Guidelines for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into
Land Use Planning for Upazilas and Municipalities in Bangladesh
ADPC: Guidelines for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into
Land Use Planning for Upazilas and Municipalities in Bangladesh
Land Use Planning for Upazilas and Municipalities in Bangladesh
Published on: 12/15/2013
Language: English
Author(s): Urban Development Sirectorate (UDD) Ministry of Housing and Public Works Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, and Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Department: Safer Development Planning and Implementation
Type: Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
File size: 8.72 MB
Publication Overview/Description
The Guidelines for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Land Use Planning for Upazilas and Municipalities in Bangladesh is intended to promote the establishment of a common land use planning process at local level, as well as to promote the use of disaster risk information and disaster risk reduction strategies.