
National Study Tour: Emergency Preparedness Involving
Vulnerable Groups in Thailand ADPC: National Study Tour: Emergency Preparedness Involving <br> Vulnerable Groups in Thailand

Published on: 07/23/2008

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Public Health in Emergencies

Type: Brochures, Factsheets and Posters

File size: 1.93 MB


Publication Overview/Description

As part of the project on ‘Strengthening Community-Based Management of AHI in Asia’ and
to promote the sharing of experience between community-level AHI management practitioners, the AHI-NGO-RC/RC-Asia Partnership (comprising ADPC, CARE, IFRC and IRC) has organised a total of four study tours. During each of these study tours, NGO, government and Red Cross/Red Crescent representatives from different organisations and countries – or regions within one country – have observed, discussed and learned from the implementation of community-based AHI management activities in other contexts.