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About Col. Brian Ward

Col. Brian Ward was instrumental in the establishment of ADPC in 1986 and during his time as director (1986-1992), he provided vision and insight, motivating all he worked with, but especially encouraging young professionals and seeking to enable government authorities to engage more productively in reducing possible disaster losses. He managed, taught and traveled widely, conducting numerous disaster-related technical advisory and liaison missions throughout Asia-Pacific

Col. Brian Ward dedicated almost his entire life to the cause of disaster risk reduction. He served in the Royal Engineers Corps of the British Army for over 20 years. Upon his military retirement, he worked for more than ten years with the then League of Red Cross Societies (currently the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) as a delegate and a chief delegate in several countries of Africa and Asia. During this period, he also undertook missions as a technical advisor to then the United Nations Disaster Relief Office (currently UNOCHA) on building disaster management capacities in countries in AsiaPacific.

In recognition of his outstanding personal contribution to disaster reduction, Col. Brian Ward was awarded the United Nations Sasakawa Certificate of Distinction in 2001.

About Brian Ward Memorial Lecture

The Brian Ward Memorial Lecture is a series of lectures held annually to honor the memory of Brian Ward for his vision of a safer Asia and the Pacific, and outstanding personal dedication and commitment to the field of disaster risk reduction and climate resilience.

The lecture features distinguished guest who shares their experiences on emerging issues and anticipatory actions for disaster and climate resilience and implores them to contribute advice for the future of the field in Asia and the Pacific