
Safer Cities 26: Using Risk Assessments to Reduce
Landslide Risk ADPC: Safer Cities 26: Using Risk Assessments to Reduce <br> Landslide Risk

Published on: 09/30/2009

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Resilient Cities and Urban Management

Type: Impact Stories and Case Studies

File size: 1.30 MB


Publication Overview/Description

This case study discusses risk assessment and the subsequent methodologies and approaches
for landslide risk reduction. The Baguio City landslide risk mitigation project in the Philippines focused on strengthening community capacity and enhancing local commitment. The project for Kaluthara District in Sri Lanka developed a landslide early warning system through a school-based network of rainfall monitoring stations. Finally, the project for Patong City in Phuket, Thailand relied more on instrumentation and technical risk assessment as the basis for structural mitigation