Dear Readers,
ADPC achieved another
milestone by successfully
conducting the first ever
Regional training course on
End-to-End Multi-Hazard
Early Warning Systems for
Disaster Risk Reduction
from 15 - 26 September 2008
in Bangkok, Thailand. The
course was attended by 26
participants from the region
and beyond.
The course, under the able
leadership of Mr. A.R.
Subbiah, Director of ADPC’s
Climate Risk Management Team
and the ADPC-facilitated
Regional Multi-hazard Early
Warning System builds the
capacity of professionals to
design, manage, evaluate and
undertake improvements in
people cantered end-to-end
early warning systems for
hydro-meteorological &
geological hazards and
extreme events associated
with climate change and
variability. It builds upon
ADPC's two decades of
experience in disaster
management, facilitating
regional cooperation and
building capacities of
disaster management
institutions at all
government levels, disaster
management practitioners and
communities. It extends to
institutionalizing weather
and climate information
applications for disaster
mitigation and recently, in
the implementation of Indian
Ocean and South East Asia
end-to-end early warning
system for tsunami and hydro-meteorological
International practitioners
and experts from different
organizations all over the
world complemented ADPC's in-house
expertise in conducting and
delivering the course.
ADPC’s diverse and dedicated
EWS technical professionals
with expertise in early
warning systems ranged from
meteorology to social
ADPC will undertake a
project to capture regional
DRR initiatives by various
regional organizations,
intra-governmental agencies
and United Nations
organizations on past,
ongoing and planned
activities for 2005-2009. It
will build on earlier and
existing stocktaking efforts,
and learn from their
strengths and shortcomings.
project is an ISDR Asia
Partnership initiative with
funding support from the
Asian Development Bank.
The purpose of the regional
stock taking and mapping of
disaster risk reduction
interventions is to present
an overview of DRR
interventions within the
broader context of the
regional disaster risk
profile. The collated
information will not only
contribute to improved
regional planning and
programming and highlight
the areas for cooperation
among regional/sub- regional
organizations, it will also
add to periodic progress
reviews and reporting
processes at the regional/sub-regional
levels. In addition, it will
assist donor agencies and
decision-makers to channel
resources and efforts that
can meet their own policy
and programmatic imperatives
while implementing DRR.
I am further pleased to
invite you to browse through
our website
www.adpc.net for more
ADPC news updates,
publications, events and
training calendar for 2008.
On that note, I now inform
you about our activities for
the month of September 2008.
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul
Executive Director
Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center |
ADPC in action
ADPC under its Comprehensive
Disaster Management Program (CDMP),
conducted the following activities
in Bangladesh:
Contingency planning project
Agency Level Meetings were held
with first responder
organizations such as Disaster
Management Bureau (DMB), DG-Health
Services, Armed Forces Division
(AFD), Fire Services & Civil
Defense city Corporations for
follow up agency level
contingency plan.
ADPC has submitted the
development, validation and
execution of Interim Contingency
Plan among organizations.
Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
meeting was held on 18th
September to review the
deliverable IV submitted by ADPC
Seismic hazard and vulnerability project
ADPC submitted the interim
report on Time Predictive Fault
modeling to CDMP
Special TAG meetings were held
on 7-8 September to discuss
management issues related to
execution of ADPC managed
projects under CDMP and also to
discuss technical issues. These
meetings were participated by
APDC Deputy Executive Director,
Mr. Loy Rego & Earthquake &
Tsunami Preparedness Program
Team Leader, Mr. N.M.S.I.
Training, advocacy and awareness
ADPC under its
Program for Hydro-Meteorological
Disaster Mitigation in Secondary
Cities in Asia (PROMISE) project
carried out the following
2nd National
Community Conference on
Community Based Disaster Risk
Reduction (CBDRR) –Held on 12 –
13 September in Quezon City,
attended by around 130
participants including
representatives from eight pilot
barangays of PROMISE. The
community conference provided an
effective venue for various
people’s organizations from
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao to
discuss priority issues related
to DRM. They collectively
thought of feasible solutions to
address the identified concerns
such as Strategic National
Action Plan, DRM Bill and
Climate Change.
