Summary DaLNA Process Wallchart for
Sectors in Khammouane Province, Lao PDR
ADPC: Summary DaLNA Process Wallchart for
Sectors in Khammouane Province, Lao PDR
Sectors in Khammouane Province, Lao PDR
Published on: 01/01/2014
Language: Lao
Author(s): Khammouane Development Project (KDP); Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Department: Disaster Risk Management System
Type: Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
File size: 3.14 MB
This package of 12 (twelve) sector summary damage, loss, and needs assessment process wallcharts aims to support provincial and district government officials' understanding of the process and their specific roles. The wall charts clearly illustrate the linkages between the common Standard Operating Procedure, and the sector-specific guidance notes.
The charts can be displayed in respective provincial sector department offices, as a summary reminder of the post-disaster assessment processes.
Aligned with the Lao Ministry of Planning and Investment's national "Handbook for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Planning in Lao PDR", each sector wallchart is specific to local conditions and has been developed through a consultative process with the Khammouane Provincial Disaster Management Committee through the Khammouane Development Project (implemented by the Department of Planning and Investment, Khammouane Province, with funding support from the World Bank).