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AUDMP - making cities safer

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AUDMP-making cities safer...
Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program (AUDMP) Highlights
 Participants at the 5th Annual Working Group Meeting |
The 5th Annual Working Group Meeting
This year's Working Group Meeting (WGM) was held in Phnom Penh from 23-25 February 2000, co-hosted by the Cambodian Red Cross (CRC), the implementing organization of the AUDMP's Cambodia project. The event brought together ADPC, project partners from eight countries, USAID/OFDA representatives and RUDO/New Delhi representatives, to review progress, share lessons learned and make decisions about future directions.
AUDMP Replication Strategy: The theme of this year's WGM was the replication of successful disaster mitigation concepts and activities, institutionalization and sustainable development. As four of the eight AUDMP country projects (Cambodia, Indonesia,
Nepal and Sri Lanka) successfully finished their demonstration projects, a replication strategy meeting was held in Bangkok in November 1999, with participation of the country project managers, AUDMP staff and three advisors. The strategy was further refined at this year's WGM. The country projects in Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal and Sri Lanka have promoted awareness about disaster vulnerability with local and national governments and the public. They have also been successful in mobilizing funds from communities and donors to supplement AUDMP's work. Discussions at the WGM focused on how to replicate these successes. A set of replication principles was finalized at the meeting. Participants agreed that on-going financial support; national and regional institutionalization of disaster concepts; and better integration of the demonstration projects, regional training and information sharing on disaster mitigation are key components of successful replication.
A highlight of the WGM was a field visit to one of the AUDMP Cambodia project sites in Kandal Province. AUDMP's project partners in Cambodia - CRC, IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) and PACT (Private Agencies Co-operating Together) - showcased successful community-based disaster mitigation programs.
Bangladesh Urban Disaster Mitigation Project
The latest partner project in AUDMP is the Bangladesh Urban Disaster Mitigation Project (BUDMP), to be implemented by CARE-Bangladesh as the key partner institution, along with several local NGOs. The goal is to reduce the natural disaster vulnerability of urban population, infrastructure, lifeline and shelter facilities.
The disastrous 1998 flood dramatically demonstrated the need for comprehensive national, regional and community mitigation strategies to address the impact of annual floods on vulnerable communities. The project will begin by establishing a community-based flood mitigation and disaster preparedness system in two demonstration project sites. BUDMP aims to improve the capacity of urban communities to manage risk and apply mitigation skills. |
The AUDMP is a six-year program designed to reduce the natural disaster vulnerability of urban populations, infrastructure, critical facilities, and shelter in Asian cities. Currently, projects under the AUDMP are being implemented in sites in the following countries: The Philippines (floods in Naga City and multiple hazards in San Carlos); Indonesia (earthquakes in Bandung); India (technological hazards in Calcutta and Baroda); Sri Lanka (multiple hazards in Ratnapura); Nepal (earthquakes); Lao PDR (fires and other urban emergencies in Vientiane); Cambodia (floods in vulnerable districts); and Bangladesh (floods in Tongi and Gaibanda). Core funding for the AUDMP comes from USAID's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). Additional funds come from ADPC and collaborating institutions in target countries, among others. The program is managed by the USAID's Regional and Urban Development Office for South Asia (RUDO/SA) and is implemented by ADPC in Bangkok, Thailand.
For additional information about the AUDMP, please contact Program Manager Josh Moga at (66 2) 524-5376; E-mail:
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