and India, to carry
out damage and need
assessments and various post
disaster recovery programme
I am pleased to inform you
that the Disaster Policy and
Preparedness department of
the International Federation
of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies has
invited Mr. S H M Fakhruddin,
ADPC technical specialist in
the editorial board for the
2009 edition of the World
Disasters Report focusing on
early warning and early
Please browse through our
website www.adpc.net for
more ADPC news updates,
publications, events and
training calendar for 2008.
I now inform you about our
activities for the month of
August 2008.
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul
Executive Director
Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center |
ADPC in action
ADPC with partners
facilitate end-to-end CFAB-FFWC flood
forecast information sharing in
Sirajgonj, Aug 08
ADPC has initiated a pre-flood rapid
situation assessment initiative. ADPC is
presently engaged in facilitation of an
end-to-end flood forecast information
sharing and situation assessment with
partner agencies. In late August 08,
when the flood peak is forecasted in
Jamuna river and other basins in
Bangladesh, Sirajgonj and Gaibandha
districts of the flood risk districts of
the country, ADPC with its national and
local level partners in Bangladesh, (FFWC,
have actively engaged in the pre-flood
activities. Taking an end-to-end
approach of flood information from the
local level, ADPC has established a
presence at both national and local
levels and has shared the CFAB-FFWC
forecasting information with
communities. Both District
Administration and the Department of
Agricultural Extension (DAE) have
appreciated the CFAB-FFWC flood
forecasting information and have started
taking immediate action within their
Consultative meeting on
Typhoon Track Map
The National Hydro Meteorological
Services (NHMS) of Vietnam and ADPC
organized a consultative meeting under
the Enhancing Community Resilience to
Natural Disasters in Southeast Asia (ECRSEA)
to discuss and update the existing
Typhoon Track Map into a risk
communication tool for typhoon/storm
warning. As a preparatory activity,
NHMS and ADPC conducted a series of
consultations and discussions with
fisher folks and local authorities in
the pilot provinces on their current
knowledge and understanding of typhoon/storm
warning its associated uncertainties,
their perceptions and information needs.
The consultative meeting
was chaired by the Director General,
NHMS with the participation of experts
from various departments of NHMS. As a
next step, the feedback from the fishing
community will be sought and the map
will be updated and shared with broader
national and provincial stakeholders for
Testing of the community
disaster risk reduction training
standardized curriculum, 1-8 Aug,
Islamabad, Pakistan
In partnership with the International
Federation of the Red Cross and Red
Crescent (RC/RC) Societies- South Asia
Regional Delegation (SARD), ADPC has
developed a consultation version of a
standardized Community Disaster Risk
Reduction training curriculum, which
integrates community-based disaster risk
reduction approaches and the RC/RC
Movement's volunteering policy, strategy
and methodology. As the next step, ADPC
senior staff under its Disaster
management systems team conducted the
first testing of the three curriculums
to review and verify relevance and
In the first stage of the
testing there were initially 30
participants, 25 from Pakistan and five
from Afghanistan, representing a number
of National Societies. The workshop
sessions provided valuable guidance on
how to further refine the curriculum and
enhance the participants’ skills
relating to risks reduction. A Technical
Working Group composed of senior
representatives from the Delegation and
National Societies in South Asia will
provide inputs to supplement the
materials presented and give suggestions
on how to better facilitate the learning
Based on the outcomes of
the three testings, ADPC will develop
jointly with SARD training supporting
materials (trainer’s guide,
participant’s guide training and IEC
materials) for DRR practitioners in
National Societies and other partner
agencies in South Asia in close
cooperation with the Federation
Consultant. This initiative aims to
support field practitioners of the
National Societies of Afghanistan,
Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka and the IFRC office in Maldives in
improving the overall quality and impact
of the DRR training programmes outputs
in South Asia. The curriculum will be
useful to other national societies and
federation delegations from other
Priority implementation
partnership on mainstreaming disaster
risk reduction into housing sector, 6-8
Sri Lanka
The Priority Implementation Partnership
(PIP) on mainstreaming disaster risk
reduction into housing sector in Sri
Lanka was initiated in partnership with
Ministry of Disaster Management and
Human Rights and Disaster Management
Center of Sri Lanka with support from
The PIP being implemented
under the umbrella of the RCC Program on
mainstreaming disaster risk reduction,
aims to integrate hazard resilient
features into housing sector policies,
plans and programs and in the process
strengthen the partnership between the
Ministry of Housing and Common Amenities
and the Ministry of Disaster Management
and Human Rights, thereby contributing
towards the implementation of the Road
Map for Disaster Risk Management in Sri
Lanka by increasing disaster resilience
in the Housing Sector.
