A Validation Workshop for Stocktaking Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems and Anticipatory Actions in Ethiopia

A Validation Workshop for Stocktaking Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems and Anticipatory Actions in Ethiopia

23 - 24 Aug 2024

Bishoftu, Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission (EDRMC), in partnership with the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, introduced a 'Multi-Hazard, Impact-Based Early Warning and Early Action System (MH-IB-EW-EAS) Roadmap to enhance and transform Ethiopia’s early warning system by 2030. The consultative workshop was held to validate the assessment results of the current state of multi-hazard early warning systems (MH-EWS) and anticipatory actions in Ethiopia. These results were obtained through stocktaking, mapping, and subsequent meetings and discussions with relevant organizations and individuals involved in the Ethiopian early warning system. The assessment considered four key pathways: disaster risk knowledge; detection, monitoring, and forecasting systems; communication and dissemination; and preparedness and anticipatory responses.

The workshop attracted 48 participants (40 male and 8 female) drawn from various government entities and non-government stakeholders. Notable attendees included representatives from the Ministry of Health (MoH), Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE), Ministry of Peace (MoP), Ministry of Irrigation and Lowland (MoILL), Ministry of Transports and Logistics (MoTL), Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure (MUI), Ministry of Education (MoE), Ministry of Women and Social Affairs (MoWSA), EDRMC, as well as UN agencies, donor groups, INGOs, NGOs, academia, and research institutions.

DRMC’s DRM Senior Advisor, Ato Tadesse Bekele, addressed the participants and opened the validation workshop.

In addition to validating the stocktaking assessment report, the workshop focused on consulting with relevant stakeholders, gathering additional input, and integrating overlooked experiences from the data collection process. It also endeavored to foster open discussion to establish a common understanding among stakeholders, clearly defining roles within existing EWS and anticipatory action frameworks to improve coordination, avoid duplication, and address any gaps. Various documents, including the roadmap, were presented at the workshop, and feedback and comments were provided.

EDRMC’s Disaster Risk Management Senior Adviser, Tadesse Bekele, emphasized the crucial roles of stakeholder participation in the stocktaking and implementation of disaster risk management policies. He noted that these efforts are essential for building disaster-resilient communities and a resilient nation.

Participants appreciated the workshop for bringing together a comprehensive group of DRM stakeholders. They highlighted that the event facilitated a shared understanding of the roadmap’s status and created awareness of future steps.