
November 2006 Issue No 26
Climate Risk Management: Climate Forecast
Applications Project, 5-13 Nov, Hanoi
Under the Climate Forecast Applications (CFA)
project, ADPC is conducting the following
activities: 1) identifying constraints and
opportunities in the generation of downscaled
climate information; 2) documenting existing
forecast products and on-going research in
targeted provinces, districts, and communes; 3)
understanding the relevance of forecast
information for decision making; and 4)
documenting decision calendars. The primary
partners in this project are the National
Hydrometeorological Service, Quang Tri
Department of Science and Technology, and Gio
Linh District Storm and Flood Control Committee.
The CFA project in Vietnam is supported by the
US National Atmospheric and Oceanic
Research trip to Thailand’s tsunami affected
urban municipalities, 8-20 Nov, Phang Ang, Krabi
and Phukhet provinces
ADPC is undertaking data collection for
developing a topical inventory of good municipal
practices for post tsunami activities with
funding support from TCG International, LLC,
under the project “Good Urban Governance South
Regional Early Warning System: ADPC to conduct
assessment and documentation activities related
to coastal community resilience, 12-19 Nov,
Tamil Nadu, India
ADPC will conduct assessment and documentation
activities related to coastal community
resilience with the expected outcomes of 1) a
review and documentation of institutional
arrangements, current status, gaps, and
challenges in implementing coastal zone
regulations; 2) documentation of the extent of
integration of disaster preparedness and
mitigation in ongoing developmental programs;
and 3) identification of key areas to be
considered in designing the Coastal Community
Resilience (CCR) project under the US Indian
Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System (IOTWS)
program. During the mission, institutional
arrangements for implementing the CCR project
will also be established at state and district
levels. The Revenue Administration, Disaster
Management and Mitigation Department of the
Government of Tamil Nadu are the primary
partners in this project.
Flood Emergency Management Strengthening (FEMS)
Project, 17 Nov
Under the Flood Emergency Management
Strengthening project implemented by Disaster
Management Systems (DMS) team of ADPC in
collaboration with Mekong River Commission and
GTZ, the following activities are planned:
National experience sharing workshop, Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam
The objectives of the workshops are as follows:
• To update the national line agencies and other
partners on the overall achievements of
implementation since the start of the project
• To discuss and share with the national line
agencies the experiences gained from the project
implementation, particularly in the flood
preparedness program development and its ground
implementation through priority sub-project
during the flood season 2006
• To seek guidance and suggestions on future
activities in the remaining period of FEMS
The participants include, the National Mekong
Committees, representatives from MRC Secretariat
and Flood Management & Mitigation Program (FMMP)
of MRCS, Vietnam National Disaster Management
offices, Provincial Disaster Management
committees of target provinces and districts,
line agencies who have been involved in the FEMS
project implementation (e.g.: Education and
Sport (including local University); Health;
Water Resources Management; Military; Women
Affairs/Union; Youth Union; Committee for
Population, Family and Children; etc.), National
Red Cross Societies in Vietnam and IFRC,
International organisations and Civil Society
Organisations (UNDP, WFP, WHO, UNICEF, Oxfam-GB,
Care, Save the Children, and GTZ Country
Updates on Program for Hydro-Meteorological
Disaster Mitigation in Secondary Cities in Asia
(PROMISE), 19-25 Nov
ADPC will visit Hyderabad, the PROMISE-Pakistan
project site to participate in the training,
coordination of the PROMISE work component 1.
PROMISE is funded by the Office of US Foreign
Disaster Assistance (OFDA) under the US Agency
for International Development.
Coordination and finalization of SHOUHARDO
project Phase I, Dhaka
ADPC will coordinate hazard, vulnerability and
risk assessments with new technical partners in
Dhaka, Bangladesh, as part of the SHOUHARDO
project Phase I. ADPC will provide technical
assistance to the Strengthening Household
Abilities to Responding to Development
Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) project with funding
support from CARE Bangladesh.