Education Cluster Meeting – Held
on 29 Sept. 2008. PROMISE in
Dagupan was able to update on
the received educational books
of Dagupan City. Furthermore,
Promise partner was asked help
in mainstreaming DRR in the
Educational System in Dagupan
Third MGDRR course – Jointly
organized with ADPC and provided
resource inputs sharing Dagupan
experience on PROMISE
CBDRM Training Learning Circle
Write shop - CBDRM TLC write
shop was on September 10-11,
2008 aimed to address gaps in
CBDRM – related training
materials in the Philippines.
Issues discussed were: Gender
and DRR; Accountability and
Ethics; Community Resilience
Indicators, Monitoring and
Evaluation; Climate Change and
CBDRM; Cases on Integrating DRM
in Academic Curriculum and
Programs; and Armed Conflict and
Peace Building. 52 participants
had attended including two from
Dagupan City TWG- The write shop
created venues for networking
and helped in addressing gaps in
CBDRM training materials. Groups
were formed to address the
identified gaps based on the
topics discussed. CDP was the
main secretariat for the event.
Final Action Planning
facilitated by alumni TOT
supervised by Institute of
Technology Bandung, Research
Assistants with the case for
Rukun waga 1, and 2 of Kelurahan
Kebon Baru of sub district Tebet
under Selatan Municipality of
Finalizing action planning for
RW 9 and 10 and to be
accommodated for Kelurahan Kebon
Participation in MDRRG-3 held in
Manila, Philippines from 1 – 5
September 2008
Meetings and discussions on
Emergency Management & Response
Planning at City Level
Coordination among PROMISE team
and Jakarta Provincial Govt. for
handling Jakarta flood.
Coordination with school
principal for developing and
Implementation of School Action
Plan in SMAN 8 as a pilot
ADPC under its Strengthening
Household Abilities
for Responding to Development
Opportunities (SHOUHARDO)
project carried out the following
Preparation for Disaster Risk
Reduction Rally- To celebrate
the International Disaster Risk
Reduction Day 2008, preliminary
discussions were made with the
municipalities, CARE and partner
NGOs in Jamalpur and Cox's
Disaster Risk Reduction Rally in
Jamalpur and Cox's Bazaar-
Rallies will be held on 15th
and 20th October in
Jamalpur and Cox's Bazaar
respectively. This rally will
complement to International
Disaster Risk Reduction Day 2008
and Municipality is taking the
lead role in the event by
providing all kind and cash
support. The rally will be
concluded with the drawing
competition among school
children on DRR.
Inauguration of Disaster
Management Unit: Cox's Bazaar
Municipality has inaugurated the
Disaster Management Unit
officially and requested all the
stakeholders to prepare the
collective effort to activate
the unit.
Training and Learning
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Reduction in Local Governance Course
No. 3, 1 – 5 Sep, Manila,
The course enhanced knowledge and
capacity of local urban authorities,
associated NGOs and other
stakeholders in streamlining
disaster risk reduction in urban
development. It created
opportunities for mainstreaming risk
reduction as a component of urban
governance. The secondary objective
of the training was to build the
capacity of national training
partner institutions, which will
make an attempt to institutionalize
the capacity building program on
this theme at national level. This
would also help communities at risk
and NGOs to support the governance
and participate in creating safer
urban communities and sustainable
development through DRR.
Training on knowledge network and
facilitation, 3 – 5 Sep, Teheran,
The training was participated by
knowledge network facilitators,
project volunteers and
representatives from National Task
Contingency plans for MENA, 8-12 Sep,
Ankara, Turkey
Training cum workshop for Red Cross
and Red Crescent societies of MENA
region was conducted for
participants from Jordan, Palestine,
Israel and Turkey. Twenty-two (22)
officers participated in the
Pilot training workshop for
Community-Based AHI Management
Practitioners, under the ADB funded
project on “Strengthening Community-Based
Management of AHI in Asia”,
27-31 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
The pilot training workshop for
community-based management of AHI in
collaboration with
IFRC, IRC, CARE International was
conducted with funding support from
the Canadian Government via ADB.
