Curriculum of CBDM Course
is proud to announce that a new curriculum for
the Course on Community Based Disaster
Management has been designed. A draft of course
curriculum was developed by ADPC consultants
from India and Philippines and by ADPC training
staff. Later on a curriculum development
workshop was held from 6-10 March 2000 at the
ADPC. In total eight participants from India,
Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and from ADPC
reviewed the draft curriculum and made
recommendations for further improvements in
order to make more comprehensive and relevant.
On the basis of the inputs from this workshop
the draft development team is working to make
the relevant changes additions. The new
curriculum has five modules titled below. Please
see the CBDM Course
Brochure for details.
- Module one : Disaster Situation and
Disaster Management Activities
- Framework for Community Based Disaster
- Community Based Risk Assessment
- Community Based Risk Reduction Measures
- Planning at the Local Level
The Course on Community Based Disaster
Management (CBDM) was developed in 1997 by ADPC
and Duryog Nivaran. Since this is a new field of
study, there were no standardized guidelines or
sketch of a course curriculum. Also there was a
lack of local knowledge on CBDM applications in
the field. Thus the curriculum of this course
was under a process of constant modification and
improvements. During the past three CBDM courses
conducted in 1997, 1998 and 1999 many times the
concepts and the methodologies in each course
were different from the others. The purpose of
this whole exercise was to make the curriculum
more and more relevant to the needs of
practitioners and to make it a good mix of
theory and pracix. By the current curriculum
development activity this purpose has been
achieved to a great extent.