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3rd Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
02-04th December 2008At the Putra World Trade Centre – PWTC Putra World Trade Centre – PWTC
41, Jalan Tun Ismail
50481 Kuala Lumpur
3rd Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction has been organised to review the implementation of the HFA in the Asia and Pacific countries. The conference will be held on 02nd – 04th December 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The underpinning theme of the conference is ‘Multi-stakeholder Partnership for Disaster Risk Reduction; From National to Local’, while the overarching goal would be to exchange the knowledge on practical ways of implementing disaster risk reduction efforts affectively at national and local levels. The objectives of the 3rd Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction would be:
Click here to view the official website
- To review the action taken by the national governments and other stakeholders for the implementation of the Hyogo Framework of Action as a follow up to the Beijing Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and Delhi Declaration;
- To ensure an effective follow-up to the decisions taken by the ISDR Asia Partnership, as the operative arms of the Ministerial Conferences, in particular in mapping out and reporting on the implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and the Pacific;
- To take stock of initiatives taken in various sub-regions of Asia for promoting cooperation and building partnerships for disaster risk reduction among nations, both within and outside the governments, including private and public partnership;
- To share and exchange good practices and lessons learned on disaster risk reduction in various fields including application of science and technology, community based disaster preparedness, public-private partnership and enhance their replication within the region;
- To discuss the preparations towards key global processes for Disaster Risk Reduction such as the Global Platform and Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction as well as contribution to regional forums on disaster risk reduction;
- To develop a vision and roadmap to strengthen existing partnerships and forge new ones, and engage new stakeholders’ investment in disaster risk reduction in Asia, such as the private sector, re-insurance companies etc;
- To facilitate a better recognition of community-based activities and local actions on disaster risk reduction by Governments and promote the mobilization of adequate policy and financial support at the national level to facilitate the effective implementation and replication within vulnerable communities.
As the regional DRR resource centre in the Asia and Pacific, ADPC is a key partner of the conference and would lead six events as given bellow;
High Level Round Table 03 (HLRT3): “Empowering Local Governments and Community Organizations (CBOs) to Implement Community Based DRR”
Technical Segment 03 (TS3): “Decentralized Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction; Involvement & Empowerment of Local Governments and Non-governmental Organizations for DRR in Asia”
Side Event A: “Reducing Disaster Risk in Urban Areas”
Side Event E: “Reducing Disaster Risk in Urban Areas”
Side Event F: "Mainstreaming DRR into Development: Experiences and lessons learned from the RCC MDRD programme"
Side Event I: “Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction agenda: Science, Institutions, and Policy”