
Safer Cities 11: Towards Technological Hazard Risk
Reduction in Ahmedabad ADPC: Safer Cities 11: Towards Technological Hazard Risk <br> Reduction in Ahmedabad

Published on: 12/15/2004

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Resilient Cities and Urban Management

Type: Impact Stories and Case Studies

File size: 0.50 MB


Publication Overview/Description

This case study relates experiences from the implementation of a pilot project - Testing Communication Strategies for Industrial Disaster Risk Reduction - in one of the industrial estates of Gujarat state in India. The project looks at evolving a model for community disaster preparedness. The model had the school playing a pivotal role in the communication strategy, along with several other stakeholders. The case study details out how each stakeholder was involved, and their role in the project.

The emphasis is on the school processes, and how schools became a medium of communication, dissemination and reaching out. It finally discusses how the process
can be mainstreamed and sustained on a long-term basis.

Steps through which the programme moved included: 1. identifying project site, linking with schools and
other stakeholders, 2. working with the schools, 3. schools reaching out, 4. towards mainstreaming the