The initial planning
mission of the PIP was undertaken in
Colombo, and based on which the scope of
work of this initial phase of the PIP
was detailed out. It is proposed that
the PIP be led by the Disaster
Management Center (DMC) under the
guidance of Ministry of Disaster
Management and Human Rights and
implemented by forming a technical
working group set up with
representatives from various concerned
agencies. The DMC, Ministry of Housing
and Common Amenities and sub-departments
including the National Housing
Development Authority, Ministry of Urban
Development, the Urban Development
Authority, National Physical Planning
Department, Coast Conversation
Department, Central Environmental
Authority, Sri Lanka Land Reclamation
and Development Corporation, Ministry of
Local Government; and technical agencies
such as the National Building Research
Organizations and other stakeholders
involved in Housing development and
Hope Philippines - CDP’s
new partner in Child Oriented CBDRR, 6-7
Hope Philippines focuses on Children
during disasters. Training included
concepts of CBDRM, Child Oriented
Participatory Risk Assessment & Planning
and other CBDRR principles and tools.
The participants produced a puppet show
on DRM for kids to be used for advocacy
for children in schools and in the
Inspection of sea level
stations equipment, 13-16 Aug, Vietnam
ADPC visited Vietnam to inspect and
conduct an inventory of sea level
stations equipment in Qui Non and Vong
Tau. These equipments were installed
under the Sea Level Stations Project
funded by UNESCAP.
Evaluation and lessons
learning review of the Government of
India and UNDP Disaster Risk Management
Programme, 17 Aug
ADPC in partnership with SEEDS India is
undertaking the Evaluation of the
Government of India UNDP Disaster Risk
Management Programme which is being
implemented over a period of six years
(2002-2008) in 169 multi-hazard prone
districts spread across 17 States of
India. The Inception mission of the
evaluation took place in New Delhi in
end of July 2008, and the first phase of
the field visit started from the 17 of
August 2008. The evaluation is meant to
provide outcome analysis of the project
activities carried out in 14 out of 17
States of the Programme as well as
forward looking recommendations for
future strategy for consideration of
Government of India, the State
Governments, UNDP and other stakeholders
in India.
implementation of food preparedness
programs at provincial, district and
commune levels in the lower Mekong Basin,
27 Aug-24 Sep 08
Project start-up meetings for
“Strengthening Implementation of Flood
Preparedness Programs at Provincial,
District and Commune Levels in the Lower
Mekong Basin” took place in Cambodia,
Lao PDR and Vietnam with support from
ECHO (Phase IV) and “Flood Emergency
Management Strengthening” in Cambodia,
Lao PDR, Vietnam, and Thailand with
support from GTZ (Phase II).
The start-up meeting for
Cambodia was held in Phnom Penh on 27-28
August; in Vientiane and Thaksek town in
Lao PDR on 2 & 4 Sep; in Bangkok,
Thailand on 9 Sep; and in Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam on 23-24 Sep.
Officials from National
Mekong Committees, National Disaster
Management Offices, Government
Departments, National Red Cross
Societies, and other agencies are among
the national/provincial level
participants. The meeting objectives are
to discuss overall activities, roles and
responsibilities of partners, and
overall approaches to be taken at the
national level.
ADPC facilitated CFAB and
FFWC flood forecasting information
sharing at community level, 30 Aug,
ADPC has taken immediate steps to share
the CFAB-FFWC flood forecasting
information at the community level in
Kazuri union of Sirajgonj district. In a
community level consultation session,
the latest flood forecast information
was shared with over 60 representatives
of the local government, union disaster
management committee, members of civil
societies and vulnerable groups. Local
communities have shown a great deal of
enthusiasm, appreciation and expressed
the need to receive the CFAB and FFWC
flood forecast information on a regular
basis with increased lead time. In the
community, it was observed that the
local government is effectively engaged
in the cell phone based SMS public
notification system of the flood
forecast information. This information
is then locally interpreted and then
preparedness measures are considered.
