
FEMS Country Progress Report Cambodia ADPC: FEMS Country Progress Report Cambodia

Published on: 06/30/2011

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Disaster Risk Management System

Type: Progress and Assessment Reports

File size: 0.45 MB


Publication Overview/Description

The German Government’s contribution to FMMP Component 4 “Flood Emergency Management Strengthening” contributes to the FMMP objective “The civil and socio-economic losses due to floods and flooding are prevented, minimized or mitigated, while preserving the environmental benefits of floods” and more specifically to the overall objective of “Emergency management systems in the Riparian countries are more effectively dealing with Mekong floods”.

The project focuses on the relevant authorities (district, province and national level) and other stakeholders and supports them to have enhanced capacities in flood preparedness and emergency management with overall objective “Competence of civil authorities at various levels, emergency managers, and communities in flood preparedness and emergency management is strengthened”.