Assessment of Water Sector Policy Frameworks of Bangladesh:
Identifying Gaps and Addressing Needs
ADPC: Assessment of Water Sector Policy Frameworks of Bangladesh:<br>Identifying Gaps and Addressing Needs
Published on: 05/27/2024
Language: English
Author(s): ADPC
Department: Climate Resilience and Risk Governance
Type: Technical Papers
File size: 2.77 MB
This study explored the status of the governing water sector policy framework and Bangladesh’s fundamental water governance structure. Relevant policy instruments of other important thematic areas, such as agriculture and industry, were investigated to assess their relation and linkage with the water sector policy framework. However, the review focused on only the recent and governing policies to accurately predict the existing institutional and operational forms of water governance. The country’s water sector acts and rules, policies, strategies, plans, and guidelines, and the structure of water resources governance through the Government’s agencies were evaluated against the requirements for agencies to adopt IWRM.
The analysis performed in this assignment primarily focused on identifying and understanding the prevailing policy and legislative framework for the water sector, including both IWRM and the water service sector (e.g., water utility service sectors) and opportunities for the inclusion of climate adaptation and resilience. This review and its recommendations have been presented to the Ministry of Water Resources. Its findings will be used later in the work with the Government of Bangladesh to develop improved policies, standards, and capacities for climate-resilient development.