Dear Readers,
ADPC achieved another
milestone by successfully
conducting the first ever
Regional training course on
End-to-End Multi-Hazard
Early Warning Systems for
Disaster Risk Reduction
from 15 - 26 September 2008
in Bangkok, Thailand. The
course was attended by 26
participants from the region
and beyond.
The course, under the able
leadership of Mr. A.R.
Subbiah, Director of ADPC’s
Climate Risk Management Team
and the ADPC-facilitated
Regional Multi-hazard Early
Warning System, builds the
capacity of professionals to
design, manage, evaluate and
undertake improvements in
people cantered end-to-end
early warning systems for
hydro-meteorological &
geological hazards and
extreme events associated
with climate change and
variability. It builds upon
ADPC's two decades of
experience in disaster
management, facilitating
regional cooperation and
building capacities of
disaster management
institutions at all
government levels, disaster
management practitioners and
communities. It extends to
institutionalizing weather
and climate information
applications for disaster
mitigation and recently, in
the implementation of Indian
Ocean and South East Asia
end-to-end early warning
system for tsunami and hydro-meteorological
International practitioners
and experts from different
organizations all over the
world complemented ADPC's in-house
expertise in conducting and
delivering the course.
ADPC’s diverse and dedicated
EWS technical professionals
with expertise in early
warning systems ranged from
meteorology to social
ADPC will undertake a
project to capture regional
DRR initiatives by various
regional organizations,
intra-governmental agencies
and United Nations
organizations on past,
ongoing and planned
activities for 2005-2009. It
will build on earlier and
existing stocktaking efforts,
and learn from their
strengths and shortcomings.
project is an ISDR Asia
Partnership initiative with
funding support from the
Asian Development Bank.
The purpose of the regional
stock taking and mapping of
disaster risk reduction
interventions is to present
an overview of DRR
interventions within the
broader context of the
regional disaster risk
profile. The collated
information will not only
contribute to improved
regional planning and
programming and highlight
the areas for cooperation
among regional/sub- regional
organizations, it will also
add to periodic progress
reviews and reporting
processes at the regional/sub-regional
levels. In addition, it will
assist donor agencies and
decision-makers to channel
resources and efforts that
can meet their own policy
and programmatic imperatives
while implementing DRR.
I am further pleased to
invite you to browse through
our website for more
ADPC news updates,
publications, events and
training calendar for 2008.
On that note, I now inform
you about our activities for
the month of September 2008.
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul
Executive Director
Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center |