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Board of Trustee (BOT)
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Pursuant to Article 6.1 of the ADPC Charter, each Member shall appoint a member to the Board. The Board Member should be representatives of the governments of the countries which are signatories to the ADPC Charter. The Members may recommend additional individuals to serve on the Board. The total number should consist of no less than five and no more than 23 members. Members may be of any nationality save that not more than one quarter may be of the same nationality.

Pursuant to Article 6.2 of the ADPC Charter the Board shall convene a Regular Meeting once a year. The Meeting is to be held in the last quarter of each calendar year at ADPC's principal office (headquarters) in Bangkok or as otherwise decided by the Board.

The functions and powers of the Board are described in Article 6.3 of the Charter. The Chair and Vice-Chair are to be appointed rotating basis, alphabetically in ascending order, between members of the ADPC charter (Permanent Members of the Board), with a one-year tenure. The key roles are:

  1. The Board will consider and approve the policies guiding the management and operation of ADPC. The policies or amendments to policies are to be submitted to the Board for consideration in a regular meeting.
  2. The Board will approve the Annual Work Plan and associated Annual Budget at its Regular Meeting.
  3. The Board will consider any proposal for the establishment (or dismantling) of ADPC sub-centers at its Regular Meeting or Special Session.
  4. The Board will review and approve any financial policies or regulations as well as on a regular basis review and approve the external auditor.
  5. The Board will review and approve any changes to the organizational framework of ADPC at its Regular Meeting.
  6. The Board will review and approve any changes to the personnel policies of APDC at its Regular Meeting.
  7. The Board will appoint the Executive Director based on a shortlist developed by an appointed selection sub-committee made up of Board members.