Flag hoisting system is also seen
operational as a public dissemination
mode in the community.
PROMISE Updates:
PROMISE- Indonesia undertook mapping of
hazard study and vulnerability
assessment which included completed
activities such as data collection,
project site selection, analysis for
Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment.
Mapping of Flood Preparedness and
Mitigation initiatives and programs are
More PROMISE updates from the Disaster
Mitigation in Asia, Issue No. 62, Aug
Comprehensive Disaster
Management Programme (CDMP) updates:
Contingency planning for earthquake
hazard: Agency level meetings were held
in August to present the template and to
assist in developing a contingency plan
for the Disaster Management Bureau (DMB),
Department of Relief and Rehabilitation
(DRR), Directorate General of Health
Services (DGHS), Fire Services and Civil
Defense and Dhaka City Corporation.
Seismic Hazard and
Vulnerability Mapping: Field work for
both Hazard & Vulnerability assessments
such as boring work, PS logging test,
active fault and shallow seismic survey,
micro tremor survey, building survey,
ambient vibration test, etc was carried
out in August. To transfer technology to
local professionals, three seminars (presentation
and demonstrations) was organized for
fault modeling and microtremor studies,
PS logging and Ambient Vibration test.
Training, Advocacy and
Awareness for Earthquake and Tsunami
Hazards: Consultation and coordination
meeting with Islamic Foundation of
Bangladesh has been carried out to get
feedback on the training materials for
religious leaders. Training materials
have been developed for training
managers of critical infrastructure and
for teachers on school safety and
Training and Learning
Training cum workshop for
Information and knowledge management in
disaster risk reduction, 3-5 Aug, Iran
ADPC conducted the workshop in
association with UNDP Iran with the
prime objective to help UNDP formulate a
strategy for pooling the local resources
and knowledge for earthquake disaster
management in close consultation with
various local stakeholders. The focus
was also to provide common platform for
various agencies involved in earthquake
disaster management activities to share
their knowledge database and enhance
their capabilities. Twenty-five
officials from various agencies
representing science and technology
departments, UNDP, government agencies
participated in the workshop.
Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction
(CBDRR) training, 2-8 Aug, Pakistan
IFRC SAARC training
on CBDRR for field practitioners of RC
National Societies was held in Islamabad,
Pakistan with 27 participants.
Key modules included
CBDRR: Framework for reducing risk,
participatory disaster risk assessment,
development of CBDRR plans, building and
training community-based disaster risk
management organizations, community-managed
actions, participatory monitoring and
evaluation, case writing on CBDRR,
advocacy for sustaining CBDRR
initiatives, and planning for community
Training programme on
developing contingency plans for MENA
countries, 8-12 Aug, Turkey
ADPC conducted the training cum workshop
for Red Cross and Red Crescent
societies of MENA region at Ankara,
Turkey with 22 representatives from four
countries, Jordan, Palestine, Israel and
Turkey. The principal objective of the
workshop was to facilitate national
societies from Jordan, Palestine, Jordan
and Turkey to understand the guidelines
issued by IFRC, to understand the
approach for contingency planning for
the earthquake, to create awareness
among societies for disaster response
strategy, to develop a platform for
sharing good practices and knowledge
about disaster management and to
facilitate developing action plans for
disaster management activities.
Training on forecast
applications for Polder user community
water management, 8 Aug, Cambodia
Under the Enhancing
Community Resilience to Natural
Disasters in Southeast Asia (ECRSEA)
project, a one-day training on
forecast applications for Polder User
Community (PUC), Prey Nup Polders was
organized in Prey Nup District,
Sihanoukville. Experts from the
Department of Meteorology and GRET
trained fourteen representatives from
PUC on weather and climate in Cambodia,
understanding and interpreting short
range weather forecast information (3-5
days), and integrating forecast
information into existing water
management plan.
