FEMS Country Progress Report Thailand
ADPC: FEMS Country Progress Report Thailand
Published on: 05/30/2011
Language: English
Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Department: Disaster Risk Management System
Type: Progress and Assessment Reports
File size: 0.26 MB
The FMMP Component 4 project on Flood Emergency Management Strengthening (FEMS) Phase II
has reached to end point of its 3 years implementation in the Mekong River Basin countries. In
Thailand, the project has been implemented by the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
(DDPM) and its Nakhon Phanom provincial office with technical support from the Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC) and the Department of Water Resources through the Thai National
Mekong Committees as cooperation and coordination partner. The target area in Thailand is 2 target
sub-districts (Tha Khor of Muang Nakhon Phanom district and None Tan of Tha Uthen district) in
Nakhon Phanom province.
Through the project implementation in Thailand, the core activities of the project have not been the
Flood Preparedness Plans and integration since government already has well-functioning Disaster
Prevention and Mitigation Plans which are integrated into development planning process.
Component 4 has only given some technical inputs to these plans but not actually organized
planning processes.
The main focuses were therefore to support national level on capacity building for local
governments, particularly on public awareness, awareness-raising campaigns for the local
population in target districts of Nakorn Phanom province, and facilitation of the trans-boundary
cooperation between neighbour provinces (Khammouane-Nakhon Phanom) based on previous
discussion on possible cooperation.
IEC materials in the country were compiled from various sources in the country and re-published.
The training manual on public awareness was developed based in the training need assessment and
pre-tested at a training conducted for local government officials, school teachers, Civil Defence
Volunteers and villagers. Set of public awareness activities were decided and got the support from
the Component 4 projects for implementation based on the plan using IEC materials i.e. public
awareness campaigns organized in 4 schools; village meeting, trainings for school children, drill
exercises, etc. The 8 flood information boards installed in target communities and schools in
partnership with the TAOs can also help transferring flood safety messages to school children and
communities. The training manual on public awareness was finalized based on the pre-test and
handed over to DDPM and used as a normal training in the country.
The trans-boundary joint plan on flood preparedness and emergency assistance was drafted and
used discussion for further formal cooperation between Nakhon Phanom and Khammouane
province at a trans-boundary meeting between the two provinces. Anyway, due to and uncertainty
of the government of Thailand and country security issue, the draft joint plan was not been signed
by both provinces.
At the end of the project, the national framework assessment was conducted in Thailand. The report
gives a short overview over the national frame-conditions of Flood Management, give an abstract
over what has been done and what have been the outcomes and impacts of Component 4 and drag
all of this together in chapters with recommendations on what can be done by government
organizations and other actors to ensure as much sustainability as possible.