Building Resilience: Empowering Regional Leaders in Disaster Risk Management

Building Resilience: Empowering Regional Leaders in Disaster Risk Management

14 - 18 May 2024

Bishoftu, Ethiopia

From May 14-18, 2024, a Disaster Risk Management (DRM) leadership cascading training was organized for 30 DRM leaders and professionals representing 12 regional Disaster Risk Management Commissions (DRMCs) and two city administrations. This training, held at Adulala Resort in Bishoftu, Ethiopia, was co-organized by the Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission (EDRMC), the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


The training achieved gender parity, with 30 participants from all regions and city administrations in Ethiopia. This included one male and one female participant from each of the 12 regional DRM Commissions (Oromia, Afar, Amhara, Somali, Tigray, SNNPR, Sidama, Benshangul, Gambella, Harari, South-Western Region, and Central Region), along with representatives from the Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa City Administrations. Notably, trainees from previous Training of Trainers (ToT) sessions served as facilitator-trainers for this round.

The five-day training provided a platform for participants to engage in discussions on best practices related to DRM. They also explored leadership skills applicable to their regional contexts. The shared experience and newly acquired leadership mindsets are expected to be implemented in DRM efforts across Ethiopia at regional, zonal, and local levels.

H.E. Ambassador Dr Shiferaw Teklemariam, EDRMC Commissioner, led a session discussing dependency syndrome, humanitarian response, necessary resources, and the importance of integrating the triple nexus approach – Humanitarian Response, Development, and Peacebuilding – for successful DRM and resilience. According to the Commissioner, well-implemented triple nexus strategies ensure the realization of DRM and disaster-resilient communities.

The Commissioner also urged participants to familiarize themselves with the newly ratified DRM policy to effectively lead DRM initiatives at the regional level. The final Amharic version of the ratified DRM policy document was shared with the participants.

Participants praised the organization of the training, emphasizing its timeliness following the ratification of the revised DRM policy and the increased focus on the sector. They noted that leadership is not just about holding a position but is an integral part of daily life. After receiving their certifications, the 30 participants expressed eagerness to share their newly acquired skills and knowledge with DRM professionals at the zonal, woreda, and kebele levels.