
Safer Cities 13: What is the Appropriate Mitigation Mix? ADPC: Safer Cities 13: What is the Appropriate Mitigation Mix?

Published on: 03/30/2005

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Resilient Cities and Urban Management

Type: Impact Stories and Case Studies

File size: 0.50 MB


Publication Overview/Description

The devastating flood of 2000 brought to public attention the need for appropriate actions to minimize
future social and economic losses in Hat Yai and Thailand. This case study shows how partners of the
Thailand Urban Disaster Mitigation Project (TUDMP) have worked together to plan and implement
mitigation measures for Hat Yai. In this pilot initiative, TUDMP’s broader goal is to demonstrate to Thailand and other countries in Asia, a methodology for mitigation planning and implementation that promotes safer communities and sustainable development. The experience in Hat Yai highlighted four concurrent steps that are key to effective disaster mitigation.