March 2006 Issue No 18
joins the first Emergency Crew with Télécoms
Sans Frontières (TSF) South-East Base in Leyte,
Philippines (16 February-5 March)
A massive landslide in Leyte, Philippines
followed by heavy rains destroyed hundreds of
houses and several hundred lives.
ADPC in partnership with TSF established an emergency
telecommunications response mission
in St. Bernard Operations Center to give
efficient communication service mainly the
United Nations Disaster Assessment and
Coordination (UNDAC) team, local and
international NGOs, and government officials.
The mission helped to coordinate, offer support and
assist the affected people providing them a link
with the outside world. The mission also
assisted to coordinate and strengthen emergency
communication requirements in the worst affected
zones through its satellite facilities.
Capacity Building Activities in Dhaka (28
February-2 March)
Experts from ADPC carried out
capacity building activities under the project
“Climate Forecast Applications and Adaptation to
Climate Change in the Agriculture, Fisheries,
and Forestry Sectors of the Hawr Region and the
Coastal Belt” in Dhaka, Bangladesh
from 28 February–2 March.
The project was
conducted with the funding support from FAO.
Community Evacuation Drill in Phang Nga (10
Baan Nam Khem Community, Phang Nga conducted
the Community Evacuation Drill facilitated by
ADPC and DDPM under the UNDP-EWSP
on 10 March 2006 in Phang Nga in collaboration
with the Community Committee, TAO of Bang Muang
and the local government organisations.
The main objectives of this activity was to
reinforce the community participation on
Community Based Disaster Risk Management by
activating the function of community in
planning; conducting evacuation drill and to
evaluate community's disaster preparedness plan
through implementation. This is part of the ADPC
End-to-End TEWS for five countries of Southeast
Mekong River Commission - ECHO II Project
Evaluation, Cambodia and Loa PDR, (10-30 March)
ADPC in consultation with MRC's will be
conducting the “End of Project Evaluation”
in the selected target countries (Cambodia and
Lao PDR). The evaluation will assess the
effectiveness of the activities carried out
under the project as well as advise strategies
to ensure the continuation of the flood
preparedness planning process at the provincial
and district levels in the lower Mekong Basin
Countries. An external evaluator is being hired
in agreement with the Donor. The ADPC and MRC's
project team will participate in the process and
the evaluation will be carried out under the
guidance of the Team Leader, ADPC.
2nd Meeting with Business Groups in Vietnam,
Hanoi (15 March )
The 2nd Meeting with Business Groups in Vietnam
is a follow-up to the 1st Meeting with Business
Groups in Vietnam held on 1 December 2005. The
1st Meeting orientated the business firms on the
hazards and risks that are present in the
contexts where they operate. The meeting
discussed the potential disaster risks that
might be caused by the business activities and
the importance of identifying risk and action
planning for managing those risks; and
identified the potential activities that
business could undertake in order to ensure
safety of the business, employees and the
communities where such businesses are located.
The 2nd Meeting is tentatively scheduled for the
15 March , 2006 and discussions are being held
with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and
Industry on further collaboration on this
initiative. The 2nd Meeting will aim to draft a
plan and identify resources and mechanisms to
facilitate the undertaking of the activities
identified during the 1st Meeting. http://www.pdrsea.3-a.net/
Public Health in Emergencies Management in Asia
and the Pacific (PHEMAP) Curriculum Review,
Bangkok (20-24March)
PHEMAP is the inter-regional training course
jointly organised by the ADPC, WHO-SEARO and
WPRO in Asia and the Pacific. The objective of
this activity is to review and develop a set of
PHEMAP course manuals for use in the
inter-regional PHEMAP course, and for adaptation
in PHEMAP national courses. The course aims at
helping countries of the region to develop more
effective policy, procedures, plans, guidelines
and standards of best practice for health sector
emergency management.
for Minister of Disaster Management and Human
Rights of the Democratic Socialist Republic of
Sri Lanka (16 February)
ADPC welcomed Hon. Minister Mr. Mahinda
Samarasinghe - Minister of Disaster Management
and Human Rights of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka to ADPC on 16 February
2006. Hon. Minister was accompanied by H.E. Mr.
J.D.A. Wijewardena, Sri Lankan Ambassador
to Thailand, Major General Gamini Hettiarachchi,
Director General of Disaster Management Centre,
and Mr. G. H. P. Dharmaratna, Director General
of Meteorology, Sri Lanka. The meeting provided
an opportunity to brief Hon. Minister on ADPC’s
activities and involvement in the region,
particularly in Sri Lanka. The meeting further
enhanced the on-going partnership and
collaboration between Government of Sri Lanka
and ADPC. Sri Lanka is one of nine founding
members of ADPC as an International
Intergovernmental Organisation being one of the
first countries to ratify the charter of ADPC.