The project contributes to the
development of a training package
for community-level AHI management
practitioners. The training package
builds on the experience, case
studies, and tools that have been
brought together through the
resource kit, as well as the
technical contributions from
facilitators and resource persons
with key objectives to,
sensitise community-level
practitioners to tools and
processes that are currently
available to strengthen their
work at the community level in
managing different aspects of
give an overview of 'good
practices' and useful tools –
based on past experience of
community-based management of
AHI in Asia – and taught to
think critically about these and
how they can be applied in their
own context
Practitioners will contribute to
the evaluation of the training
materials and, through this
evaluation, to the finalisation
of a training package for
community-based management of
ADPC Website Resources
Second National Public
Health and Emergency Management in Asia
and the Pacific (PHEMAP) Course
Coordinators Workshop, 10-14 Nov,
Bangkok, Thailand
ADPC’s Public Health and
Emergency Management in Asia and the
Pacific (PHEMAP) program is designed to
strengthen the national capacities for
managing health risk of emergencies in
Asia and the Pacific region in
collaboration with WHO-WPRO, WHO-SEARO
and the Royal Government of Norway and
ADPC. As one of the activities of PHEMAP
program, the second National PHEMAP
Course Coordinators Workshop will be
organized in Bangkok to familiarize
PHEMAP Course Coordinators with the
concept of the PHEMAP course curriculum
and provide guidance on conducting
National PHEMAP Courses including
administrative procedures and teaching
methodologies. Representatives of seven
(7) member states of WHO-SEARO and eight
(8) member states of WHO-WPRO will
participate in the Course Coordinators
Workshop. The workshop will
enable participants to conduct a
Based on the framework provided by
the Inter-regional PHEMAP curriculum
Based on the principles of adult
Adapted to their national context
Administered effectively and
Training on Disaster
Management Course (DMC‐38),
10–28 Nov,
Bangkok, Thailand
purpose of the course is
to provide comprehensive
disaster management knowledge
and skills to enhance the
capabilities of mnagers who
have key disaster management
responsibilities. It is
designed to enable
professionals working in
disaster management,
development and donor
agencies to effectively
integrate disaster management
into their programs and
policies. Participants will
be encouraged to develop
key skills and adopt
proactive attitudes through
participation in interactive
lectues and reflection on a
range of key issues raised
during discussions and
practical activities.
completing the DMC
participants will learn how
* develop effective
strategies and systems for
disaster prevention,
mitigation, response and
* apply risk management
processes in order to
identify, assess and deal
with disaster risks
* utilise an emergency
coordination center to
manage disaster events
* assess key implementation
issues and requirements in
disaster management
2nd Regional Training
Course on Climate Risk
Management: Science,
Institutions and Society,
17-28 Nov, Bangkok, Thailand
will be
conducting the Second
Regional Training Course on
Climate Risk Management:
Science, Institutions, and
aims to build the capacity of
professionals to manage risks
associated with climate
variability, change, and
extremes. It builds upon the
Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center’s (ADPC) two decades of
experience in disaster
management, facilitating
regional cooperation
and building capacities of
disaster management institutions
at all government levels,
disaster management
practitioners and communities,
and a decade of experience in
institutionalizing climate
information applications for
disaster mitigation. It
incorporates case studies and
sectoral examples from ADPC’s
climate risk management programs
and projects all over Asia. Upon
completing the course,
participants will be able to: 1)
design early warning systems for
climate-related risks; 2) design
climate risk management, climate
forecast applications, and
climate change adaptation
projects, and 3) develop tools
to integrate climate risk
management practices into
development programs and
policies. The first CRM course
offering was completed in May
2008 with 27 participants from
14 countries.
Postponement of International Training
Course on Hospital Emergency
Preparedness and Response” (HEPR-6),
16-20 Feb 2009, Bangkok, Thailand
ADPC is announcing the postponement of
the training course on "Hospital
Emergency Preparedness and Response (HEPR-6)
scheduled on 20-24 October 2008. The
course has been rescheduled for 16-20
February 2009. We expect the
postponement would allow more health
care facilities to participate in this
The HEPR, fee based course (USD 1,500
per person) is a five-day course is
designed to assist health personnel,
both administrative and medical, to
prepare health care facilities and
personnel to respond effectively to
internal or community emergencies that
involve large numbers of casualties.
The course will enable course
participants to develop well
designed facility-specific plans to
respond to emergencies.
Upon completion of the course, the
participants will be able to:
Describe the role of health care
facilities in disaster management
Apply a method of assessing
components of a health care
Simulate a mass casualty incident
addressing the roles and
responsibilities of each component
of Hospital Emergency Incident
Command System (HEICS).
Discuss the basic medical
requirements of managing mass
casualty incidents.
Apply on-site medical care concepts
to specific emergency situations.
Prepare an outline of a health care
facility disaster preparedness plan
including response and recovery.
Kindly visit
www.adpc.net for more information on
training courses.