
The 18th Meeting of the Regional Consultative Committee to Advance Resilient Development Goals

Bangkok, ThailandBangkok, Thailand — The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), in collaboration with the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM), Ministry of Interior of the Royal Thai Government, convened the 18th Meeting of the Regional Consultative Committee (RCC) centered on the theme “Sustainable Anticipatory Actions for Resilient Development Goals.”

Institutional Study Visit of Office of Civil Defense (OCD), Philippines Delegation to Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand – The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) organized an institutional visit to Thailand for the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), the national disaster management office (NDMO) of the Philippines from 03 to 04 April 2024. The 10-person delegation was headed by the OCD Administrator, Undersecretary Ariel F. Nepomuceno.

Visit of Ms. Pilar Pacheco and Ms. Karla Bajana of the Global Development Division, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to ADPC Headquarters.

ADPC HQ, Thailand – The Preparedness for Response and Recovery team at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) recently welcomed Ms. Pilar Pacheco, Senior Program Officer, and Ms. Karla Bajana, Senior Program Coordinator of the Emergency Response Global Development Division at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) from 25-29 March 2024. The visit focused on reviewing the collaborative disaster preparedness programs funded by BMGF.

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