
Message from the
Executive Director |
Dear Readers,
The year 2004 ended in a tragedy of unprecedented scale and dimension. Many
lessons can be drawn from a disaster that affected nine countries on two
continents and claimed over 300,000 lives. One important lesson that emerged
from the disaster is the need for monitoring and early warning systems. The
loss of human life would have been considerably less had coastal communities
had more knowledge and greater awareness of a tsunami risk. The extent of
the disaster brought to light the overall lack of awareness and low level of
national preparedness. It is imperative therefore that we build systems to
make our communities safer and educate citizens on the nature of these
threats and the preventive and protective measures that can be taken.
On a happier note, I am very pleased to announce that ADPC has been granted
status as an Inter-governmental Organization by the Royal Thai Government.
This is a significant milestone in the history of ADPC. Endorsement came
with the official signing of the Charter by six signatory states:
Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Pakistan, The Philippines and Thailand, on
February 28, 2005 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by China and Sri
Lanka on April 5, 2005. Our new status is
recognition of the capacity and relevance of ADPC’s disaster reduction work
in the region. We are grateful to all the nations, partners and well-wishers
who have placed their faith in us. With our new status comes more
responsibility and a continued commitment to help make communities more
resilient and safe. I would also like to take this opportunity to remember
the late Col Brian Ward, who played such an important role in laying the
foundation for ADPC's international status.
In closing, I hope you will find this issue of the Asian Disaster Management
News on “Early Warning for Natural Disaster Mitigation” timely, informative
and useful.
Dr Suvit Yodmani,
Executive Director
The signing ceremony
of the new ADPC Charter by signatory states Thailand, Bangladesh,
Cambodia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines on February 28, 2005 and
China and Sri Lanka on April 5, 2005 |