ADPC at the 10th World Water Forum 2024, Bali, Indonesia

ADPC at the 10th World Water Forum 2024, Bali, Indonesia

18 - 24 May 2024

Bali, Indonesia

World Water Forum is the largest international gathering in the water sector involving various stakeholders, which has been co-hosted by theWorld Water Council and a host city. The Forum brings together participants from all levels and areas, including politics, multilateral institutions, academia, civil society and the private sector.The 10th World Water Forum 2024 was held at Bali, Indonesia from 18-24 May 2024. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) participated in the forum for the first time, contributing to discussions on disaster risk reduction, early warning systems, and water resource management in a changing climate. ADPC was represented by Dr. Senaka Basnayake, Director Climate Resilience and Dr. Niladri Gupta, Sr. Water Resources Management Specilaist.

ADPC Team at 10th World Water Forum 2024

ADPC Team with Secretary General, World Meteorological Organization

ADPC participated in the thematic process “Disaster Risk Reduction and Management” and convened one session on “Investing on Eco-DRR for Sustainable Future” jointly with Asian Development Bank, ICLEI and DHI. The aim of the session was to foster an understanding among stakeholders about the benefits and challenges of Eco-DRR by sharing innovative research findings, successful case studies, and best practices encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration. Session speakers and panelist from ADB, ICLEI, DHI, Department of Public Works and Highway, Philippines took part in the discussion. The session was moderated by Dr. Niladri Gupta.

Speakers and Panelist at “Investing on Eco-DRR for Sustainable Future” session organized by ADPC jointly with Asian Development Bank, ICLEI and DHI.

ADPC also co-convened a session on “Accelerating Innovation in Early Warning Systems: A Call to Action across All Pillars” under the same thematic process led by International Water Management Institute (IWMI). The takeaway message of the session was to enhance understanding of the latest social and technological innovations for EWS across all four pillars. The speakers and panelist from IWMI, ADPC, WMO, UNCCD, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt, Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS), France participated in the discussion.The session was moderated by Laure Tall, Research Director, Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR), Senegal. Dr. Senaka Basnayake highlighted the importance of “Locally Led Early Warning Systems” and highlighted the need for innovative solutions in early warning systems at the local and community levels to take proactive actions and risk-informed decision makings to save lives, livelihoods and assets. ADPC shared innovative solutions and best practices in all Early Warning pillars through community-based early warning projects implemented in Bangladesh, Nepal and India. The session was well attended by stakeholders representing government organizations, international and intergovernmental organizations, researches and academia.

Image 1 Speaker and panelist at thematic session “Locally Led Early Warning Systems” organized by IWMI and ADPC

ADPC represented at Regional Process Session organized by UNESCAP

ADPC also contributed to the Forum’s Regional Process in the session “Towards the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation 2025: Cooperation, Governance and Priority-setting for Climate Action and Resilience-building to Glacial Melt in Asia”, which was organized by UNESCAP together with IWMI and Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF). Dr. Senaka participated as a panelist in this session and presented areas of progress on transboundary collaboration on water resources management in Indu Kush-Himalayan and South Asia. He also presented lesson learned in highlighting the India-Nepal transboundary project implemented by ADPC together with Lutheran World Relief (LWR) with the support of Global Resilience Partnership (GRP). He further emphasized the top priorities for strengthening transboundary governance and collaboration in highlighting the importance of intergovernmental commitments and legal frameworks, which could facilitated by the Intergovernmental and other regional organizations in the region. He also stressed the importance of having transboundary multi-hazard early warning systems, as the glacier and snow melting in Himalayan region, which is regarded as the Third Pole or Water Tower of Asia, is taking place at an alarming rate.

Director Climate Resilience speaking at UNESCAP session

Director, Climate Resilience speaking at UNCCD Nature Hub Event

Besides the Thematic and Regional processes, ADPC participated in a session at theNature Hub titled “Towards UNCCD COP 16: Drought resilience and sustainable land management for people and planet” organized by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), supported by IWMI and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Dr. Senaka Basnayake as a panelist contributed to the discussion in highlighting the importance of water and soil management for improved environmental and ecosystem services, livelihoods and food security. He further emphasized the barriers, opportunities and role of different actors to strengthen water resources management in countries. He showcased ADPC’s support to the countries and communities in the region on drought risk management by highlighting the Drought monitoring and forecasting tool of ADPC and the ongoing project to develop Regional Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Strategy for South Asia.

At theNature Hub, ADPC also participated in the panel discussion to provide perspective on ground water resources in a changing climate as part of a session on "Empowering Sustainable Growth: Harnessing Solar Energy for Groundwater Irrigation” organized by IWMI together with Government of Pakistan, Government of Nepal and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Dr. Senaka Basnayake, contributed to the panel discussion in presenting the current situation about climate change and its consequences as the extreme hydro-meteorological events are projected to increase in years to come. He emphasized the importance of having alternative solutions for ground water for agriculture and other climate sensitive sectors as evapotranspiration might significantly increase with the frequent dry spells, drought conditions and heatwaves. Further he emphasized the current challenges integrating sustainable solar irrigation into climate polices and frameworks in the countries such as lack of understanding on climate smart solutions, their sustainability, etc. and made some recommendations to overcome these barriers through awareness raising and capacity building to institutional buy-in, promoting to access carbon credits and other incentives such as water credits.

ADPC participation at IWMI’s Nature Hub event

Meeting with Nepal Delegation led by Secretary MoEWRI and Director General, DWRI

ADPC also participated in a number of bilateral meetings with Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Govt. of Nepal; Director, Water, Food and Ecosystems, International Water Management Institute; Global Head, Water and Wetlands, IUCN; Chief and Programme Officer of Global Policy Advocacy and Regional Collaboration, UNCCD; Director of Hydrology, Water and Cryosphere at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO); and Partnerships & Funding Mobilisation Expert, DHI for future collaboration with an aim for resource generation.