
Mainstreaming Gender Issues in Flood Preparedness
Programs in Cambodia ADPC: Mainstreaming Gender Issues in Flood Preparedness <br> Programs in Cambodia

Published on: 06/30/2009

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Public Health in Emergencies

Type: Impact Stories and Case Studies

File size: 1.41 MB


Publication Overview/Description

This case study features activities to develop and implement a program that addresses the needs and problems of women who are de facto heads of households. Firstly, a study was conducted to identify the general problems faced by women-headed households and their specific problems they encounter during floods. Results of the study were later discussed in two workshops attended by representatives from the provincial, district, and commune level disaster management committees as well as from the department of women affairs. The workshops recommended the building of capacities and raising
the awareness on flood risk reduction by women-headed households and women and children focal points at the commune level. A local NGO was commissioned to assist in facilitating the participation of women and children in three flood preparedness and disaster risk reduction activities. Finally, a public awareness campaign was conducted in several villages targeting the women-headed households.