The training aimed to enable the Polder
User Community to use localized risk
based forecast information products made
available under the ECRSEA project, assist
their efforts to maintain the optimum
water level inside the polder region and
mitigate the impacts of floods, droughts
during extreme rainfall events.
Disaster Risk Management,
10-20 Aug, Maldives
2-week course on Disaster Risk
Management was organized by WHO Maldives
in Naifaru Atoll for the staff of
Ministry of Health. 23 participants from
different hospitals and health center
attended the course.
National Climate Training,
11-15 Aug, Philippines
The National Climate
Training (NCT) in the Philippines was
successfully concluded with 35 graduates
representing national agencies, local
government units, non-governmental
organizations, and private
organizations. Held
Tagaytay City, Philippines, the NCT is a
part of a broader effort to build the
capacity of institutions to manage
climate-related risks under the Climate
Forecast Applications (CFA) for Disaster
Mitigation Program. The CFA program is a
collaborative undertaking of the Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center, Philippine
Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration, international,
and local partners with support from the
United States Agency for International
Development Office of Foreign Disaster
Assistance (USAID/OFDA).
The summary training report
can be found
3rd regional
course on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Reduction in Local Governance (MDRRG),
1-5 Sep,
ADPC conducted the third regional
training course on MDRRG with 19
participants from Pakistan, Indonesia
and Philippines. The programme was
jointly conducted by ADPC and CDP,
Philippines. The course sensitized a cadre of
local government professionals and development partners on
issues posed by the recurrent hazards.
The course
enhanced knowledge and capacities of
local urban authorities, associated NGOs
and other stakeholders in streamlining
disaster risk reduction in urban

Training participants with PAGASA
officials and ADPC representatives
ADPC Website Resources
ADPC’s paper titled,
Urban Congestions and
Hydro-meteorological Hazards in
Secondary Cities in Asia
at the IDRC Davos 2008.
Natural Disaster
Mitigation Partnership (NDMP),
Vietnam Newsletter Vol. 7, 2008
features the Working group meeting
of program for hydro-meteorological
disaster mitigation in secondary
cities in Asia organized by ADPC,
NDMP and CECI in Danang, Vietnam.
15-17 July 2008
Tropical Coasts,
December 2007 features article on
disaster risk reduction in Asia –
emerging trends and solutions by Mr.
N.M.S.I Arambepola, Director, ADPC
featured in Indigenous Knowledge for
Disaster Risk Reduction, UNISDR 2008
The publication "Indigenous
Knowledge for Disaster Risk
Reduction: Good Practices and
Lessons Learned from experiences in
the Asia-pacific Region", is
published by UNISDR with the
assistance of the European Union.
It aims to build awareness of
indigenous knowledge as an effective
tool for reducing risk from natural
disasters. PROMISE-Philippines is
featured as the case study,
“Combining Indigenous and Scientific
Knowledge in the Dagupan City Flood
Warning System”
written by Lorna P. Victoria.
To download, please go to:
Regional training course
on Flood Disaster Risk Management (FDRM-9),
6-17 October 2008, Bangkok, Thailand
Download brochure here
 The FDRM-9 has been designed to meet
vital concerns of most Asian nations to
combat the perennial problem of floods
and the resultant destruction. The
course offers an integrated approach for
dealing with this situation. The course
will also expose the learners to
globally acknowledged practices for
dealing with Flood Disaster Risk
Management. Experts from a number of
different countries and organizations
will complement the ADPC faculty in
conducting the course.
The course has six
modules that impart information and
skills in flood problem analysis,
understanding and appreciation of the
various approaches to flood risk
reduction, determination of
appropriateness of strategies and
measures to achieve the desired goal of
flood risk reduction. The training
methodology includes interactive
lectures, workshops, individual work,
case studies, plenary sessions, panel
discussions and field visit activities.
Please share the
information with colleagues and partner
organization networks. Participants
interested to attend the course are
requested to fill in the ADPC Training
Application Form. Please download the
application from of all the above
courses from the ADPC website
Should you need any
further information related to the
courses, pls contact us at
or call us at (+66-2) 298 0681-92.
Hospital Emergency
Preparedness and Response (HEPR-6),
20-24 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
Download brochure here

The HEPR is a five-day
course which is designed to assist
health personnel, both administrative
and medical, to prepare health care
facilities and personnel to respond
effectively to internal or community
emergencies that involve large numbers
of casualties.
