Dear Readers,
ADPC presented
the outgoing Australian
Ambassador to Thailand, Mr.
William Paterson a plaque of
appreciation for "advancing
disaster risk reduction in Asia, 2005-2008" on
30 June 2008. The Ambassador
has served on ADPC's Board of
Trustees (BOT) and has agreed to
join ADPC's International
Advisory Committee (IAC) to
serve as an 'Ambassador' for
ADPC in Canberra.
vocal advocate for ADPC during
ADPC acknowledges and
the Australian Government/AusAID's
strong support of ADPC for many
I now inform you
about our activities for the
month of June 2008
and please browse through
our website
www.adpc.net for more ADPC
news updates, publications,
events and training calendar for
Dr. Bhichit
Executive Director
Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center
ADPC in action
ADPC signs
MoU with University of
2 Jun, India
Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) with University of
Madras, India will broadly
focus on information &
communication in disaster
risk reduction. Activities
will include training
information focal points,
media on tools, delivery and
related publications.
briefing, 11 Jun, Dili, East
ADPC and the
National Directorate of
Meteorology and Geophysics (NDMG)
of Timor-Leste conducted a
forecast briefing for
members of the National
Working Group (NWG) of the
Climate Forecast
Applications (CFA) for
Disaster Mitigation Program
in Timor-Leste. The
briefing familiarized the
NWG members with the weather
forecast information that
will be developed and issued
by NDMG and ADPC under the
CFA program. Seasonal
forecast products that are
issued by various regional
and global forecasting
centers were also presented
and discussed during the
briefing. About 30 members
representing various
government agencies,
international organizations,
and non-governmental
organizations participated
in the briefing. The CFA
program in Southeast Asia,
which covers Philippines,
Indonesia, and Timor-Leste,
is supported by USAID Office
of Foreign Disaster
Assistance (USAID/OFDA).
Evaluation of
the Government of India –UNDP
Disaster Risk Management
ADPC will
carryout evaluation of the
Disaster Risk Management
program with a team
comprising professionals
from partner organizations.
The key objectives of the
evaluation will be
assessment of the measures
required to institutionalize
DRM in the Government system
for long‐term sustainability
and lessons learned for an
approach required to cover
all at risk areas of the
country; analysis how DRM
activities to be further
mainstreamed to ensure
sustainability, integration
with the policy and
institutional framework put
in place by the Government
of India and the State
Governments. Identifying
strengths of the strategies
pursued under the program
namely capacity building,
awareness generation,
community‐based disaster
preparedness approach,
partnership building,
knowledge networking,
management effectiveness and
assessment of coverage of
cross cutting issues in the
implementation of the
program including
mainstreaming within the
government programmes,
gender sensitivity, equity
approaches and linkages to
ensure empowerment of its
elected members and the
future strategy/ corrective
measures required to be
adopted. Assessment of the
partnership strategy
includes integration of the
program with stakeholders
such as academic and
training institutes,
engineers and architects,
health workers, corporate
sector, civil society and
the community.
A key result
of the evaluation will be
the graduation strategy for
institutionalizing the
efforts in
the Government and
sustainability of the
program outcomes; and
guidance for
action by the Government and
all stakeholders
the long term programs that
need to be undertaken to
implement the strategy.
Support to
UNDP-BCPR Climate Risk
Management Technical
Assistance Support Project
ADPC won a
global bid to support UNDP
Bureau for Crisis Prevention
and Recovery’s (UNDP-BCPR)
Climate Risk Management
Technical Assistance Support
Project (CRM-TASP). The CRM-TASP
will be implemented in four
countries in different
continents, namely Armenia,
Ecuador, Indonesia, and
Mozambique. The project
aims to
convergence in risk
management priorities
amongst national and local
stakeholders and the
international community,
and to strengthen the
climate risk management
capacity of key national,
regional institutions, UNDP,
and UN country offices. The
project will be implemented
from July 2008 through
December 2009.
the integration of tsunami
warning by strengthening
multi-hazard warning systems
ADPC has
recently started a project
titled “Facilitating the
integration of tsunami
warning by strengthening
multi-hazard warning systems
in Sri Lanka, Vietnam,
Indonesia and the
Philippines” with support
from the American Red Cross
(ARC). The project will
establish/strengthen early
warning national forums in
the target countries, build
the capacity of National Red
Cross Societies (NRCSs) to
translate hazard information
into response options and to
communicate these options to
at-risk communities, and
facilitate a system audit in
order to test the
functionality and
reliability of early warning
systems through NRCSs and in
collaboration with national
focal points for early
warning and disaster
management, and relevant non-governmental
organizations. The project
will be implemented from
July 2008 to June 2010.
activity under the joint
National program
“Strengthening Capacities
for Disaster Risk Management,
2005-9, Tehran, I.R. Iran
pleased to announce new
activities under the ongoing
five year National joint
Program of the Government of
I.R. Iran and UNDP titled
Strengthening Capacities for
Disaster Risk Management (DRM).
