
Safer Cities 14: Public Awareness and Social Marketing ADPC: Safer Cities 14: Public Awareness and Social Marketing

Published on: 05/30/2005

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Resilient Cities and Urban Management

Type: Impact Stories and Case Studies

File size: 0.78 MB


Publication Overview/Description

This report distills the finer points of public awareness and social marketing in urban disaster risk
management practice in Asia. It reviews more than dozen case studies of country demonstration
projects that have been implemented as a part of Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program (AUDMP). It
draws principles, methodologies, examples and lessons learned from each public awareness and social marketing component of country demonstration projects of AUDMP in 10 target countries, comparing various tools used in campaigns for their relative effectiveness and appropriateness in terms of context and target audience segments. The potency of these tools to tap into existing knowledge and expand consciousness is also evaluated.