The course will enable course
participants to develop well
designed facility-specific plans to
respond to emergencies.
Upon completion of the
course, the participants will be able
Describe the role of health care
facilities in disaster management
Apply a method of assessing
components of a health care
Simulate a mass casualty incident
addressing the roles and
responsibilities of each component
of Hospital Emergency Incident
Command System (HEICS).
Discuss the basic medical
requirements of managing mass
casualty incidents.
Apply on-site medical
care concepts to specific emergency
Prepare an outline of
a health care facility disaster
preparedness plan including response
and recovery.
2nd Regional
Training Course on Climate Risk
Management: Science, Institutions, and
Society, 17-28 Nov 2008, Bangkok,
The Regional Training
Course builds on the capacity of
professionals to manage risks associated
with climate variability, change, and
extremes. It builds upon the ADPC’s two
decades of experience in disaster
management, facilitating regional
cooperation and building capacities of
disaster management institutions at all
government levels, disaster management
practitioners and communities, and a
decade of experience in
institutionalizing climate information
applications for disaster mitigation. It
incorporates case studies and sectoral
examples from ADPC’s climate risk
management programs and projects all
over Asia. Upon completing the course,
participants will be able to:
early warning systems for climate-related
design climate risk management,
climate forecast applications, and
climate change adaptation projects, and
develop tools to integrate climate
risk management practices into
development programs and policies. The
first CRM course offering was completed
in May 2008 with 27 participants from 14
Kindly see the course
brochure for more information
email Kareff M. Rafisura at
Registration is ongoing. Due to the
limited number of participants that can
be admitted to the course, early
registration is recommended.
ADPC delivers a 3 credit
course, titled “Managing the Disasters”
for a required master degree program on
Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and
Management (DPMM) for Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT), Bangkok from August-October
International Study Tour,
hosted by GTZ-Indonesia and ADPC, 15-17
Oct, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
in collaboration with
Asian Development Bank,
CARE, International Federation of the
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,
International Rescue Committee, GTZ
Indonesia and ADPC. The tour highlights
will include:
Presentation and
discussion session led by GTZ
Indonesia on its project in school-based
awareness raising and life-skills
development in Indonesia
Field visit to
project site in Bali and discussion
session with project beneficiaries (school
children, teachers, etc.)
Discussion workshop
on approaches to awareness-raising
and behaviour change within the
context of community-based AHI
The study tour will
Learning from the
experience of and lessons
identified by GTZ Indonesia in
school-based awareness-raising
and life-skills development in
Understanding of
issues and priorities in working
with school children in the
context of AHI management in
Identification of
successes and challenges of
different approaches to behavior
change and life-skills
development, through discussions
between study tour participants
and with project beneficiaries
Identification of
key lessons for community-based
AHI management, that can be
shared with other organizations
and practitioners throughout
Sharing of
experience between practitioners
from different countries
involved in community-based
management of AHI
Regional capacity-building
workshop for community-based management
of AHI, managed by ADPC, 27-31 Oct,
The training workshop in collaboration
with Asian Development Bank,
CARE, International Federation of the
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,
International Rescue Committee and ADPC
will sensitize community-level
practitioners to tools and processes
that are currently available to
strengthen their work at the community
level in managing different aspects of
AHI. Practitioners will be given an
overview of 'good practices' and useful
tools and methods for community-based
management of AHI. Case studies, group
discussions, and activities will
stimulate critical thinking about how
these tools and methods can be adapted
and applied in their own contexts to
strengthen projects in community-based
management of AHI. Themes that will be
addressed in the workshop are:
research and assessments
Communication for
health promotion through
behavior and social change
Safe and
sustainable small-scale poultry
production and trade
surveillance and reporting of
emergency preparedness
ADPC with Disaster Management Center
will organize a Coastal Community
Resilience (CCR) training workshop on 19 Sep 2008 in
Colombo, Sri Lanka.
ADPC with Department of Agricultural
Extension and UN Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO)
delivers a local level training on
Livelihoods Adaptation to Climate
Change in Bangladesh from 23-24
Sep 2008 in northern
Bangladesh. |