The training program is
planned on Knowledge
Management with participants
from Information Portal (IP),
National Disaster Task Force
Thematic Groups (mainly
Earthquake, Drought, Flood,
Health, Public Education
Working Groups) and
representatives from DRM
related Knowledge network
section in other
implementing partners. The
overall program activities
includes collecting and
consolidating existing
information on disaster
risks in Iran from a range
of dispersed institutions
through an information hub.
This information will be
disseminated through an
information portal that
linked local, intermediate,
national and international
partners in risk reduction.
Training and Learning |
course on Governance and
Disaster Risk Reduction,
3-6 Jun, Manila,
The first
National Course on
Governance and Disaster Risk
Reduction was held at Quezon
City. The course was one of
the last activities of the
Program for
Disaster Risk Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE)-Philippines
project. The course was
customized version of the
Regional Course designed and
facilitated by the ADPC-Urban
Disaster Mitigation team
together with the five
PROMISE country partners. Course
objectives were to
strengthen the capacity of
local government officers in
disaster risk reduction (DRR)
and to provide the framework
and tools in integrating DRR
in local governance. The
participants learned basic
concepts in disaster risk
management and governance,
designing frameworks
for integrating disaster
risk reduction in
development planning and
implementation, applicable
strategies, methods and
tools in risk sensitive
development planning and
implementation. They also
related experiences and
practices in integrating
disaster risk reduction in
local governance to
applications in workplace/local
training activities for ADPC
partner organizations, 11-14
Jun, Timor-Leste, Dili, and
East Timore
Under the
Climate Forecast
Applications (CFA) for
Disaster Mitigation in
Southeast Asia Program, ADPC
conducted training on
location-specific weather
forecasting for forecasters
working with the National
Directorate of Meteorology
and Geophysics (NDMG) of
Timor-Leste from 12 to 14
July 2008 in Dili. Eighteen
forecasters successfully
completed the training. A
basic training on using GIS
tools and satellite imagery
for agro-meteorological
applications was also
conducted for the Ministry
of Agriculture and other
ADPC partner organizations
in Timor-Leste, such as the
NDMG, UN World Food Program,
participants completed the
enabling them
use freeware GIS tools for
mapping and maintaining agro-meteorological
within their home
ADPC conducts
training in Nepal, 17-22
Jun, Nepal
Training on "Landslide
Risk Management" was
organized in Chitwan
district of Nepal. 50
Participants from Ministry
of Home Affairs, Ministry of
Planning and Works,
Department of Roads,
Department of Water Induced
Disaster Prevention,
Department of Local
Infrastructure Development
and Agricultural Roads,
Department of Soil
Conservation and Watershed
Management, Institute of
Engineering, Pulchowk Campus,
Department of Geology,
Engineering College,
Department of Environmental
Science, Amrit Science
and the Roads Board
participated in the
three days of training. The
training discussed
for land risk management,
landslide risk assessment
approaches in Nepal,
landslide mitigation (structural
and non-structural) measures
in Nepal and facilitated
onsite experience to develop
impact mitigation
training was part of
Asian Program for Regional
Capacity Enhancement for
Landslide Impact Mitigation
and jointly organized by
ADPC and Geo-environment
Unit, Department of Roads,
ADPC conducts
Disaster Risk
Management training, 30 Jun-4
Jul, Kabul, Afghanistan
participants from NGOs and
international organizations
in Afghanistan namely,
United Nation Mission for
Afghanistan (UNAMA),
Tearfund, CHA, FOCUS
Humanitarian assistance,
Concern Worldwnaizaide, Save
the children, COAR, Oxfam GB,
Afghanistan National
Disaster Management
Authority (ANDMA) undertook
the DRM training. The
training program was
supported by Tearfund UK.
