Urban Disaster Risk Management in South Asia, Community
Empowerment and Disaster Risk Reduction in Chittagong City (p55-67)
ADPC: Urban Disaster Risk Management in South Asia, Community
Empowerment and Disaster Risk Reduction in Chittagong City (p55-67)
Empowerment and Disaster Risk Reduction in Chittagong City (p55-67)
Published on: 06/09/2010
Language: English
Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Department: Disaster Risk Management System
Type: Project Reports
File size: 7.26 MB
Publication Overview/Description
Some cities in Asia are experiencing rapid population growth. Densely populated cities like Chittagong
have difficulty providing informal settlements access to basic services, mobility to urban centers, livelihood opportunities and social development. Prevailing natural hazards and potential risks compound the problem of urban poor community further. However, communities in these areas can be more resilient and show cohesiveness in dealing with natural hazards.