
Gender Responsive DRM Status Review and Recommendations for
implementing the Sendai Framework ADPC: Gender Responsive DRM Status Review and Recommendations for <br>implementing the Sendai Framework

Published on: 10/12/2021

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Public Health in Emergencies

Type: Progress and Assessment Reports

File size: 0.92 MB


Publication Overview/Description

This review is part of the Gender Stakeholder Group’s periodic updates to the Asia Pacific
Partnership of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.

It was carried out by Duryog Nivaran on behalf of the Group with technical support from the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre and Duryog Nivaran, and inputs from UNDRR and UN Women for

The Gender Stakeholder Group is comprised of representatives of national governments,
bilateral agencies, United Nations agencies, and the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s
regional working group on Gender in Humanitarian Action, civil society organizations, and
individuals in the region who are promoting gender-responsive disaster risk reduction.