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Training and
ADPC Upcoming Training and Workshop Calendar
October 2001- March 2002
- Twenty-Eighth International Disaster Management Course (DMC-28), Bangkok, Thailand, 5- 23 November, Fee: US$ 2500.
Community Based Disaster Management Program
- First National Course on Community Based Disaster Management in Sri Lanka (in collaboration with Center for Housing Planning and Building and ITDG-South Asia), Colombo, September 24-26, 2001
Partnerships for Disaster Reduction Project in South East Asia
- Regional Training Program on Disaster Management, Philippines, 22-26 October, 2001 (by invitation only)
- Regional Workshop on Policies and Institutional Arrangements and Disaster Management Plans, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 November 2001 (by invitation only)
As in previous years, ADPC's Training and Education Division is pleased to organize specialized courses and study tours tailor-made to meet the learning needs of particular audiences. These courses are organized in a specific country or in Bangkok.
- Study Course on Disaster Management and Social Relief for Chinese Civil Affairs Officials, Bangkok, 3-7 December 2001
Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction in the Cities, Kathmandu, Nepal, commencing on March 25 (two week course)
For more details on these courses please contact tedadpc@ait.ac.th or visit our website:
Recent Training Events
Community Based
Disaster Management Course-6
The sixth
International Course on Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM-6) was
held from 2-13 July in Bangkok, Thailand. Twenty-six participants from 13
countries in South and
Southeast Asia, the Pacific,
Switzerland and the US,
attended the two-week training. The course aimed to build participants'
capacity in implementing community-based disaster management programs and
projects in disaster-prone rural and urban areas. The course balanced theory
and practice by combining classroom work with field exercises. It was
appreciated for providing technical skills and practical insights in
community-based disaster management. "It was an eye-opener for me", said
Dilruba Haider of DFID Bangladesh. "I had hazy ideas about a community-based
approach but CBDM exposed me to it in a comprehensive manner", she added.
CBDM is conducted annually for organizations that are supporting or
implementing community-based disaster mitigation or response programs in
their countries
Training Course on
Disaster Management and Social Relief for Chinese Civil Affairs Officials
A Training Course on
Disaster Management and Social Relief for Chinese Officials was held from
23-26 July. Thirty-six officials from Hubei and Liaoning provinces and the
Ministry of Civil Affairs of China attended. The course was received with
much interest and attention from senior leaders of the Ministry of Civil
Affairs. The delegation leader was Dr Zheng Yuanchang, Secretariat Deputy
Chief of the China National Committee for the International Secretariat for
Disaster Reduction, Ministry of Civil Affairs.
The course comprised
two modules, disaster management and social relief, which were based on the
needs of the Chinese officials. The training team had resource persons from
the Philippines, Thailand and ADPC. It was conducted in English with
simultaneous translation in Mandarin. Participants appreciated ADPC's
efforts in organizing a module on social relief (welfare) and in inviting
such experienced resource persons. Both sides expressed their desire to
continue cooperation between the two agencies for risk reduction in China.
Disaster Management
Course for Officials of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Henan Province
A Disaster Management
Course for Officials of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Henan Province was
conducted from 28 May to 4 June. The course was attended by 17 officials
from various parts of
Henan province. The opening ceremony was held on 28 May, with
the participation of Dr Suvit Yodmani, ADPC Executive Director, and Mr
Merrick Chatfield, Director of the Technical Service Division, and ADPC
staff. Professor Krasae Chanawongse, Chairman of the ADPC Board of Trustees
and a Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, was the chief guest. He
welcomed the Henan Civil Affairs officials to
Thailand and emphasized
the importance of disaster management in national development. In his
address, Dr Suvit expressed ADPCÕs commitment to serve China in disaster
management through cooperation in various fields including training and
technical assistance. This was the first batch of Chinese Civil Affairs
officials out of the four who will attended specially designed courses at
ADPC during 2001.
For details of these courses, please visit http://www.adpc.ait.ac.th/training/intercourse.html