
Building Resilience: Empowering Regional Leaders in Disaster Risk Management

Bishoftu, Ethiopia – Thirty Disaster Risk Management (DRM) leaders from 12 Ethiopian regions and 2 city administrations participated in a DRM leadership cascading training held in Bishoftu from May 14-18, 2024. This intensive program aimed to equip these professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively lead regional humanitarian operations and strengthen disaster preparedness across the country.

Visit of Ms. Pilar Pacheco and Ms. Karla Bajana of the Global Development Division, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to ADPC Headquarters.

ADPC HQ, Thailand – The Preparedness for Response and Recovery team at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) recently welcomed Ms. Pilar Pacheco, Senior Program Officer, and Ms. Karla Bajana, Senior Program Coordinator of the Emergency Response Global Development Division at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) from 25-29 March 2024. The visit focused on reviewing the collaborative disaster preparedness programs funded by BMGF.

Unveiling Regional Initiatives: South Asia Gears Up for Drought Management in 2024

Bamgkok, Thailand – Drought conditions in South Asia have emerged as a complex challenge, impacting vital sectors such as agriculture, water resources, livelihoods, and energy generation. The vulnerability of countries in the region, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, to various types of droughts is exacerbated by erratic rainfall patterns and prolonged dry spells. This has led to heightened concerns over food insecurity, water scarcity, and the plight of small-scale farmers grappling with crop failures, ultimately contributing to poverty and rural migration. Addressing the multifaceted impacts of drought in South Asia necessitates collaborative efforts across sectors and regional cooperation.

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