CHINA: Training and Capacity Building
The History of Collaborative Program on Disaster Management with China
- Introduction of Chinese Alumni between 1986 - 2000
- Activities with China between 1986 - 2000
- Other Activities with China
Current Status of
Work with China
- Responsibility and Approach
- Recent Activities and Projects
- Previous Activities and Projects
The History of Collaborative Program on Disaster Management with China
1. Introduction of Chinese Alumni between 1986 - 2000
154 Chinese participants took part in ADPC various training courses from October 1986 to May 2000. Most of them were central government officials from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, State Seismological Administration, Ministry of Construction, State Meteorological Administration, State Oceanic Administration (now combined to Ministry of Land Resources), Ministry of Finance, China Red Cross Society, China National Committee for IDNDR, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (now named Ministry of Foreign Economical Relations and Trade), State Planning Commission (now named State Planning and Development Commission). Some of them were provincial (Special Municipalities) government officials from Jiangsu, Yunnan, Anhui, Sichuan, Liaoning, Shanghai, Beijing and relevant academic institutions and universities in China. Others were from the UN agencies in China, such as UNDP, UNHCR.
2. Activities with China between 1986 - 2000
ADPC was conducted 7 training courses for Chinese government officials. Among them there were 3 courses funded by UNDP, another course funded by IFRC Asia and three courses funded by Chinese government (State Meteorological Administration and Beijing Bureau of Civil Affairs). ADPC also took part in editing training manual on disaster management under UNDP China. The details are as follows:
- 23-29 March 1995, Chinese Disaster Management Workshop (CDMW), in Bangkok, Thailand, funded by UNDP China/CICETE
- 13-19 January 1996, Chinese Disaster Reduction Workshop, in Jinghong of Yunnan Province, China, funded by UNDP China/CICETE
- 6 -15 May 1996, Chinese Disaster Reduction Workshop, funded by UNDP China /CICETE, in Bangkok, Thailand
- November 4-12, 1996, Community Based Disaster Preparedness - East Asia Workshop, in Bangkok, Thailand, funded by IFRC Asia
- December 2-11, 1997, 5th ADPC Workshop on Disaster Management for China Meteorological Administration (CMA), in Bangkok, Thailand, funded by Chinese government (CMA)
- February and August, 1997, Editing Training Manual on Disaster Management, funded by UNDP China /CICETE
- 16-25 April and 14-23 May, 2000, two special training courses on Disaster Management for Beijing Bureau of Civil Affairs (BBCA), in Bangkok, Thailand, funded by Chinese government (BBCA)
3. Other
Activities with China
- After the heavy floods in Anhui province in 1991, ADPC was the team leader of a UNDP sponsored international multi-disciplinary team which, in April 1993, undertook a three-week evaluation of the flood experience.
- In the period October to December 1995, ADPC supplied a consultant as an adviser to the China National Committee for IDNDR in the development of the National Disaster Reduction Plan (NDRP).
- This NDRP consultancy was expanded in early 1996 to carry out a Training Needs Assessment for disaster reduction planning and management capacity building in provincial and county government staff in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. This resulted in the development and delivery of two pairs of similar six-day courses, one for provincial level staff and one for county level staff in each of the two Provinces.
- Attended the International Workshop on Natural Disaster Management which organized by Chinese government, UNDP China and OCHA between 10-12 June 1999 in Beijing.
Attended the 3rd Seminar on International Cooperation for NGOs which organized by China Association for NGO cooperation (CANGO), CICETE and UNDP China between 16-18 October 2000 in Beijing.
- Identified 10 Chinese experts to be
included in ADPC's international consultants database as per ADPC's long-term
collaborative strategy for China.