Basic Emergency Response
Course (CBERC), 5-7 Jul, Quang
Tri, Vietnam
Under the
DANIDA-supported Enhancing
Community Resilience to
Natural Disasters in
Southeast Asia” project,
ADPC and the Vietnam
National Red Cross (VNRC)
organized a CBERC training
course in Thanh Hoa and
Quang Tri provinces in
Vietnam from 30 Jun- 11 Juy
2008. This training is part
of a larger capacity
building effort to support
the implementation of risk
reduction activities in
Vietnam. Other activities
conducted during this period
included the establishment
of a community early warning
center in Ngu Loc Commune,
Thanh Hoa Province,
installation/upgrading of
public address system for
last mile communication in
Trung Giang Commune, Quang
Tri, and provision of
support for the
implementation of priority
risk reduction activities in
Trung Giang and Triue An
Commune, Quang Tri.
First Sub-regional
(BIMP) Exercise Management
Training Workshop,
9-13 Jun,
Bandar Seri Begawan,
Brunei Darussalam
training programme
developed capacities
of the people responsible
for exercise management for
preparedness, prevention and
control of emerging
infectious diseases in
Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines (BIMP)
and Singapore. The sub-regional
BIMP workshop
designed to train national
personnel who
for the development
of the BIMP exercise.
Partners were
Department of Disease
Control, Ministry of Public
Health of Thailand, Ministry
of Health Brunei, ASEAN+3
Emerging Infectious Disease
(EID), the Australian
Agency for International
Development (AusAID) and
study tour mission, 8-12 Jul,
Hanoi, Vietnam
The study
tour is part of the project
on ‘Strengthening
community-based approaches
to management of AHI in
Asia’, initiated by the AHI-NGO-RC/RC-Asia
Partnership – with ADPC,
Care, the International
Federation of Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
and the International Rescue
Committee (IRC). The project
is funded by the Canadian
government via the Asian
Development Bank (ADB).
The purpose of the mission
is to assist
conduct and evaluate
of the first National
study tour (hosted by the
Catholic Relief Services (CRS).
early warning dissemination
system, 10-11 Jul, Colombo,
Sri Lanka
ADPC and the
Disaster Management Center
of Sri Lanka will organize a
workshop on the development
of local-level early warning
dissemination system under
the Tsunami Alert Rapid
Notification System (TARNS)
project from 10 to 11 July
2008 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The workshop aims to enhance
the early warning
dissemination procedures in
Sri Lanka for rapid alert
notification through the
development of district-level
warning dissemination
procedures and incorporation
of these procedures into the
national system. TARNS is a
part of a broader program on
establishing a multi-hazard
early warning system for
tsunami and hydro-meteorological
hazards for Indian Ocean and
Southeast Asia, which is
being facilitated by ADPC
and funded by the
Tsunami Regional
Trust Fund through
ADPC Website Resources
News Coverage:
First Sub-regional (BIMP)
Exercise Management Training
Brunei Darussalam,
91-3 Jun 2008
Tropical Coasts, December
2007 issue featured article
on disaster risk reduction
in Asia – emerging trends
and solutions by Mr. N.M.S.I
Tropical Coasts, December
2007 issue featured article
on Local Knowledge
and Practices for Disaster
Preparedness and Mitigation
by Lorna P. Victoria (the
article focused ADPC’s
Program for Hydro-Meteorological
Disaster Risk Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia,
ADPC Newsletter. Asian
Disaster Management News,
Jan-Apr 08
Theme: Realigning Climate
Change Adaptation and
Disaster Risk Reduction
Program for Hydro-Meteorological
Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE)-Disaster
Mitigation in Asia:
Issue 60
Digital Review of Asia
Pacific 2007-2008-The role
of ICTs in risk
communication in Asia
Pacific by Mr. Frederick
John Abo, ADPC
Forth coming Activities
Training on
Weather Research Forecast
Modeling, 12-25 Jul, Male,
ADPC will
conduct training on weather
research forecast modeling
in Male, Maldives from 12 to
25 July 2008. The training
will cover data downloading,
pre-processing, model
simulations, and post-processing.
Twelve forecasters from the
Department of Meteorology of
Maldives will participate in
the training. The training
is funded by UNDP Maldives.
Working Group Meeting
15-17 Jul, Da
Nang, Viet Nam
The second
Working Group Meeting (WGM-2)
of the Program for Hydro-meteorological
Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE)
will be held at the Green
Plaza Hotel, Da Nang, Viet
Nam 25-27 June 2008. The
annual WGM provides a forum
for PROMISE project partner
institutions in the region
to review the progress of
the program, share
information and experiences
on their achievements,
particularly on the
replication of best
practices to other cities in
the region. It provides an
opportunity to look back at
the program, and then make
plans and decisions
regarding future directions
and sustainability of the
Training on
flood forecast generation
and application, 20-30 Jul,
ADPC and the
Institute of Water Modeling
in Bangladesh will conduct a
training program on flood
forecasting computing system
for Bangladesh forecasters.