Welcome for the Secretary General of South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC),
Bangkok, (21 February)
ADPC welcomed H.E. Mr. Lyonpo Chenkyab Dorji -
Secretary General of South Asian Association of
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) on 21 February
2006. The meeting provided an opportunity to
brief H.E Mr. Dorji on ADPC’s activities and
involvement in the region and to further enhance
the on-going partnership and collaboration
between SAARC and ADPC.
Presentation on “Creating
a Community Medical Emergency Program”,
Bangkok (22 February)
ADPC in partnership with Thammasat University’s
School of Public Heath and DDPM organised a
half-day event on “Creating a Community Medical
Emergency Program” at Thammasat University on
February 21, 2006. The event featured a
presentation on the issue by Mr. Phillip Walker,
Emergency Management Coordinator & Federal
Coordinating Center Veterans Affairs Medical
System in the Texas Medical Center, Houston. The
focus was on establishment of Comprehensive
Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) and
Supplemental Emergency Response Plan (SERP) as
parts of disaster mitigation. The presentation
discussed lessons learned from two major
disasters that affected Houston, Texas, USA -
the great flood caused by Tropical Storm Allison
(June 2001) and the disasters caused by
Hurricanes Katrina & Rita (September 2005).
International Women’s Day, Bangkok (8 March)
ADPC in partnership with United Nations
Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) organised an
event to celebrate “Emergencies and the Strength
of Women,” to mark the International Women’s Day
on 8th March 2006 at The Royal
Princess Hotel, Larn Luang, Bangkok. The event
acknowledged and honoured outstanding Women and
Organisations. The forum through its talks and
presentations highlighted women’s unique role in
disaster and post-disaster rebuilding. Mrs.
Prateep Ungsongtham Hata, Secretary General of
Duang Prateep Foundation and World Vision
Foundation of Thailand, gave an insight into the
grass root activities of their organizations.
The event was well represented by several UN
agencies, NGO’s, International organizations,
members of the community and the Press. The one
day event was opened by H .E. Mrs. Merete Fjeld
Brattested, Norwegian Ambassador to Thailand,
and Honourable Thanpuying Sumalee Chartikavanij,
Founder & President of Thai Women Watch.
UNDP/AIT/ADPC Training Activity under the USAID/AIT/ADPC
Livelihood Program, Ranong
(1-5 March)
The Livelihood Programme is an initiative by
USAID, AIT and ADPC, in partnership with the
Tambon Kam Phuan, Suk Samran District, Ranong
Province, Thailand. As part of the initiative,
ADPC agreed to conduct a series of training
activities in Ranong Province aimed at building
the capacities related to Community Based
Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) of local
villages within the Tsunami impacted areas of
Ranong Province. The first activity was
conducted in December 2005 and the second CBDRM
for communities in Ranong was conducted during
1-5 March 2006 in Ranong, Thailand. The second
activity is designed to build on and to
re-enforce lessons from the first activity.
Curriculum Development Workshop on Governance
and Risk Management, Bangkok (2-3
under the Program for Hydro-Meteorological
Disaster Mitigation for Secondary Cities in Asia
organised a two-day Curriculum
Development Workshop on Governance and Risk
Management with the funding support from USAID/OFDA. Participants for
the workshop were representatives of the local
partners in five targeted countries, Bangladesh,
Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, of
the PROMISE project. The workshop was held on
2-3 March 2006 at AIT Center Bangkok, Thailand.
Climate Change, Seasonality and Environmental
Hazard workshop, Bangkok (6-9
ADPC experts participated in the “Climate
Change, Seasonality and Environmental Hazard”
workshop in Bangkok on 6-9 March 2006. The
workshop was organised by the Center for
Capacity Building,
National Center for
Atmospheric Research
(NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Training Course on Community Based Urban
Disaster Risk Mitigation, Sri Lanka (13-17
ADPC under the PROMISE project is organising a
training course on “Community Based Urban
Disaster Risk Mitigation” on 13-17 March 2006 in
Kalutara, Sri Lanka. This training course will
be organised primarily for the staff members of
SARVODAYA, the local partner institution for
PROMISE Sri Lanka, and other stakeholders
by ADPC with the funding support from USAID/OFDA.
Workshop on Earthquake Vulnerability and
Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment: Geospatial Tools
for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Efforts,
Pakistan (13-31 March)ADPC
is organising a three-week workshop on
“Earthquake Vulnerability and Multi-Hazard Risk
Assessment: Geospatial Tools for Rehabilitation
and Reconstruction Efforts” from 13–31 March in
Peshawar, Pakistan. The workshop will be jointly
organised by National Center of Excellence in
Geology, University of Peshawar Pakistan,
International Institute for Geo-information
Sciences and Earth Observation (ITC), The
Netherlands, UN University Japan, Integrated
Center for Information on Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Kathmandu, and ADPC. Participants for the
workshop include officials from variety of NGOs
and Local and Government Agencies in Pakistan.
