Dear Readers,
In the past two months
Asia has witnessed two
horrific events in the
form of Cyclone Nargis
and the earthquake that
struck SW China. In
light of the devastation
and seemingly
insurmountable odds,
ADPC conveys its
heartfelt condolences to
the families of all
victims of these
These tragedies continue
to unfold and have in
turn revealed several
post-disaster issues and
concerns that have
challenged national and
international capacities
to respond. It is
perhaps the true tragedy
of these events that
they are not unique, but
are yet another chapter
in Asia’s long history
of disasters; and our
own efforts to mitigate
these over the last
twenty-two years. It is
clear that immediate and
long-term Disaster Risk
Reduction initiatives
remain priorities
throughout Asia and we
shall continue to work
with all governments to
facilitate their
development and
inclusion in national
In the midst of these
events, Cyclone Nargis
provided the opportunity
for the first successful
operation of the
experimental forecasting
capacities of the
Early-warning Center.
ADPC provided
experimental forecasts
and simulations of the
pressure, wind speed and
rainfall of Cyclone
Nargis to the Department
of Meteorology and
Hydrology from April 26
until land-fall with a
high-degree of accuracy
that was greatly
appreciated by the
of Myanmar.
However, Cyclone Nargis
also provided an apt
demonstration of the
need for establishing
comprehensive end-to-end
early-warning systems,
the provision of
information being only
one part therein.
This month, however,
does begin with positive
news in that ADPC is
pleased to announce that
it has relocated its
main office from the
Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT) in
Pathumthani, where it
has been based since its
founding in 1986, to
Sanam Pao in the Bangkok
Metropolitan Area. The
Regional Multi-Hazard
Early Warning Center
continues to operate
from AIT. Please browse
through our website
for our complete contact
details, more ADPC news
updates, publications,
events and the training
calendar for 2008.
On that note, I now
inform you about our
activities for the
months of April-May
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul
Executive Director
Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center |