
Regional Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Strategy for South Asia ADPC: Regional Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Strategy for South Asia

Published on: 12/11/2024

Language: English


Department: Risk Analytics and Climate Services

Type: Project Reports

File size: 7.44 MB


Publication Overview/Description

The South Asia region is heavily reliant on agriculture for its economies, rural livelihoods and food security. Drought frequently impacts the region, highlighting the need for effective drought management, including regular monitoring, forecasting and early warnings, to increase drought resilience.

In response, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) have developed the Regional Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Strategy for South Asia to address critical challenges and strengthen capacities in drought risk management. The Regional Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Strategy has been developed to provide a comprehensive framework for reducing drought risk and mitigating its impacts across South Asia. This strategy focuses on enhancing early warning systems, strengthening institutional capacities and promoting sustainable practices to build resilience against droughts.

The Regional Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Strategy for South Asia consists of five groups of strategic priorities covering: (i) Observation, monitoring, forecasting, early warning; (ii) Scientific research and application; (iii) Governance; (iv) Partnerships and cooperation; and (v) Training and capacity development.