Training Course on Community Based Urban
Disaster Risk Mitigation, Indonesia (14-16
Training Course on “Community Based Urban
Disaster Risk Mitigation” will be organised for
the M.Sc students of
Geoinformation for Disaster Management at
University of Gadjah Madah, Jogjakarta,
Indonesia. This training would be held from
14-16 March 2006 under the CASITA Phase II
project being implemented by ADPC in
Collaboration with ITC, Netherlands and Bonn
University, Germany with the funding support
from EU’s Asia IT&C
Workshop on Emergency Telecommunications for
Disaster Management, Dhaka,
Bangladesh (15-20 March)
ADPC experts will be in Bangladesh to conduct
the ITU Workshop on “Emergency
Telecommunications for Disaster Management” from
15-20 March 2006. The
project, in collaboration with the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU), aims to prepare a
general telecommunication plan for an early
warning system for Bangladesh, Maldives, and Sri
Workshop on Kratie District Flood Preparedness
Planning (FPP), Cambodia (21-22
ADPC in consultation with the National Committee
for Disaster Management (NCDM), Cambodia and
Cambodia National Mekong Committee (CNMC) will
organise a one and half day workshop on 21-22 March in Kratie, Cambodia.
The focus of the workshop would be to arrive at
consensus on the flood preparedness planning
process and in particular to review and reach
agreement on roles and responsibilities of all
the stakeholders. Participants for the workshop
will include all members of the DCDM, members of
PCDM, District Red Cross and NGOs.
in Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (DANA),
Pakistan (21-29 March)
ADPC is organising three two-day workshops on
“Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (DANA)”
funded by UNISDR/UNOCHA on 21-29 March in the
three cities of Pakistan namely Abbottabad,
Mansehra and Muzaffarabad. The DANA course aims
to train and create a cadre of disaster managers
with a standard methodology and protocols for
assessing and reporting post disaster damage and
needs so as to facilitate response to disasters
by optimising the mobilisation and utilisation
of resources for relief and recovery. These
trained disaster managers would then also
provide damage assessment and needs analysis
training to others at the national, provincial
and local levels.
National CBDRM Standards Workshop in Phnom Penh,
Cambodia, (28-29
ADPC is organising a three-day national workshop
in Phnom Penh for developing criteria on CBDRM
good practice and impact indicators for CBDRM
projects with the funding support from DIPECHO.
Criteria and indicators for assessment of
vulnerability at family and community levels
will also be developed in the workshop. The
outputs of this activity should lead towards
improvements in the practice of Community Based
Disaster Risk Management in Cambodia. The
earlier announced National CBDRM Standards
workshop in the month of February has been
rescheduled for 28-29 March which was initially
planned on 27-28 February 2006.
Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction Course (EVRC),
Bangladesh, (27-31 March)
ADPC in collaboration with CARE-Bangladesh is
organising a training course on Earthquake
Vulnerability Reduction Course (EVRC) from 27-31
2006 in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The course is
designed to provide greater understanding of the
causes and effects of earthquakes and tsunami
and how to mitigate such impacts in order to
reduce damage and loss of lives from these
destructive events. About 30 participants from
CARE, Chittagong City Corporation, USAID, World
Vision, SCF/USA, SHOUHARDO partner NGOs,
Bangladesh Earthquake Society etc. will attend
the training course.
Follow up visit to Lao PDR and
Consultation with National Agencies involved in
Flood Preparedness Planning (FPP), Lao PDR
(28-30 March)
ADPC and MRCS project team will visit the
selected target provinces in Lao PDR and meet
the officials of the Provincial Disaster
Management Committee (PDMC) to discuss the
outcomes of the training
programme conducted in these provinces and continuation of the Flood
Preparedness Planning process in their
provinces. In addition, one day consultation
with the National Agencies such as Lao National
Mekong Committee (LNMC), National Disaster
(NDMO) Lao, relevant line agencies and NGOs will be
organised in Vientiane to discuss the training
outcomes and strategies for future flood
preparedness activities in Lao PDR.
Disaster Management Course (DMC), Pakistan, (3-7
The Disaster Management Course (DMC) funded by
UNISDR/UNOCHA will be conducted in Karachi,
Pakistan from 3-7 April 2006. The course aims to
provide comprehensive disaster management
knowledge and skills to enhance the capabilities
of executive managers who have key disaster
management responsibilities.
Participants for the training course
include officials from variety of NGOs and Local
and Government Agencies in Pakistan. |