Partnership with Save the Children under
Lao-Australia NGOs cooperation agreement, 27
Nov-5 Dec, Lao PDR
ADPC’s Disaster Management Systems (DMS) team,
in partnership with Save the Children Australia
based in Lao PDR, will undertake a mission to
Sayaboury province, Lao to gather base line
information in Sayaboury, and to design two
one-year projects on "Disaster Risk Education
for Children Pilot Activity" and "Tools for
Disaster Risk Assessment Pilot activity". Both
the projects are to be implemented in Sayaboury
District of Sayaboury province from February
2007 to January 2008. They will serve as the
start up activities for the long term (5-year)
project on Sayaboury Integrated Hazard
Mitigation Project to be undertaken in the
middle of 2007. The key output of the November
mission will be a detailed project design for
the two one-year project, specifying individual
activity to be undertaken together with a
realistic time line and clear roles and
responsibilities of the implementing partners as
well as the project stakeholders. All the
projects are to be funded by AusAID, under the
Lao-Australia NGOs Cooperation Agreement.
Regional Early Warning System: Enhancing coastal
community resilience to natural disasters, 29
Nov-29 Dec, Vietnam
ADPC will conduct a mission to Nam Dinh and
other project sites in Vietnam, under the DANIDA-funded
“Enhancing community resilience to natural
disasters in Southeast Asia” project, to conduct
activities, namely 1) accomplishing the site
profiling; 2) constitute local working groups;
and 3) to carry out training needs assessment.
Vietnam’s National Hydrometeorological Service (NHMS)
is the primary partner for this workshop.
Climate Risk Management: ADPC to lead workshop
on flood forecasting, 4-6 Dec, Dhaka
Under the flood forecast technology for disaster
preparedness in Bangladesh II project, ADPC will
convene a workshop in Dhaka, Bangladesh to share
the progress made with the partners and to
prepare future work plans for 2007. Project
partners, namely the Department of Agriculture
Extension, Bangladesh Water Development Board,
Disaster Management Bureau, Institute of Water
Modeling, Center for Environmental and
Geographic Information Services and CARE
Bangladesh will participate in the workshop.
Dear Readers,
This month ADPC's 6th meeting of the
Regional Consultative Committee on
Disaster Management (RCC) is underway in
Kunming, China from 9-11 November.
The 6th Regional Consultative Committee
(RCC) on Disaster Management from in
Kunming, Yunnan Province in China is
being conducted in close collaboration
with the Ministry of Civil Affairs,
Government of China and is supported by
the Australian Government. The meeting
is being attended by members from 25
Asian countries, who are working in key
government positions in the National
Disaster Management agencies, observers
from UN Agencies, donors and ADPC
partners. The special focus of the 6th
RCC Meeting is on initiatives in the
country on mainstreaming disaster risk
reduction into development and planned
activities to operationalize the Hanoi
RCC5 Statement of 2005 on "Mainstreaming
Disaster Risk Management in Development
(MDRD) and Enhancing Regional
Cooperation". Other highlights are
lessons learnt from recent disasters,
and experiences of China in disaster
preparedness and mitigation.
The Regional Consultative Committee (RCC)
on Disaster Management was established
by the Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC) in 2000. Each year the RCC
meeting has had a special focus. The RCC
2 held in Bangkok had a special session
on Flood Preparedness and Mitigation,
RCC 3 in Delhi on Drought Risk
Management, RCC 4 in Dhaka on Urban
Disaster Risk Management and the RCC 5
in Hanoi and the RCC 6 in on
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction
into Development Plan, Policies and
Other major ADPC events this month
include the 34th Disaster Management
course scheduled from 6-24 Nov 2006 in
Bangkok, the Earthquake and Tsunami
Vulnerability Reduction course (EVRC)
from 23 Oct-6 Nov 2006, in Bangkok and
the 6th General Assembly of the Asian
Seismological Commission and Symposium,
7-10 Nov 2006, Bangkok. For more
information on the events, please visit
our website.
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul
Executive Director a.i.
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Earl James Goodyear PhD
Senior Recovery Programme Advisor
UNDP, Pakistan
Dr. Uy Sam Ath
Director of Disaster Managment
Cambodian Red Cross
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ADPC invites disaster information
ADPC would like to highlight activities,
initiatives, projects, studies, good
practices and publications on various
aspects of disaster management from
disaster practitioners & organizations
in the Asia and Pacific region. The
information received will be highlighted
in the ADPC website, thus facilitating
effective information sharing at the
local, national and regional level.
We look forward to receiving your
Information & Knowledge Management Unit,
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