
Preparing for Recovery: An Imperative for Building Back Better in the Pacific – online Consultation

Bangkok, Thailand – In preparation for the upcoming Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR), an online consultation was held on August 15, 2024. Focusing on "Preparing for Recovery: An Imperative for Building Back Better in the Pacific”,

Are Southeast Asian cities ready for the climate emergency? Exploring Challenges, Gaps, and Needs.

Bangkok, Thailand – The Regional Workshop on "Urban Resilience to Climate Extremes in Southeast Asia", held on the 27th and 28th of February, 2024, has emerged as a platform for addressing the critical challenges posed by climate extremes in the urban landscapes of Southeast Asia.

Maldives Delegation Commences Emergency Operations Centers Study Tour at ADPC Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok, ThailandBangkok, Thailand, 5 June 2024 - The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) welcomed a delegation from the Maldives National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), accompanied by representatives from the Maldivian Red Crescent, Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure, and the Maldives Meteorological Service.

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