



Date:  10 - 12 Sep 2024

Venue: Bangkok, Thailand




Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a cornerstone of effective management. It equips leaders with the tools to measure progress and determine the impact of their projects regularly. At its core, M&E acts as a magnifying glass, enabling organizations to confirm if they're meeting their targets, if activities dovetail with planned strategies, and if resources are being efficiently harnessed. In the specialized Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) field, M&E serves as a navigational tool, helping professionals track the dynamics of risk-reducing measures. It's a crucial metric for evaluating the success of broader developmental and humanitarian initiatives.

This course is tailored to refine participants' expertise in DRR-centric M&E. Our focus is designing resilient monitoring frameworks and creating thorough evaluation methodologies to oversee and glean lessons from DRR activities effectively. Additionally, we'll explore the Sendai Framework Monitor, an integral part of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) (2015-2030). This detailed monitoring structure is fortified with 38 indicators, each highlighting the progress of the SFDRR's seven overarching targets. Hence, countries need to monitor the rollout of SFDRR practices at national and local levels.


Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) are essential management processes that allow project/program managers to track the progress of project activities and capture results and value addition of the program to the development agenda. In other words, it can help an organization, including managers, verify whether the objectives and intended outcomes are being achieved, whether project activities are happening as planned, and whether resources are being used correctly and efficiently.

The Sendai Framework Monitoring under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) (2015-2030) is a management tool to help countries develop disaster risk reduction strategies, make risk-informed policy decisions, and allocate resources to prevent new disaster risks. This monitoring framework consists of 38 indicators used to track the progress in implementing seven global targets of the SFDRR. As a result, countries also need to track or monitor the progress of the implementation of SFDRR at the national and sub-national levels.

In the context of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), M&E enables disaster management professionals to assess the progress and outcomes of implementing specific risk reduction measures and evaluate the risk reduction outcomes for other types of development and humanitarian assistance programs.

The course aims to raise the knowledge and skills of participants on M&E in DRR, particularly in designing monitoring systems and evaluation frameworks and processes to effectively manage results and learning of DRR programs and projects.


At the end of this three-day course, participants should be able to:

• Explain basic DRR-related concepts, frameworks, and needs for M&E
• Describe the process for designing an M&E framework and system for disaster programs & projects
• Explain M&E in project cycle and process to develop M&E into DRM project cycle management
• Share knowledge and experience amongst different agencies and partners in the region who conduct M&E in DRM


Module 1: Overview of DRR Concepts and Needs for M&E

Session 1.1: Concepts and Terminologies Related to DRR
Session 1.2: Overview of M&E and Needs for M&E in DRR
Session 1.3: M&E in DRR Frameworks

Module 2: General concepts and considerations related to Monitoring and Evaluation

Session 2.1: Overview of Results-Based Management and linkages with monitoring and evaluation
Session 2.2: RBM and evaluation terminology: Theory of Change, Results-Chain, Logical Framework, Attribution, Contribution
Session 2.3: Relationship between policies, programs and projects
Session 2.4: The importance of monitoring and evaluation for evidence-based decision-making
Session 2.5: Gender Responsive Monitoring and Evaluation

Module 3: Planning For Monitoring and Evaluation

Session 3.1: Identify the purpose, scope and clients of the M&E system
Session 3.2: Design Theory of Change, Results Framework
Session 3.3: Plan data collection, management, and data analysis
Session 3.4: Plan for information reporting and utilization
Session 3.5: Plan for human resources and capacity development
Session 3.6: Estimate the M&E budget

Module 4: Developing M&E process in DRM Project Cycle Management

Session 4.1: M&E in DRR Project
Session 4.2: M&E in Project Design and Planning
Session 4.3: M&E in Project Implementation
Session 4.4: M&E in Evaluation and Learning


This course shall use various trainee-centered methodologies:

• Participatory lectures and discussions
• Presentations
• Group exercises
• Case studies
• Knowledge assessment


$950 (without accommodation)
$1,200 [with accommodation (4 nights)]

Fees are inclusive of course materials (soft copy), cost of instructions and course certificate. For face-to-face training, fee is inclusive of morning and afternoon snacks and lunch during the course.


Interested individuals and organizations can register online at

For more information about the course, you may also contact Apibarl Bunchongraksa at and telephone numbers +66 22980681 to 92 ext. 132.