The training will be held in
Dhaka from 20-30 July 2008.
In order to enhance the
application of long-lead
probabilistic flood forecast
for disaster preparedness
and mitigation, ADPC and the
Flood Forecasting and
Warning Center (FFWC) will
also conduct training on
understanding and applying
long-lead probabilistic
flood forecasting for
representatives of farmer
groups and communities from
20 to 30 July 2008 in
Gaibandha, Sirajgong,
Lalmonirhat, and Faridpur,
study tour mission,
21-23 Jul,
Chiang Rai,
International Organisation
for Migration (IOM) Thailand
has been
selected by the
Partnership to host a
three-day national study
tour with participants from
different organizations
working with vulnerable
communities in Thailand. The
study tour will be
coordinated by IOM and IRC,
and hosted in collaboration
with ADPC on behalf of the
Partnership. The study
tour will promote learning
pandemic exercises
and discussions with
stakeholders, including
migrant representatives,
involved in IOM’s pandemic
preparedness activities.
The collaborating
were Asian
Development Bank, CARE,
International Federation of
the Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies,
International Rescue
Committee, many other
stakeholders, and ADPC.
17th Regional
Training Course on
Based Disaster Risk
21 Jul – 1
Aug, Bangkok, Thailand
course provides an
opportunity for
practitioners to learn
essential skills and
knowledge in community based
disaster risk management to
address implementation
challenges in a systematic
manner. CBDRR participants
acquire tools and obtain
knowledge on “how to” design
and implement programs for
reducing disaster risks and
vulnerability and building
community capacity to
promote a ‘culture of
safety.’ Through exercises
and simulations participants
practice risk assessment and
risk management planning.
participants will have a
chance to learn about
globally acknowledged
programs and projects on
community based disaster
risk management from leaders
of these initiatives, with a
particular focus on examples
from South and South East
Asian and Pacific regions.
The CBDRR course tackles the
issues in disaster risk
management from a
developmental perspective,
discusses the issues and
problems concerning
sustainability, replication/
adaptation of CBDRR practice
and integration of risk
management plans with
government and non-government
development plans.
Workshop on
climate change adaptation,
23 Jul, Ulaanbaatar,
ADPC and the
Mongolian National Agency
for Meteorology, Hydrology,
and Environmental Monitoring
will conduct a multi-stakeholder
workshop in order to develop
climate change adaptation
targets for the livestock
sector in Mongolia. The
workshop is a part of an
ADPC project that aims to
integrate adaptation into
development processes
through the development of
specific adaptation targets
for climate-sensitive
sectors. The workshop will
be conducted on 23-24 July
2008 in Ulaanbaatar,
Building on Earthquake
Contingency Planning For Red
Cross and Red Crescent
4- 8 August
National Red
Cross and Red Crescent
Societies have sound
experience in responding to
different emergencies and
mobilizing the community
members at time of need.
Strengthening the capacities
of these societies to
increase their endeavours in
preparing the communities
and promoting disaster risk
reduction behaviour, can
save many lives and
properties as well as
preventing human suffering
in disasters.
countries, Jordan,
Palestine, Israel and Egypt,
will be addressed in
the initial phase. These
countries are prone to
natural and manmade
disasters. Egypt is prone to
hydrological, meteorological
and geological disasters,
which has killed more than
11,500 people in 100 Years.
Large numbers of casualties
by floods and earthquakes,
are reported due to
epidemics. Though numbers of
casualties are very low in
Jordan recurring drought
has affected more people.
Israel and Palestine are
equally affected by natural
and manmade disasters.
ADPC will
help in enhancing the
capacity of
Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies in earthquake
contingency planning for
Middle East and North Africa
Public health
in complex emergencies
training program, 11-23 Aug,
The Public
Health in Complex
Emergencies training program
(PHCE) is a two-week
residential course that
focuses on critical public
health issues faced by NGO/PVO
personnel working in complex
emergencies. The goal of the
course is to enhance the
capacity of humanitarian
assistance workers and their
organizations to respond to
the health needs of refugees
and internally displaced
persons affected by these