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Date: 30 Sep 2014 - 29 Sep 2019


Donor Agency: U. S. Agency for International Development Regional Development Mission for Asia

Location: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam



SERVIR-Mekong is a geospatial data for development program designed to respond to the needs of the Lower Mekong countries. It intends to build the capacity of governments and other key stakeholders in the Lower Mekong countries to employ publicly-available satellite imagery and geospatial technologies, such as mapping and analysis software, for environmental management, disaster risk management and building resilience to climate change.

The activity's goal is to enhance climate change adaptation and landscape management in the Lower Mekong region through the increased application of geospatial analysis to critical, urgent, or common policy and planning needs, especially in the context of climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and response, Mekong basin development, water security, food security, and landscape management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The objectives of SERVIR-Mekong are to:
1. Build and institutionalize the technical capacity of government decision makers and key civil society groups to integrate geospatial information into their decision-making, planning, and communication.
2. Improve the sharing of user-tailored geospatial data, products and services.
3. Develop new high quality user-tailored data, tools, applications, and models to address on-the-ground priorities.
4. Ensure the sustainability of SERVIR-Mekong as a resource for the region.

It has four service areas:
1. Food security
2. Weather and climate
3. Water resources and disasters
4. Land cover/land use and ecosystems

Key Activities

1. Regional assessment of the gaps in technological capacities and available and accessible data.
2. Capacity building for governments and other stakeholders on integrating geospatial analysis into their decision-making and planning.
3. Developing geospatial datasets, tools, applications, and/or models.
4. Developing knowledge products to enhance the sharing of user-tailored geospatial data, products and services.
5. Sustainability planning for the continued operation and expansion of ADPC?s capacities to provide geospatial tools and services beyond the project period.



-A Needs Assessment of Geospatial Data and Technologies in the Lower Mekong Region - download from:

-Gender and GIS: Guidance Notes - download from:
