
Coordination improved response time and increased concentration
during emergency, volunteers report ADPC: Coordination improved response time and increased concentration <br> during emergency, volunteers report

Published on: 05/30/2013

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Disaster Risk Management System

Type: Impact Stories and Case Studies

File size: 0.23 MB


Publication Overview/Description

In this Case Study, Amin and the Narinda community volunteers demonstrate their ability to support government-led response teams, within a very short notice. By following procedure, and understanding and complying with established protocols, community-led teams can easily operate alongside government-led and international response teams. This is essential because it allows the different teams to effectively and efficiently interact.

Coordination between community-led teams and government-led response action, such as the Army of Bangladesh, is important for effective management, as each team contributes crucial services to the overall response effort.