The iPrepare Business facility for engaging the private sector in Disaster Risk Management is a joint initiative by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) through the Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) Fund and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH within the framework of the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM). It focuses on building disaster-resilient businesses in the region through partnerships to strengthen the resilience of the private sector, particularly Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs); providing technical assistance in strengthening resilience on a demand-driven basis; supporting governments in strengthening the enabling environment that promotes risk sensitive and informed investments by private sector; and facilitating knowledge sharing at the regional and national levels.
Project Description
From 2015 the iPrepare Business facility has implemented
the project on ‘’Strengthening the Disaster Resilience of
Small and Medium Enterprises in Asia’’. The overall
objective of the project is to build disaster-resilient
capacities in SMEs in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand
and Viet Nam by undertaking the following activities: 1)
Identifying actions to strengthen resilience of SMEs; 2)
Providing technical assistance in strengthening resilience
to selected SMEs on a demand-driven basis; 3) Supporting
governments in strengthening the enabling environment that
promotes risk sensitive and informed investments by SMEs; 4)
Facilitating knowledge sharing; 5) Up-scaling, leveraging
and formalizing business resilience tools, platforms and
National Partners
Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (MoCSME)
Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB)
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP)
Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM)
The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI)
The Disaster Management Center (DMC)
Key Knowledge Products
The knowledge products under the project include:
1. Regional Synthesis Report: this summary provides an overview of activities conducted under the regional project in the four target countries. This includes key findings from the SME resilience surveys, a description of the enabling environment and opportunities relating to laws, policies and institutions, as well as providing information on the process of developing a Roadmap for SME Resilience in the respective countries.
Click here to download the Regional Synthesis Report
2. SME Resilience Survey Results:
Surveys were carried out in four countries from October 2015 to January 2016 in order to assess SME perceptions of risk, disaster experience, preparedness for likely hazard events including development of business continuity plan (BCP), and incentive and assistance needs. Over 400-500 responses were collected per country.
Click to download the Survey Results Report for each country:
Indonesia- Philippines - Thailand - Viet Nam
3. Enabling Environment and Opportunities for SME Resilience:
Based on research on the laws, policies and institutions relevant to SME disaster resilience, as well as on country consultations, the reports provide a strategic policy analysis of the enabling framework for disaster-resilient SMEs in respective countries, together with an analysis of the policy implications of the SME survey results.
Click to download the Enabling Environment and Opportunities Report for each country:
Indonesia - Philippines - Thailand - Viet Nam
4.Roadmap for SME Resilience: based on the country policy report as well as national partner and stakeholder meetings, the roadmap has been developed to serve as a guiding document that can inform key stakeholders of the way-forward for promoting SME disaster resilience in each country.
Click to download the Roadmap for SME Resilience for each country:
Indonesia- Philippines - Thailand - Viet Nam