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The Asian Disaster
Mitigation Training Network (ADMIT) is a network
of disaster management training institutions in
Asia. It was created under the Asian Urban
Disaster Mitigation Program (AUDMP) of the ADPC
in 1999 to facilitate sharing of experiences,
information and resources on disaster management
training amongst the partner organizations. The
Training, Resource, Material and Continuing
Education (TRMCE) section of AUDMP/ADPC provides
secretarial services to the network members
ADMIT aims to serve as a
vehicle and conceptual fore-runner to promote
partnerships with national training institutions
to deliver training on various aspects of
disaster management at national and sub-national
levels in countries of Asian region.
The training will be
delivered to audiences that are closest to the
ground and therefore have the greatest capacity
to make a difference.
While the network
derives its strength from resources provided
under the AUDMP currently, it is expected to
serve as an institutional mechanism beyond the
life of the project. Even during the project, it
does not intend to be delimited by AUDMP goals
and or geographical boundaries.
The first ADMIT workshop
was conducted on 12-15 May 1999, attended by the
following Chief Executive Officers/Senior
Officials of the nine training institutions.
Dr. Kulwant Singh,
Executive Director/Human Settlement Management
Institute (HSMI), India
Mr. R. P. Bhanushali,
Joint Director/National Safety Council of India
(NSCI), India
Mr. B. Achmadi, Head
of Overseas Training Division/Training and
Education Agency - Ministry of Home Affairs (BADAN
DIKLAT), Indonesia
Dr. Ir. Purnomo
Soekirno, Head Continuing Education and Student
Field Work Study Program/Institute of Community
Services - Institute of Technology Bandung (LPM-ITB),
Dr. Surya P. Shreshta,
Senior Director of Studies and Chief MGD/Nepal
Administrative Staff College (NASC), Nepal
Mr. Kedar Rizal,
Project Director/ Disaster Prevention Technical
Center (DPTC), Nepal
Ms. Florecita G.
Laborte, Senior Officer/Local Government Academy
(LGA), Philippines
Ms. Geethi Karunaratne,
Director/Center for Housing, Planning and
Building (CHPB), Sri Lanka
Mr. N.G. Kularatna,
Additional Director/Sri Lanka Institute for
Development Administration (SLIDA), Sri Lanka
The workshop was also
attended by key AUDMP project partners of the
region, the RUDO officers, AUDMP and ADPC. Mr.
Aloysius Rego, Senior Manager/ADPC, presented
the need for ADMIT, the need for a charter, a
generic MOU between NPTI and ADPC, a brochure
and a logo, the need for conduct of the
in-country activities. In this workshop, a
drafting committee consisting of the following
was formed in order to work on the MOU, charter,
brochure and logo.
Dr. Kulwant
Singh/HSMI Co-Chairperson
Mr. Aloysius Rego/ADPC
Co-Chairperson and Secretary
Ms. Geethi
Karunaratne/CHPB Co-Chairperson
Mr. Achmadi/BADAN
Mr. Surya P. Shrestha
/NASC Member
Mr. N. G. Kulratna/SLIDA
Ms. Florecita A.
Laborte/LGA Member
The Second ADMIT workshop
was held on 29th and 31st May 1999. The
following participants were nominated by the
national training institutes to attend the
Second Regional Learning Workshop on Urban
Disaster Mitigation (UDM-2) and were expected to
play lead roles in the in-country training
courses on UDM.
Mr. D. Biswas,
Assistant Director/NSCI, India
Ms. Taranjot K.
Gadhok, Senior Fellow/HSMI, India
Dr. C. N. Ray,
Assistant Professor/Center for Environment,
Planning and Technology (CEPT), India
Drs. H. Ismet Lubis,
Mr. Syahril,
Lecturer/ ITB, Indonesia
Mr. Singha Raj Uprety,
Senior Training and Management Consultant/NASC,
Mr. Prakash M.
Shrestha, Engineer/DPTC, Nepal
Mr. Jose Gonzalo P.
Ablay, Project Manager/LGA, Philippines
Ms. Maria Concepcion
P.Pablan, Director-LDEMO/Development Academy
of the Philippines (DAP), Philippines
Mr. H. Sumanaratna,
Consultant & Course Director/SLIDA, Sri
Mr. M. C.
Edirisooriya, Consultant-CHPB/Nawalapitiya
Urban Council, Sri Lanka
During this
workshop, participants and the course training
team gave their feedback on the UDM course with
regard to the content, duration, target group,
etc. The adaptation and localization of UDM
course was discussed as well