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Vol. 6, No. 2 April-June 2000
Editor's Corner... | ![]() |
The following are a few recent publications which may be of interest to our readers. The ADPC Library can offer assistancein locating these publications.
World Health Organization (WHO) Publications
Orders can be made from Distribution and Sales, World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, Tel. +41-22-791 2476, Fax +41-22-791 4857, E-mail: bookorders@who.ch
The Management of Nutrition in Major Emergencies, 2000. ISBN 92-4-154520-8. xiii+236 pages. Sw.fr. 72.-/ Sw.fr. 50.40 in developing countries. Order No. 1152154.
Rapid Health Assessment Protocols for Emergencies, 1999. ISBN 92-4-154515-1. vi+97 pages. Sw.fr. 31.-/ Sw.fr. 21.70 in developing countries. Order No. 1150463.
Community Emergency Preparedness: A Manual for Managers and Policy-makers, 1999. ISBN 92-4-154519-4. Sw.fr. 42.-/ Sw.fr. 29.40 in developing countries. Order No. 1150464.
The New Emergency Health Kit 1998: List of Drugs and Medical Supplies for 10,000 People for Approximately Three Months, Second Edition, 1998. WHO/DAP/98.10. vi+73 pages. Sw.fr. 8.-/ Sw.fr. 5.60 in developing countries. Order No. 1931018.
Mental Health of Refugees, 1996. ISBN 92-4-154486-4. viii+134 pages. Sw.fr. 30.-/ Sw.fr. 21.- in developing countries. Order No. 1150433.
Field Guide on Rapid Nutritional Assessment in Emergencies. WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, 1995. ISBN 92-9021-198-9. iii+63 pages. Sw.fr. 12.-/ Sw.fr. 8.40 in developing countries. Order No. 1460013.
War and Public Health. Edited by Barry S. Levy and Victor W. Sidel, 1997. ISBN 0-19-510814 (hardback). 432 pages. UK price: £49.50. Order from Oxford University Press Bookshop, 116 High Street, Oxford OX1 4BZ U.K., Tel. +44(0)1865-24913, Fax +44(0)1865-241701, E-mail: bookshop@oup.co.uk
The Public Health Consequences of Disasters. Edited by Eric K. Noji, 1997. ISBN 0-19-509570-7 (hardback). 486 pages. UK price: £55.00. Order from Oxford University Press Bookshop, 116 High Street, Oxford OX1 4BZ U.K., Tel. +44(0)1865-24913, Fax +44(0)1865-241701, E-mail: bookshop@oup.co.uk
Natural Disasters: Protecting the Public Health. Pan American Health Organization, 2000. ISBN 92-75-11575-3. 130 pages. US$22.00/ US$16.00 in developing countries. Order code: SP575. Order from Pan American Health Organization, 525 Twenty-third St., NW Washington DC 20037 U.S.A., Tel. +1-202-974 3086, E-mail: sales@paho.org
World Disasters Report 2000, Focus on Public Health. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2000. ISBN 92-9139-066-6. 240 pages. US$25.00/£15.95. Order from International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, PO Box 372, 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland. Fax +41-22-730-4956, E-mail: wdrorder@ifrc.org
The World Disasters Report provides comprehensive, expert analysis of key trends and crises facing the humanitarian system. What are the underlying causes of public health crises? Where will resources make the most difference? How can partnerships multiply the effects of aid interventions? The 2000 edition answers these questions. It examines chronic public health disasters, assessing and targeting public health responses, AIDS in Africa - from disease to disaster, Democratic People's Republic of Korea - where aid can make a difference, Chernobyl - cancers still rising 14 years on, Kosovo - the long road to recovery, surprise upturn in aid budgets, and steps towards an international disaster response law. It features a comprehensive disasters database, an overview of 1999 International Federation operations, and national Red Cross and Red Crescent society contacts. |
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